Thursday, October 31, 2019
Summarise 2 Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Summarise 2 Theories - Essay Example Social Control Theory circulates around certain principles (Siegel, 2008). These principles are peoples relationships, values, commitments, norms, and values. These principles encourage people not to break the laws of the land. Major contributors and their contributions to the Social Control theory follow assertions by a couple of ideologists. Albert J. Reiss defined personal control as the ability of a person to cease from meeting needs in ways which clash with the rules and norms of the society. Social control, he stated, refers to the skill of social groups to create rules or norms that bring full success. The second main contributor was Jackson Toby. He quarreled that the casual adolescent is an entrant for group socialization. He recognized group socialization as a piece of social control that connects, motivates, and that leads to wrongdoing. He put out the idea of stakes in conformity to make clear the candidacy for studying such experiences (Siegel, 2008). This theory does not reflect on motivational issues. It argues that individuals may decide to engage in a variety of activities, unless the varieties are restricted to the processes of social learning and socialization. This is taken from the Hobbesian analysis of human nature that is stated in the Leviathan; that all options are controlled by implicit agreements, social contracts and understanding among citizens. Thus, ethics will be set in the building of social orders, consequences and assigning costs to assured choices and terming some of the choices as immoral, evil or unlawful (Siegel, 2008). Labeling theory closely relates to symbolic interaction and social construction analysis theory. Labeling theory maintains that disobedience is not inherent in wrong doers, but instead looks at the possibilities of majorities to negatively tag minorities or those seen as weak from normal cultural norms. The theory circulates around certain principles.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Supply Chain Management at World Co. Ltd. Essay Example for Free
Supply Chain Management at World Co. Ltd. Essay Industry Facts: Specialty Retailing Sector -Women’s apparel industry in Japan seasonal industry products have short life cycles and extremely uncertain demand International Competition 3 Distribution Alternatives- company-owned stand alone stores, shops in fashion malls, and shops within department stores â€Å"store-within-a-store†Company Facts Operates in women’s apparel industry Company uses both wholesale and retail distribution methods Wholesale items are sold in other stores (retailers) Specialty store Private-label apparel (SPA) merchandise which includes the OZOC and Untitled brands was sold at stores owned by World Uses SPARCS, a business process system that allows World to monitor sales trends and focus on customer demand to maximize the efficiency of store support operations By late 1990’s World sold over 40 different brands in approximately 7,000 shops and stores World’s divisions are organized by product (brand name) 1998- World Employed 2,394 workers Net sales $1.8 billion and net income of $32million Company held a 3.5% share of the Japanese apparel market Major U.S. competitors are Gap Inc., The Limited Rooted in Domestic Manufacturing Brand Facts Targeted at female customers 25-29 years of age Annual Sales 2.2 million Introduce new collections twice annually (Spring-Summer; Fall-Winter) Introduced New Products Every 2 Weeks At the end of 1998, Untitled Brand could be Found in 110 Stores Qualitative Analysis Industry Analysis: Threats: Lack of Channel Power Uncertain Demand Seasonality Inventory Risk Opportunities Fewer Variations In Store Assortments Fast Changing Fashion Trends (Social) Low Inventory Levels International Manufacturing Company Analysis Strengths World’s High Inventory Turns (5/year) (Operations) 47% Gross Margin Keen Competitive Intelligence- reviewed competitor’s brands every six months (Marketing) Decentralized Merchandising Operations- each brand was autonomous (Operations/Marketing) High Responsiveness (Operations) Versatile Line Workers Recruited talented individuals who were unafraid of change and could motivate others (Management) Weaknesses Weak Pay-for-Performance System (Management) Low Brand Awareness Left over inventory is markdown 50% Quantitative Analysis: Wholesale net sales=(total net ales- net spa sales) ¥1,643,130,000 World’s private label spa brands  ¥250,000,000 Net Sales Of World Corporation ¥1,893,130,000 Cost of Sales  ¥983,610,000 Gross Profit Margin at 47%  ¥909,520,000 World’s private label Spa brandsNet Sales:  ¥250,000,000 SPA’s Cost of Goods sold:  ¥130,500,00 Purchases @ 97% ¥126,585,000 Other ¥ 3,415,000 G. M. of Spa brands at 47.8% of Sales Gross Margin:  ¥119,500,000 Cost of Goods sold include merchandise inventory, purchases, (purchase discounts), total merchandise available for sale Average Inventory for World Co., Limited and SPA Brands World Co., Limited Average Inventory = Cost of Goods sold =  ¥983,610,000 =  ¥$96,722,000 Inventory Turns 5 times a years SPA Brands Average Inventory = Cost of Goods sold =  ¥130,500,000 =  ¥15,294,117.65 Inventory Turns 8.5 times a years Cost to Retail Ratio Problems How to overcome Bargaining power of suppliers- retailers charge high prices for retail space Poor implementation of push (or pull) strategy Inventory Markdowns is second greatest variable expense accounting 24.10% of total Sales staff does not enter shipments into the computer upon receipt How to overcome compromised information accuracy during semi-annual sales
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Risk Management Evaluation within a Hospital
Risk Management Evaluation within a Hospital By: David John Vidanes A WRITEN REPORT ON RISK MANAGEMENT Every organization that has been put up will go through different challenges, problems and conflict that could expose to different risks such as interruption in its operation or worst the risk of closing down of a business. This event could happen from the biggest or to the smallest and simplest organization in any industry, be it on Business, Agriculture, Information technology and/or Healthcare. Different risks are not only present in organizations but also to personal level. Risks are everywhere and because of this â€Å"Risk Management†come into picture. I’ve been part of Howard Hubbard Memorial Hospital back in the Philippines for two years. It is a 98 bed capacity industrial hospital and manages by DOLE Philippines. DOLE is a multinational company that mainly produces exports of different preserve fruits and also complies with different international standards organization like â€Å"ISO†or the International Organization in Standardization in its operation including its policies and procedures pertaining to risk Management. Risk management specific to safety in the workplace in my organization is done by group of people composed of high-level managers and mid-level managers (safety committee). They make necessary policies and procedures focused on eliminating if not reduction of identified risk. Risk management has proved its importance in the institution over the span of time that I work there. Risk management is the same as securing the future or it is a helping hand in attaining the goals and objectives set; there for when one organization utilize the risk management this will result in progress and development. For example, an employee who neglects or skips a certain safety protocols has a higher risk of facing an accident that could decrease on his or her productivity which also result in the loss of a company, while on the other hand, a worker who adheres to all safety procedure have a lower percentage of facing work related accidents therefor he/she is an efficient worker and that is always good for a company. Risk management stresses its importance by its benefits and contribution it brings to an organization. Obvious benefits of risk management in my previous organization are: Prevention of any possible undesirable event The decrease in the probability of an incident to happen Reduction of the most probable impact or effect of an incident that could happen Hence, this report will focus with different risk in my previous workplace specifically on safety. Prevention of harmful event is the common benefit since risk is defined as something that could happen in the future and leads to a loss of something of value, so managing risk is essentially prevention. One good example is the simple procedure done in the hospital I work is the Hand washing. Hand Washing before and after caring for a patient will â€Å"Prevent†Nosocomial Infection or the hospital acquired infection. It will safeguard the patients in the hospital and also the nurse who is caring for them. The managers cannot control everything inside the organization; same is true with the elements outside the organization that could affect a business such as the Community and Politics. Thus, risk management can decrease this probability of uncontrolled accidents or events by identification and assessment of different risk, their causes, and formulation of preventive measures and protocols basing on the identified causes this steps will aid greatly on minimizing the likelihood of an incident. Example, in the community that I am in, cases of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever is increasing over a short span of time; everyday each month there is prominent escalation of cases in the hospital. To decrease the incident of the disease, the hospital conducted Health teachings or Education to the community which contains the causes, mode of transmission, signs and symptoms and how to treat the disease. As a result, the community gains knowledge and awareness regarding the disease thus helped in the red uction of possible casualty. Components Affecting Risk Management A. Review activities and internal environment The hospital that I work back in the Philippines is the only facility in my town located at the foot of Mt. Matutum an active volcano that is monitored by DOLE Philippines and the local government. The hospital have all the basic services required for it to operate such as: Laboratories to take and test blood samples from patients Imaging and Radiology for conducting X-rays and Ultrasound imaging Pharmacy for all the medication needs of the patients Intensive care units, Neonatal intensive care units Operation Theater, Emergency Department Ambulance services Medical and Surgical wards Pediatric wards OB-GYNE wards Out-patient department Isolation Rooms for infectious patients Individual private rooms complete with a television and Refrigerator Canteen or cafeteria This given facilities and services comprise the 98 bed capacity industrial hospital. Staffs are all hardworking and friendly although sometimes conflicts in different departments is unavoidable but this minor conflicts are easily solved by the management. The facility is backed by DOLE Philippines in its finances; this includes the bills from electricity, water and telecommunication. Although the hospital is assisted by DOLE it still has a negative effect like, before we can purchase or request medical supplies for the day to day operation, it needs to be check and approved by a certain department in DOLE thus making thing complicated that sometimes result in the delayed in the resupplying of our stocks. The hospital mainly caters DOLE employee and their families since we are an industrial hospital of DOLE Philippines, aside from that we also take clients from the community. These clients keep the hospital staff busy from Monday to Sunday, day and night. The hospital staff encounters different people with different cases all throughout the day, especially in the emergency department where I am assigned. Most of the emergencies I handled are drunken patients who encountered vehicular accidents, a gunshot wound from an assassination attempt, heart attacks, patients with strokes, job related injuries from DOLE and all sorts of emergencies that one can imagine. B. Setting objective With all the activities and the environmental hazards inside the hospital, the objectives for a risk management is clearly focused on the safety of the staff and the clients inside the facility. The objective covers all the population inside the hospital whatever the purpose and transaction one at hand as long as this person is inside the hospital premises. C. Event identification Every day has different situations and different scenarios or situations; to keep tract with the happenings in the hospital, we have all sorts of different log books in almost all the areas. Aside from that, the facility has its own CCTV cameras and security personnel who patrols every now and then. â€Å"IR†or the incident report is the most common one; this is done by writing a report by the staff or staffs who are involved in an incident. Almost all of the activities in the hospital are recorded in the different log books by the staff to monitor; this will help the review of the causes and effects of an event or incident. One good example is when a staff was punctured accidentally by a needle used in a patient, the staff needs to write an Incident report containing the following: The nature of incident, place, time, date and on why did the staff think the incident happened. After which the staff needs to write in the log book specifically for all needle stick injuries. The most perceivable risk in the hospital that I work before are: Risk for needle stick injury, Risk for acquiring infectious diseases Risk for earthquake and fire since we are literally at the foot of volcano and a very warm environment Risk for physical injury for staff assigned at the emergency department. D. Risk Assessment The identified risk then will go through assessment prioritization and careful study as to its impact and on how often these incidents happen. The risk management firstly prioritizes on the risk of the staff to acquire highly contagious diseases because every day, staff nurses interacts and personally care for these infected clients. Its likelihood to happen is high without proper precaution and will not only affect the organization but also the community. In an instance, a staff nurse is caring for a patient with tuberculosis, after a few weeks the nurse shows signs and symptoms and has acquired tuberculosis. The staff then is now capable of spreading the disease to his/her workplace and the community. The mentioned situation has immense damaging outcome that it needs to be prioritize. Risk for needle stick injury is also common but controllable if safety procedures and protocols are followed. The same goes with the risk for injury in emergency department, the nurse can always ask f or assistance to a security in uncontrollable situations. The fire, earthquake and volcanic eruption on the other hand have a much greater impact than the rest but the likelihood of the event is less than the other identified risk. E. Risk response plan There are different strategies and plans formulated after careful assessment, study and prioritization. Different strategic plan were formulated in response to the risks. These are: To counteract the risk of obtaining an infectious disease, the use of personal protective equipment such a gloves, mask, gowns and goggles is strictly implemented. Hand washing every contact with a patient is also habitually done. For the risk of needle stick injury, the management posted several reminders and procedures in proper handling and disposal of sharp objects such as needles and surgical knives all over the hospital, specifically at the nurse station. On the emergency department, nurses assigned are reminded and thought to assess signs of possible aggravation of drunk and drug patients, security officers also take their rounds every now and then at the area. There is a yearly fire, earthquake and evacuation drills in the hospital which involves all the staff and patients. Aside from that all of the staff is thought on how to use a fire extinguisher and to do a first aid. Safety orientation to the new employees and reorientation yearly to the old staff is a continuous routine. All of these are strictly followed and implemented in the hospital I that I belong to before. F. Control activities The Safety committee had their regular meetings quarterly. In the meeting, they show reports of recent incidents that happen in the period. They check, verify and compare the data with the previous reports. They also held emergency or special meetings for emergency cases. Moreover the committee also sends personnel to different seminars and trainings to keep up to date in the different trends in occupational hazards and safety in general. G. Information and communication Information and communication is handled really well in my organization. Memos and new safety guidelines and being communicated well through series of orientation and meetings with different departments to make sure the information is being understood and clearly discussed with the staff. Different signage and posters are posted in different areas within the facility and can easily be seen by the clients, like the arrows pointing to the different emergency exits and posters of new information concerning the safety of the clients and staff on the hospital. H. Monitoring Safety committee monitors these protocols and procedures by doing daily or weekly checks or preventive maintenance on the different safety equipment such as the fire extinguishers, sprinkles smoke detectors and others. A personnel assigned makes sure that they are working properly and ready to use in emergencies. Evaluation is done through surveys and suggestions are always welcome to improve the situation or consequently to decrease the different risks. Howard Hubbard Memorial Hospital is a small facility compared to other institute in the county, but I think even though we are just a small organization, the management has a clear understanding of different risk at hand and on how to manage those risk, sure there is still room for improvement but I can see that the management is open for suggestions and is capable of changing the situation. Risk Management in this report as I have said is focused on operational aspect specifically to safety risks since there is a negligible financial risk due to the financial support by a successful company.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Slavery of the Millennium Essay -- Ethical Issues, Sex Traffickin
It is common ideology that slavery is a thing of the past. This is far from true; sex trafficking is prominent all across the world on a massive scale and is the new form of slavery. According to the U.S. Department of State estimates that 560,000 women are trafficked each year across international borders and forced into the sex industry. {{34 Holman,M. 2008; }} Other non-government programs such a UNICEF have these numbers in the millions. {{34 Holman,M. 2008; }} The real numbers of sex trafficking are unknown, but the problem is evident. The general public is unaware of the sex trafficking epidemic because the forced labor business is not only inhumane: it is well hidden. The business is kept underground due to the stigma associated with prostitution. Because of this most of workers of the business are from â€Å"forced recruitment†. {{25 Samarasinghe,Vidyamali 2007; }} Sex trafficking is not only an issue over seas, it is also a problem in the United States a culture tha t â€Å"glamorizes pimping and prostitution."{{31 Kotrla,K. 2010; }} This culture of tolerance, fueled by the glamorization of pimping, is embodied in multiple venues of daily life, including clothing, songs, television, video games, and other forms of entertainment. Traffickers easily control victim of their trade by using techniques such as â€Å"force, fraud, or coercion, including techniques such as confinement, beatings, rape, confiscation of documents, debt bondage, false owners of employment, and threats of harm to the victim or the victim's family.†{{30 Potocky,M. 2010; }}Once in the business, it is almost impossible for a victim to escape, and if they do they are not likely to come forward to authorities. There are four main ways out of sex trafficking enslavemen... ...ggling are often confused as activities, and the police and immigration officials are ill-equipped to recognize and respond to the problem as one involving victims as well as offenders.†(28) [add to this] If these simple changes are implemented to the standing sex trafficking legislation, mainly the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act implemented in 2000 failing in its attempt to prevent trafficking, protect victims, and prosecute traffickers. The TVPA will be up for reauthorization in November 2011. As this quickly approaching, it is imperative the public is educated on the human exploitation that is often ignored. Sex trafficking is a global problem that can only be taken down by the help of a government that recognizes the weakness in its current policy. The victims and the public deserve better than the U.S. government has done thus far.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Divorce Research Paper Essay
Pondering question to get reader thinking about topic II. What the problem is d. â€Å"Children do not fall behind their peers in these areas during the potentially disruptive period before their parents divorce, the study revealed. Instead, it’s after the split that kids seem to have the most trouble coping. Include this from Healthday reporter Alan mozes e. What the child feels, they feel its their fault and makes them more upset III. Statistics f. What classes children with divorced parents are struggling in g. Average grades for the kids h. What it does to teens IV. My personal experience i. How my grades were before and after j. What classes I was struggling in k. My personal feelings about it V. Conclusion l. Say how parents really need to think about how it will affect their child before going through with it. m. My views on the statistics and why it is valid info n. Opinion about parents being more involved in children’s schoolwork. Christian Startt Mrs. Pantusa English 1 A. P Prep April 26, 2013 Divorce and How It Affects Children Introduction Divorce can be the most inconvenient and hardest long-term problem of a child’s life, affecting all parts of his or her life all because of the parent’s failing marriage. 41% of first marriages end in divorce (Irvin, M), which is a substantial percentage of marriage that has not followed through with their vows and left their kid’s normality in the dust. Grades, emotions, and innocence all are changed in the process of the divorce, as well as a new set of challenge and problems these kids have to face in everyday life. Divorce isn’t just a split between a family, it’s more of a life changer. â€Å"As soon as me and my wife Terri divorced†, explains Chris Startt, â€Å"basic life changed heavily. Laundry, cooking dinner everyday, and constantly worrying about my son’s grades has really kept me busy and stressed†. I asked Chris how his son’s grades were after his divorce. â€Å"When me and my ex were still together, Christian’s grades were outstanding, strait A’s. But later (a year passes) his grades went from strait A’s to B’s and C’s later on in middle school†. According to Healthday reporter Alan Mozes, â€Å"Children do not fall behind their peers in these areas during the potentially disruptive period before their parents divorce, the study revealed. Instead, it’s after the split that kids seem to have the most trouble coping†. Research suggests that the odds of a divorce occurring in a household before the children become grown rest at about 50% (Ahilburg and DeVita, 1992), with divorce rates beginning to soar in 1963 (Jeynes, 1999). A 60-year literature review of 347 experimental studies confirmed that many studies have concluded that divorce has negative consequences for children’s academic achievement (Kunz, 1992). Most research shows that the child’s math scores were the ones that were mostly affected. â€Å"Kim found that while a divorce is in progress, first, second and third-graders experience a dip in math test scores  a decline that holds steady once the divorce is final†. (Mozes) But, at the same time reading scores didn’t really seem to be changing, as research from (Mozes) shows that â€Å"†¦however, Kim found that reading scores remain unaffected†. When my parents divorced, about 6 years ago, I was 9 years old in 3rd grade and that’s when my grades went from strait A’s, to A’s and B’s, and then a C here and there. Mathematics really begun to get more and more difficult to concentrate to and the tests were getting harder to understand. Reading, however, was my strength in elementary school, and it remained un-affected after my parents divorce. Researcher Hyun Sik Kim explains, â€Å"Reading is not that cumulative. But with math, you must understand previous things to develop. For example, if I do not understand that one plus one is two, then I cannot understand multiplication. Divorce really puts a child’s mind in motion. After the divorce the child may feel like it was his/her fault, causing stress and emotional problems. By this happening, the child will become more stressed by the moving between houses, therefor making it harder to concentrate on schoolwork and thus grades beginning to lower. My personal experiences also help support my argument. Divorce should be decided with caution; you have to think about how its going to affect your child and how its going to affect their future.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Acquisition Between Merck and Schering-Plough
On March 9, 2009, Merck & Co., Inc. and Schering-Plough Corporation announced that their Boards of Directors have unanimously approved a definitive merger agreement under which Merck and Schering-Plough will combine, under the name Merck in a stock and cash transaction. As the two companies' combined 2008 revenues were $47 billion. The deal officially closed on November 3, 2009. Background of the two parties Merck & Co. (NYSE: MRK) was initially formed in 1891 as a United States subsidiary of the German chemicals and pharmaceutical company Merck KGaA. During World War I, it was established as an independent company from confiscated assets. Since then, it has grown to become one of the top seven largest pharmaceutical and biotech companies worldwide. Schering-Plough (NYSE: SGP) is one of the medium-sized players in the pharmaceutical industry, with sales of $18.5 billion in 2008. Its two largest products are autoimmune medication Remicade, sold internationally, and Zetia & Vytorin, a joint venture taken with Merck that fights cholesterol. While growth of Remicade has been strong, Vytorin has taken a hit after studies questioned its efficacy compared to the older drug it is based on and in treating blockage of the heart valve. The process of the acquisition The Merck and Schering-Plough took the typical reverse merger arrangement during the acquisition process. The Merck- Schering-Plough merger agreement contemplates a two-step transaction involving Merck, Schering-Plough, and Schering’s two special purpose, subsidiary holding companies, Blue, Inc. and Purple, Inc. In step one of the mergers, Blue will merge into Schering-Plough and each share of Schering-Plough will be converted into the right to receive (i) 0.5767 shares of the surviving Schering-Plough and (ii) $10.50 in cash. In step two of the merger, Purple will merge into Merck and each share of Merck will be converted into 1 share of the surviving Schering-Plough. After the completion of these two steps, the surviving Merck will be a wholly owned subsidiary of the surviving Schering-Plough. Yet, the shareholders of pre-merger Merck will own approximately 68% of the surviving Schering-Plough and shareholders of pre-merger Schering-Plough will own around 32% of the surviving Schering-Plough. Although Merck will become a subsidiary of Schering-Plough Merck’s pre-merger shareholders will together possess a majority of the voting and economic rights (or beneficial ownership) of Merck’s new parent company, Schering-Plough. One peculiarity of the Merck-Schering reverse merger transaction structure is that between steps one and two Merck finds itself in a slightly precarious situation. After the completion of step one, Schering’s pre-merger shareholders will have received shares of the surviving Schering-Plough and a cash payout, but Merck’s pre-merger shareholders will not yet have seized control over the management of the surviving Schering-Plough. The merger agreement has come up with a way to protect Merck’s shareholders during this governance gap. Simultaneously with the completion of step one of the merger, Schering has agreed that its board will cause all of its directors (other than 3 specified exceptions) to resign and to elect the members of pre-merger Merck’s board of directors as the directors of the surviving Schering corporation. Even before pre-merger Merck’s shareholders acquire their supermajority share of the beneficial ownership of the surviving Schering corporation after step two, they indirectly will have already taken the helm of the surviving Schering corporation through the election of their own directors to the new parent company’s board. The motivation of the acquisition Merck faces many of the challenges that face all pharmaceutical companies, including issues surrounding patent expiration and FDA approval. Patent expiration may affect 30% of sales through 2008. In addition, there is growing pressure in the US and abroad to lower the price of medication. Schering-Plough has a particularly small pipeline, with very few drugs currently in development. In the near term, it does however have one of the safest profiles in the industry, with very few major patents coming up for expiration in the coming years. The newest merger will result in a strengthened product pipeline in areas such as cardiovascular and respiratory disease and oncology, and should eventually yield $3.5 billion annually in cost savings. Merck is also set to be hit by patent expiries of some of its top sellers in the next decade, while Schering-Plough is not.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Topography, an ABA Term to Help Describe Behavior
Topography, an ABA Term to Help Describe Behavior Topography is a term used in applied behavior analysis (ABA) to describe behavior- specifically what behavior looks like. Topography defines behavior in an operational way, free of the coloration of values or expectation. By describing the topography of behavior, you avoid many of the problematic terms that find their way into definitions of behaviors. Disrespect, for example, is more often a reflection of the teachers reaction than the students intent. By contrast, the phrase refusing to comply with a direction would be a topographical description of the same behavior. The Importance of Topography Clearly defining the topography of behavior is especially important for creating appropriate interventions for children whose disabilities are in part defined by behavior, such as emotional and behavioral disabilities and autism spectrum disorders. Teachers and administrators without extensive experience or training in dealing with behavioral disabilities often overreact and create more problems by focusing on the social constructs surrounding misbehavior without observing the actual behavior. When they do so, these educators are focusing on the function of a behavior rather than its topography. The function of a behavior describes why the behavior occurs, or the purpose of the behavior; whereas, the topography of the behavior describes its form. Describing the topography of the behavior is much more objective- you are simply stating objectively what happened. The function of the behavior tends to be much more subjective- you are trying to explain why a student exhibited a certain behavior. Topography Versus Function Topography and function represent two very different ways of describing a behavior. For example, if a child throws a tantrum, to explain the topography of the behavior, it would not be enough for a teacher to simply say the child threw a tantrum. A topographical definition might state: The child threw herself on the floor, and kicked and screamed in a high-pitched voice. The child did not make physical contact with other individuals, furniture, or other items in the environment. The functional description, by contrast, would be open to interpretation: Lisa became angry, swung her arms and tried to strike other children and the teacher while screaming in that high-pitched voice she often uses. Each description could be defined as a tantrum, but the former contains only what the observer saw, whereas the latter includes interpretation. It is not possible to know, for example, that a child intended to injure others through a topographical description, but paired with an antecedent, behavior, consequence (ABC) observation, you may be able to determine the function of the behavior. It is often helpful to have several professionals observe the same behaviors and then provide both functional and topographical descriptions. By observing the antecedent- what happens immediately before the behavior occurred- and determining the function of the behavior as well as describing its topography, you gain additional insights into the behavior that you are observing. By combining these two methods- decribing the topography of a behavior and determining its function- educators and behavior specialists can help chose a replacement behavior and create an intervention, known as a behavior intervention plan. Loaded Descriptions Versus Topography To truly understand how topography might describe a behavior, it can be helpful to look at loaded (emotionally tinged) descriptions of a given behavior versus topographical descriptions (objective observations). Behavioral Learning Solutions offers this method of comparing the two: Loaded Description Topography Sally got angry and started throwing items during circle time trying to hit others with the items. The student threw items or released items from her hand. Marcus is making progress and, when prompted, can say â€Å"buh†for bubbles. The student can make the vocal sound â€Å"buh†Karen, happy as always, waved goodbye to her teacher. The student waved or moved her hand from side to side. When asked by an assistant to put away the blocks, Joey got mad again and threw the blocks at the assistant trying to hit her. The student threw blocks on the floor. Guidelines for Topography of a Behavior When describing the topography of a behavior: Avoid value-laden descriptions, such as good, best, and bad.Describe as much of the behavior as you can in as objective a manner as possible.Ask another professional to observe the behavior and review the topographical description.Set aside time to observe the behavior more than once. The topography of a behavior may also be referred to as the operational definition of behavior.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
media sex essays
media sex essays Sex and Manipulation by the Media Most people know that sex appeal is used on us every day, but few realize that they are also being manipulated through certain words and writing techniques. The number one method of selling many consumer goods is the use of sex appeal in advertisement. Of all the methods used in advertising, sex appeal catches the attention best, because it is our second strongest drive, next to our drive for survival. It is used to sell countless items such as cars, make up, clothes, cologne and alcohol. It is used everywhere, on billboards, in magazines, and on television. It was not difficult to find several examples of when and how it is used to persuade us to buy that certain product. Laws have been made to protect consumers from the lies that advertisers would feed to us, but advertisers are always finding a way around them. No advertisements are useful if they fail to catch our attention. Sex appeal is very versatile; it can be used to sell nearly every product. Charles A. O'Neill states, "The desire to be sexually attractive to others is an ancient instinct, and few drives are more powerful"(163). One ad for Hanes†° pantyhose has only the picture of a woman wearing nothing at all, or so it seems at first glance. It seems strange that the advertisers would put a nearly nude woman in the ad when they are trying to attract the attention of females not men who would most likely notice it. Women and men will see the ad and once you found out that it advertising pantyhose, you'd continue flipping but not before you sa...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Career Development Within A Company
Career Development Within A Company In all organisations, irrespective of their structure, the employees have aspirations to advance and grow in their organisation, and also a desire to achieve a sense of fulfilment. Unless these aspirations and desires of employees are taken care of, the organisation cannot move to higher level of efficiency and productivity. The strength and vitality of any organisation much depends on the fact that whether its employees are convinced that they are taken care of, not only in financial and other tangible terms but also emotionally and mentally. A well thought-out system of career planning is one way of achieving this organisational objective. An organisation without proper career planning and career development initiatives is more likely to face the high attrition rate, affecting all its plans and programmes and causing a lot of harm. Without succession planning, manning of vacancies at higher levels becomes difficult. Therefore, effective HRP encompasses career planning, career deve lopment and succession planning. With the advent of rapid technological advancement, organisations are be-sighed with manpower redundancy and concurrently equally concerned with the problem of retention. On the other hand, organisations need to address career development need of employees that mostly revolves around individuals by taking care of proper career planning and career management system. With the given scenario, since success of manpower planning much depends upon career planning, there cannot be effective manpower planning, if there is ineffective career planning in the organisation. In other words, career planning is an integral part of the manpower planning that affects business strategy and corporate planning. The Concept and definition of Career planning Career is viewed as a bunch or collection of jobs or positions. Generally, it describes an applicable career path within the structure of the organization. Basically, it shows the principal personnel development paths within the organization. Career is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as a person’s â€Å"course or progress through life or a distinct portion of life†. Usually, it is referred to remunerative work and sometimes also formal education. The etymology of the term derived from the Latin word career, which means race. All the jobs, that are held together during one’s working life, constitute career. It is also viewed as the sequence of positions held by an individual during the course of his employment life. Edwin B. Flippo defined a career, as a sequence of separate but related work activities that provide continuity, order and meaning in a person’s life. A career may be viewed as amalgamation of the changes in values, attitudes and motivation an individual embrace, as he or she grows older. This constitute subjective element of the concept â€Å"career†. Greenhaus and Schein described several themes underlying different definition of career as : The property of an occupation or organisation: In this way the career describes the occupation itself or an employee’s tenure within an organisation. Advancement: It denotes the progression and increase in success an individual receives within an occupation or organisation. Status of a profession: In this sense, career is used to distinguish different profession. Such as engineering, medical profession is different from other occupation like plumbing carpentry etc. The former is said to have a career where the latter does not have.
Friday, October 18, 2019
NATO as peacekeeping force in KOSOVO Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
NATO as peacekeeping force in KOSOVO - Essay Example Whether one likes it or not the presence of NATO forces in Kosovo is the harsh reality. Before that â€Å"the United States and its European partners sought to defer making difficult decisions, preferring instead to muddle through in the hope that somehow and someway a solution would present itself that would at once end the violence, provide a firm political basis for settlement, and avoid confronting the international community with a need to the massive force.†Its implications for the alliance and its future are full of uncertainties. â€Å"On March 24, 1999, NATO initiated Operation Allied Force as a means to compel Slobodan Milosevic to cease ethnic cleansing in Kosovo and to pull Serbian forces out of the disputed province. Although initially expected to last a few days, the operation did not conclude until June 10, 1999--78 days later--when Milosevic agreed to NATO's terms. Operation Allied Force marked a watershed in the Alliance's history and a significant departure from NATO's exclusive Cold-War focus on the defense of its members' borders.†Kosovo campaign opened new horizons for the Alliance, not in its designated operational objectives. NATO’s direction is to protect the overall interests of the countries that are signatories to the NATO treaty, but their subsequent brief touched the areas and objectives not anticipated earlier. They took in their stride the responsibility of crisis response and crisis management in the entire continent of Europe. Even when the territorial integrity and sovereignty.
Advertising as Social Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Advertising as Social Communication - Essay Example Nowadays there are different communities are there in the society and some of the most important communities are the Homosexual communities or transsexual communities, lesbians etc. and most of the advertisers are targeting the erotic effects in their advertising for the lingering effects in the viewers mind. This particular paper would take an attempt to specify the effects of socials classes in the advertising models. There are many factors are involved in a technical advertising. Whether it is below the line advertising strategy or the above the line strategy, the feminism, envy, beautifications and gender specifications are very much important for an effective advertising. The feminism has a great impact over the advertising. Many people think feminism in advertising are basically the technique to attract opposite gender. Most of the advertisers have tried to use the feminism as one of the basic target for the society. The advertisers have tried to harness the ideological currency of the feminism in the advertisements (Goldman 108). There are many advertisements where female are used as the attractive options for the lingering effects. Advertising images towards the gender specifications have changed a lot. The bold advertisings are the main attraction in the advertising industry. One of the main criteria of a good advertisement is the lingering effect of the advertisements. And as the social s tructures have changed a lot so the advertising industry also has changed a lot. Nowadays advertisers don’t think more before putting an ad which is gender specific and erotic in nature. For a example the ad of ford fusion has a lingering effect on feminism where the groom is looking at another female instead of his bride in the marriage ceremony. This advertisement is having a lingering effect of fun and feminism in a greater extent. ( it is very ironical to hear but, sex has become a great tinkling effect in the advertising industry.
Cloning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Cloning - Essay Example According to Sir Johns, cloning humans will be the same as making an identical twin which is just like copying what nature has already produced (Collins). This can be used to relieve suffering among people who have lost their loved kids. Research has shown that about 60 % of the people asked to express their views towards cloning are in favour of it. However, cloning has been criticised as a result of various reasons. For instance, the Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy argues that cloning raises a wide range of moral and ethical issues. For instance, embryos are destroyed for stem cells and this is seen as a serious moral wrong. An embryo should be treated as a human being. Cloning is also labour intensive and it is very expensive to carryout and this is one of the main reasons why it is criticised by many people. It is feared that the rate of still births can increase if cloning is done on human beings since this reproductive process would be different from the natural way of foetus development in the womb. Critics of cloning also argue that identity and personality of cloned individuals will be compromised and this can affect their social growth and development. There is a general feeling that cloning undermines human dignity which is enshrined in different international conventions about human rights. In my own opinion, I think cloning should be banned since the off springs produced are not original in nature. For instance, research has shown that the off springs are not 100 % perfect so there are likely chances that they will be affected by different health complications. I also feel that cloning undermines the dignity of people in different societies. This contravenes the law of natural life where it can be argued that it is only God who can create human beings. Cloned species would not be original and this is the reason why I am also against the idea of cloning human beings
Thursday, October 17, 2019
How to utilize and enhance City Year social media Research Paper
How to utilize and enhance City Year social media - Research Paper Example The paper tends to briefly analyze the role and significance of social media in terms of creating considerable awareness through developing adequate planning for San Antonio City Year which can protect students from rising dropout crisis within the state. The discussion in this essay will also focus on demonstrating effective communication and customer service facilities which can enable San Antonio City Year to efficiently increase its number of members from both students at the risks of dropout and AmeriCorps members. RECOMMENDATIONS Demographic Analysis Of Social Media In San Antonio. According to the present day context, the association with social media has been witnessed to significantly increase amid the young adult population within the age group of 16-24 years. In relation to the observation of present usage of social media, it can be identified that a few of the major social networking sites including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube among others are widely used by the young a dults in San Antonio. Facebook. By providing exceptional experience of social media service to the millions of global users, Facebook has established itself as one of the leading and dominant organizations around the world. In accordance with the present day context, Facebook has been able to accumulate around 1.1 billion of Monthly Active Users (MAUs) across the different regions of the world (Facebook â€Å"Investor Relations†). Moreover, Facebook has also been identified to be one of the leading social media sites, which has established a follower base of young adults within the age group of 16-24 (Fuller 19-21). Twitter. Twitter can also be considered as an effective social media resource for San Antonio City Year in order to build a strong community. In accordance with the observation of the global social media environment, Twitter has been able to amass almost 500 millions of global users across the different geographical locations. This social networking site incorpora tes a large number of active female user accounts as compared to male and it is highly used for higher educational purposes. Twitter generally incorporates a large number of users within the age group of 25-54 years (PanARMENIAN Network, â€Å"Twitter Approaching 500 Million Users Milestone†). YouTube. YouTube can also be stated as an effective source of social media which is widely used to share videos to a number of users. The site has been able to obtain almost 1biilion of active users from diverse age groups. In relation to the age-demographic view of YouTube, it can apparently be observed that the site mostly incorporates the users within the age group of 25-54 years (Laura and Wankel 16-19). In relation to the aforesaid observations of the different social media sites, it has been determined that the integration of Facebook within the awareness activities will be a major and beneficial selection for San Antonio City Year to reduce the potential dropout rates within San Antonio. Moreover, the integration process can also provide adequate support to the San Antonio City Year to build an effective relationship with the students at higher risk of dropout along with facilitating to mitigate such risks. SOCIAL MEDIA ON SMARTPHONE The rapid technological development
RBI Application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
RBI Application - Essay Example to reports of the holistic development as well as social adjustment of children raised by homosexual parents and if there are consistent with normal developmental expectations. Then, such reports will be compared with that of children raised by heterosexual parents to see if the sexual orientation of parenting has something to do with the differences, if any. Data that shall be collected from the literature, supported by interviews and questionnaires distributed to children of lesbian, homosexual and heterosexual parents and their parents as well. Investigation shall comprise specific information on what homosexual parents go through in parenting such as legal impediments, if any; what society expects from homosexual parents; the advantages and disadvantages of homosexual parenting with regards to the children; and if there are psychological effects on children raised by homosexuals and lesbians. Data shall be reported and references cited accordingly. Careful analysis of the data shall be done by the researcher in an unbiased manner. A grid of information shall be designed and data plotted into it. If certain themes prevail, then they shall likewise be analyzed too. Describe which statistical or analytical methods you will use to reveal relationships, differences, or patterns. The IRB is obligated to factor the rigor of the research design into the overall assessment of the potential risk and benefits of this study. The data that shall be gathered are the respondents’ interview answers. Interviews will be audiotaped and transcribed. The answers shall be put in a grid according to the theme questions (ex. Challenges in parenting; feelings of children about their family, etc.) and to whatever other theme that will come out of the free-flowing interviews. These are the data that will be compared, contrasted and discussed in relation to pertinent information gathered from the review of literature. Once relevant material on homosexual and heterosexual
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Cloning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Cloning - Essay Example According to Sir Johns, cloning humans will be the same as making an identical twin which is just like copying what nature has already produced (Collins). This can be used to relieve suffering among people who have lost their loved kids. Research has shown that about 60 % of the people asked to express their views towards cloning are in favour of it. However, cloning has been criticised as a result of various reasons. For instance, the Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy argues that cloning raises a wide range of moral and ethical issues. For instance, embryos are destroyed for stem cells and this is seen as a serious moral wrong. An embryo should be treated as a human being. Cloning is also labour intensive and it is very expensive to carryout and this is one of the main reasons why it is criticised by many people. It is feared that the rate of still births can increase if cloning is done on human beings since this reproductive process would be different from the natural way of foetus development in the womb. Critics of cloning also argue that identity and personality of cloned individuals will be compromised and this can affect their social growth and development. There is a general feeling that cloning undermines human dignity which is enshrined in different international conventions about human rights. In my own opinion, I think cloning should be banned since the off springs produced are not original in nature. For instance, research has shown that the off springs are not 100 % perfect so there are likely chances that they will be affected by different health complications. I also feel that cloning undermines the dignity of people in different societies. This contravenes the law of natural life where it can be argued that it is only God who can create human beings. Cloned species would not be original and this is the reason why I am also against the idea of cloning human beings
RBI Application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
RBI Application - Essay Example to reports of the holistic development as well as social adjustment of children raised by homosexual parents and if there are consistent with normal developmental expectations. Then, such reports will be compared with that of children raised by heterosexual parents to see if the sexual orientation of parenting has something to do with the differences, if any. Data that shall be collected from the literature, supported by interviews and questionnaires distributed to children of lesbian, homosexual and heterosexual parents and their parents as well. Investigation shall comprise specific information on what homosexual parents go through in parenting such as legal impediments, if any; what society expects from homosexual parents; the advantages and disadvantages of homosexual parenting with regards to the children; and if there are psychological effects on children raised by homosexuals and lesbians. Data shall be reported and references cited accordingly. Careful analysis of the data shall be done by the researcher in an unbiased manner. A grid of information shall be designed and data plotted into it. If certain themes prevail, then they shall likewise be analyzed too. Describe which statistical or analytical methods you will use to reveal relationships, differences, or patterns. The IRB is obligated to factor the rigor of the research design into the overall assessment of the potential risk and benefits of this study. The data that shall be gathered are the respondents’ interview answers. Interviews will be audiotaped and transcribed. The answers shall be put in a grid according to the theme questions (ex. Challenges in parenting; feelings of children about their family, etc.) and to whatever other theme that will come out of the free-flowing interviews. These are the data that will be compared, contrasted and discussed in relation to pertinent information gathered from the review of literature. Once relevant material on homosexual and heterosexual
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Youngs Modulus of Nylon Essay Example for Free
Youngs Modulus of Nylon Essay Introduction This investigation aims to find the value of Youngs Modulus for a specific material, in this case nylon fishing line. Youngs Modulus (E) is a measure of a materials stiffness, determined by the formula: The standard unit of measure for Youngs Modulus is the pascal (Pa). 1 pascal is the same measure as 1 Nm-2 (Nm being Newton Metre). A material always retains the same Youngs Modulus value regardless of how much it is stretched or strained, and this should be revealed in this investigation by gathering a definite value of the modulus for nylon. Hypothesis Through research that I conducted before starting the investigation, I have determined that the correct Youngs Modulus value of Nylon lies in the range 1-7GPa (the large range being due to different make-ups of Nylon with it being a compound). I should therefore be looking at achieving a final result within or very close to this range. Since stress is proportionate to strain in the Youngs Modulus formula, and the modulus value remains the same, I would expect the value of stress and strain to proportionally increase with each other. Experiment Plan In order to carry out this investigation into the value of Youngs Modulus of nylon, I will conduct an experiment to gather the values of stress and strain when increasing force is added to the material, and will take readings as weight increases until the breaking point of the nylon is reached. In order to calculate stress and strain, I will need to record each of the following variables throughout the experiment: Force applied to the material [F] (Newtons/N) Area of a cross-section of the material [A] (Metres-squared/m2) Original length of the material [Lo] (Metres/m) Amount of extension when the force is applied [L] (Metres/m) These variables will then allow the values of stress and strain to be calculated using the following formulas: This leads to a final Youngs Modulus calculation formula of: The set-up I will be using to carry out this experiment consists of the nylon fishing line suspended from a stand using a clamp, and another clamp to ensure there is no movement in the stand itself. I will create a suitable loop at the bottom of the hanging material so that weights can be added but will need to ensure this loop does not weaken any area of the material and cause a drop in the breaking point value, as this would compromise the reliability of my experiment and result in premature breakage of the length of nylon. At each stage of the experiment I will take readings of length using a standard 1m ruler, and will measure the area of a cross section by gathering the diameter value using a micrometer, halving this value to gather radius and then use the formula Before any weights are added, I will need to take a control measurement of the length and area of the nylon before any stress or strain is applied. Once this is done I will proceed to apply weight in intervals of 100g (0.981 N) and record the values of each variable stated at bottom of the previous page after each 100g weight is added, with the exception of original length which is a constant value and only needs to be recorded at the beginning of the experiment. I will continue to add weights until the material reaches its elastic limit and snaps, at which point I will record the force applied to break the object. In order to achieve an adequate number of results from each experiment to make a fair analysis and conclusion to the investigation, I will need to take a minimum of eight readings (i.e the nylon should withstand at least 800g/7.849N). If this fails in the actual experiment then I will need to re-evaluate my plan and decide on a new method of conducting the experiment to me et this criteria. To increase reliability, accuracy and to eliminate possible anomalous results, I will aim to repeat the entire experiment three times to gather average readings. If all three of these experiments were to be perfect then the final Youngs Modulus value would be the same in each, so this will be a good test of how much my investigation has suffered from error when I examine the range in the three values. N.B In my actual practical experiments, I have decided to measure Engineering Stress, as opposed to True Stress. As Engineering Stress does not take into account cross-sectional area changes, this will prevent me from damaging the nylon with repeated micrometer readings, and hence my values for area will always remain the same. Technical List of Apparatus * Nylon Fishing Line * Manual Micrometer (accurate to 0.01mm with a range of 25mm) * Standard Wooden 1m Ruler (accurate to 1mm) * Clamp stand with clamp * Set of Weights with hanging hook (in 100g/0.981N intervals) * G-Clamp Variables In this investigation the variable I intend to be changed is the amount of extension of the piece of nylon, required to calculate the value for strain. Other unintentional variables will also be present in the experiment, notably the cross-sectional area of the nylon wire, which will decrease as more strain is applied and the material stretched. By calculating engineering stress, the effect of this variable can be negated. Safety Whilst the practical side of this investigation does not include any particularly dangerous apparatus or methods, there are still some safety considerations to be taken. Eye protection will have to be worn whilst the nylon has stress and strain applied to it, as the material will be taken to breaking point, which could result in the material whipping back very quickly at this point, posing an eye damage hazard. It is also worth noting that at this point a substantial amount of weight will be dropping so arms and feet should be kept back from below the experiment and all persons in the vicinity should be on their feet to allow them to move back quickly if required. Error Reduction The practical side of this investigation is prone to errors through a number of factors. In order to attempt to reduce the number of errors that will affect the results of the investigation during the implementation of the practical, the following steps will be taken, in addition to the experiment being repeated three times as already mentioned above: * Micrometer should be checked before each use to make sure it lies on the zero value when fully closed. * Double-check all readings to be taken from the micrometer and ruler, and double-check the calculations for area on calculator. * Nylon should not be interfered with once set-up on the clamp, in order to reduce added stress or weakening through factors not related to the intentional weights being added.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Welfare Needs Of The Elderly Social Work Essay
Welfare Needs Of The Elderly Social Work Essay As the population continues to age, it is becoming increasingly important to focus on policies and practices that support and enhance the wellbeing of the older population in later life. One sad reality for many seniors in later life and an increasing cause for concern is elder abuse. Elder abuse is one of the most disturbing and rapidly growing areas of crime throughout the global. It is extremely difficult to exactly quantify the extent of elder abuse because many such cases go undetected and under-reported. The World Health Organization reported that it is generally agreed that abuse of older people is either an act of commission or of omission or neglect, and it may either be intentional or unintentional (Krug et al., 2002). It results in unnecessary suffering, injury, the loss of violation of human rights, and a decreased quality of life for the older person. Like any other form of domestic violence, abuse of the elderly initially remained as a private matter hidden from public view. It was initially seen as a social welfare issue and latter on a problem of ageing, but now has developed into a significant public health and criminal justice concern. The value of loving family institution has been tarnished by greed, position-struggle and impatience. Despite elder abuse is not entirely a new issue; it is time to find out the prevention ways to be implemented and effective interventions to emerge. There are a few welfare needs that will be highlighted after so that the young generation have a strong sense of love and care towards the senior citizen. Elderly Nowadays, Malaysians are living longer; they are on an average of 74 years for men and 78 years for women. In others words, their life expectancy has increase. With the advances in medical care and better nutrition, older people are living longer, they are more visible, more active and more independent than ever before and they are in better health. Therefore there is a growing concern regarding the global phenomenon of aging. A decline in the birth as well as death rates has resulted in an increase in the elderly population. Given that the elderly population is on the rise, it is of paramount importance to examine the care of the older persons. 2005 (%) 2010 (%) Total Population 26.75 m 28.96 m 65 and above 1.15 m 4.3% 1.36 m 4.7 % This table shows that the total population and the aged of 65 years or above in Malaysia between the year of 2005 and 2010. In 2005, the total population of Malaysia was 26.75 million, and which 1.15 million or 4.3% was aged 65 years and above. Moreover, in 2010, Malaysia currently has a population of approximately 29 million, and aged 65 years and above has increased to 1.36 million or 4.7%. With the projected population growth of 2% annually, it expected that the total population in 2020 will rise to 34 million, of which 3.2 million or 9.5% will be the age of 65 years and above. In the year 2035, the country is expected to have a total population of about 46 million of which 6.9 million or 15% will be the aged 65 years and above. This is evident that Malaysias demographic ageing pattern is emerging. Based on the figure showed in this table, the real numbers of older person have increased lately, which also means that the number of elderly will continue to grow over the coming year. As the populations of older Malaysian grows, so there has a hidden problem of elder abuse. Further, the number of elderly with chronic illness is likely to increase. This can pose an increased burden on their caregivers such as family members, and it could lead to a higher risk of elderly abuse. Elder abuse Elder abuse is a single or repeated act or lack of appropriate action occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or distress to an older person (Action on Elder Abuse 1995). The wilful infliction of injury, unreasonable confinement, intimidation or cruel punishment with resulting physical harm or pain or mental anguish, or the wilful deprivation by a caretaker of goods or services which are necessary to avoid physical harm, mental anguish or mental illness (1985 Elder Abuse Prevention, Identification Treatment Act). According to the Swanson (1999), elder abuse refers to the mistreatment of older people by those in a position of trust, power or responsibility for their care. This is a global problem that is likely to intensify in view of the increasing number of older people and the changing socio-economic and environmental conditions worldwide (Randel et al. 1999). Further, Hazzard (1995) described elder abuse as cruel and inhumane tre atment of the elderly. Kapur (1997) defines it as a kind of harassment or an injustice done to the elderly by the family members themselves. In fact, there is too many definition of elder abuse but despite this, most would agree with this definition an action or inaction by someone in a position of trust; often a family member or unrelated caregiver. Normally, more than two-thirds of the abusers are their family members and are typically giving their basic needs or care support such as food, shelter, personal care or transportation. In others word, someone who commits elder abuse usually has control or influence over the older person. The older persons often know and trust the abusers. Some victims of elder abuse depend on the people who hurt them, sometimes for food, shelter, personal care, or transportation. Therefore, the abusers could be their family members, friend; someone the older people relies on for basic needs or staff in group residential settings such as care homes or i n long term health care facilities. The Prevalence of Elderly Abuse in Five Developed Countries Country Prevalence (%) USA 3.2 Canada 4.0 Finland 5.4 Netherlands 5.6 United Kingdom 5.0 The accepted prevalence rates of abuse of older people are drawn from five community surveys carried out in developed countries, which are USA, Canada, Finland, Netherlands and United Kingdom. The prevalence of the elderly abuse in USA with percentage is 3.2%, in Canada is 4.0%, in Finland is 5.4%, in Netherlands is 5.6% and United Kingdom is 5.0%. But in Malaysia, the information and data of elderly abuse is scarce. There are no reported cases of elder abuse to the Department of Social Welfare as well as no agency keeps proper records of the incidence of elder abuse in this country. Although this epidemic is virtually unheard of in Malaysia, we are challenged to be aware of the many faces of elder abuse in our own society and this issue is much more common than societies admit. Types of elder abuse Elder abuse referred to an inappropriate action that causes harms or distress to an elderly which the older person has expectation trust onto the person. Elder abuse can take in several forms. Elder abuse may take form in physical, psychological, financial, sexual abuse, neglect and abandonment that cause distress to a person who is past retirement age. Physical Abuse Physical elder abuse is non-accidental use of force against an elderly person that results in physical pain, injuries, or impairment (Ellen, Tina, Jeanne, 2008). This abuse includes not only physical assaults such as hitting or shoving but the inappropriate use of drugs, restraints, or confinement. The physical acts of violence commonly include slapping, hitting, and striking with objects. Indicators of potential physical abuse are broken bones, sprains, or dislocations, unexplained signs of injury such as bruises, welts, or scars, especially if they appear symmetrically on two side of the body, signs of being restrained, such as rope marks on wrists (Elder, 2009). Diagnosis may be difficult even at autopsy as findings may be subtle and invariably some chronic or debilitating disease would be present. The case of an elderly lady from a nursing home referred to the police for suspected physical abuse. Investigations showed that osteomalacia and spontaneous fractures could ha ve accounted for her injuries. However, recognition of physical abuse may not be straightforward, as injuries may be secondary to falls to which the frail elderly are more prone. Emotional abuse Emotional abuse is defined as the infliction of anguish, pain, or distress of elderly. Emotional abuse also referred as an act with the intention that causing emotional pain or injury which often accompanies physical abuse. This abuse may be happens in verbal or nonverbal acts. Verbal forms are included humiliation and ridicule, intimidation through yelling or threats and habitual blaming or scapegoating. Nonverbal emotional elder abuse can take the form of ignoring the elderly person, isolating an elder from friends or activities and terrorizing or menacing the elderly person (Ellen, Tina, Jeanne, 2008). Therefore, an elderly person who shows fear, passive, withdrawn, low self esteem, reluctance to talk openly, insomnia, fatigue and listlessness or behave mimics dementia, such as rocking, sucking, or mumbling to oneself may be abused in the form of emotional abuse. Financial Abuse Exploitation of the elderly is also considered as an abuse which includes acts of material or financial exploitation. Financial or material exploitation is defined as the illegal or improper use of an elders funds, property, or assets (Elder, 2009). Elder financial abuse is one of the most difficult types of elder abuse to recognize due to its lack of obvious symptoms. Some of these include misuse an elders personal checks, credit cards, or accounts, steal elders cash, income checks, or household goods. Most common example case is the announcements of a prize that the elderly person has won but they need to pay money to claim (Ellen, Tina, Jeanne, 2008). Besides that, theft of pension checks, threats to enforce the signing or changing of wills or other legal documents, and coercion involving any financial matters also consider as the example of the financial abuse. Indicators of potential financial abuse may include unusual bank account activity, sudden changes in the elder s financial condition, or worsening medical conditions due to lack of follow up or unfilled drug prescriptions. Exploitation may also occur in the form of fraud schemes; someone may persuade the elderly person to withdraw their life savings in a get rich quick scheme, or contractors convincing the elderly that the house needs repairs which in reality might be unnecessary. Financial abuse is one of the most difficult types of elder abuse to diagnose as the victim may not be aware of its occurrence or may not know how to seek help. Abandonment and Neglect Abandonment is defined as the desertion of an elderly person by an individual who had physical custody or otherwise had assumed responsibility for providing care for an elder. It also referred to the action of withdrawing a person or a thing entirely; putting aside all care for him or it. Neglect of the elderly is also a form of abuse and is often referred to the refusal or failure to fulfil any part of a persons obligations or duties to an elder. This may be intentional or unintentional neglect. Active neglect is the intentional withholding of basic necessities or care, while passive neglect is not providing basic necessities and care because of a lack of experience, information or ability. Another area to consider is self-neglect where older adults, by choice or ignorance, live in ways that disregard health or safety needs, sometimes to the extent that the disregard also poses a hazard to others. For example, the caregiver may be unable to perform care giving duties such as bathing or changing an incontinent elderly person. Therefore, an elderly person with unusual poor hygiene, loss in weight, poor nutrition, skin breakdown, unsuitable clothing, unsafe and unclean living conditions such as no heat or running water, faulty electrical wiring, other fire hazards and smelling of urine may be neglected either intentionally or unintentionally. Sexual Abuse Sexual abuse is defined as non-consensual and unwilling sexual contact of any kind. This includes all unwanted sexual activity, such as verbal or suggestive behaviour, fondling, sexual intercourse or a lack of personal privacy. Besides that, activities such as showing an elderly person pornographic material, forcing the person to watch sex acts, or forcing the elder to undress are also considered sexual elder abuse. Indicators of potential physical abuse are unexplained venereal disease or genital infections, bruises around breasts or genitals, unexplained vaginal or anal bleeding and torn, stained, or bloody underclothing (Ellen, Tina, Jeanne, 2008). Sexual abuse usually implies a physical sexual relationship with an elderly person without that persons informed consent, though this is not restricted to sexual intercourse but includes other forms of intimate sexual contact. It is often difficult to establish whether sexual abuse has occurred, unless the individual has cognitive impai rment. Signs and symptoms of elder abuse Signs and symptoms of elder abuse should be taken seriously. It is vital that we are alert to the possible indicators of abuse. In assessing any situation, it is important to realize that an indicator may be present for reasons other than abuse or neglect. However, if a combination of the following indicators is present there is a need to further explore why those indicators are present. Increase awareness of abuse signs and symptoms as well as monitor the progress in suspected cases of abuse. Home care community nurses can play a critical role in detecting suspected cases of elder abuse. However, in Malaysia, we do not as yet have a health care system in place for such purposes, although these types of services are only now slowly emerging. Hence the only opportunity for detecting abuse is when the older adult visits a primary care setting or an emergency department. Characteristics of the Abused Elder Most victims of elder abuse are mentally competent and able to make decisions for them. Most of them able to taking care of their own health needs and do not need constant care. Although some victims of elder abuse are generally dependent on their abuser in some way, their dependency is not necessarily because they are mentally incapable or physically frail (Al Loney, 2006). However, if the older people who having mental or physical disability, they may be more vulnerable to be abused. Those at risk are most likely to be female, widowed, frail, cognitively impaired, and chronically ill. The older adults who poor in physical health, highly dependence on the abuser, functional or cognitive impairment and a living arrangement shared with the abuser are consider as risk factors for elder abuse. Normally, older women are more vulnerable to abuse than older men and are burdened with a lifetime of experiences and beliefs that may increase their susceptibility. In most instances, violence an d abuse against older women can be sexual, physical or psychological and also can include material or financial abuse and neglect. It can occur in the home, in institutions or as a result of harmful cultural practices that specifically target older women (Breatheinspirit, 2006). There are various studies have looked at factors associated with elder abuse. In the NEAIS report, females and those aged 80 and above were more likely to suffer abuse, family members were the most likely perpetrators and victims of self-neglect were usually depressed, confused or extremely frail. Other studies have similarly reported vulnerable elderly as those with physical and mental weaknesses, advanced age, women, those with previous abusive relationships in the family, financial strain and caregiver stress and burnt out. Characteristics of the Abuser The abuser is most likely the person with whom the elderly person stays with. More often, the abuser is a close relative; 80% being spouses and children of the victims, or a close relative. In some cases, elder abuse may be caused to abusers over use of drug or alcohol, history of anti-social behaviour, or mental illness problems. Abuse is more likely to happen when the abuser is going through a period of high stress. It may be the stress of looking after the older person due to old age is a time of weak health, low income, meaningless role, or the death of loved ones (Al Loney, 2006). These problems may be creating great unhappiness for older people and then damage the relationships with their family. In extreme cases, this may lead to abuse. Elder abuse often happens because of the abusers power and fully control over an older person. Family members who depend on the elder for financial, housing, or other necessities have a higher risk of become an abuser. A caregivers inexperience, a history of family violence, economic dependence on the elder or a blaming personality and unrealistic expectations often contribute to elderly abuse. The abuser may be lack involved in community activities, social services, and even contact with other family members. Besides that, they may lack of family support, facing marital conflict, overcrowding and the high burden of care placed on the caregiver. In most of elder abuse cases, the abuser may not allow people to visit or talk to the older person alone. On the other hands, staff in long-term care homes, such as homes for the aged and charitable institutions, might involved in abuse the older people in physically or mentally. Abusers are more likely to be staff members who are not able to do their jobs properly (Al Loney, 2006). This may due to poor of training, low salary, over-work without pay, or under-staffing. Besides that, it also could be the staffs have personal problems that influence their services to older people which under their care. But, there is no excuse for abuse. The personal circumstances or problems of the caregiver cant be an excuse of elder abuse. These problems may be factors in the abuse, but they do not try to recognize it. It is unmoral because the older people are fully trusted and relies on the caregiver, but the caregiver misuse the trust of the older people to do something that threaten to the older people. Common Reasons Elder Abuse Is Not Reported The actual and prevalence of elder abuse is unknown and difficult to measure. Elderly abuse exists in our society but it is seldom reported, and perhaps even less so in an Asian society where filial piety and respect for the elderly is traditionally highly regarded. This problem often remains undetected because of poor public awareness and lack of knowledge among health care personnel. This is because it can cause some adverse effects on the health and quality of life of the elderly. Due to their mental capacity, they are unaware of the help available to them. Therefore, elder abuse is seldom reported. In most situations, elderly are unlikely to report that they are abused as they are fear of embarrassment and fear of losing care support. They are mostly completely under the control of the abuser and depend on the abusers for food, shelter, clothing and health care. Furthermore, they also fear of harm by the abuser. Some of them are lack of awareness; they are only suspect but uncert ain that is abuse, therefore, the cases of elder abuse is hardly to report and also seldom reported. Risk Factors for elder abuse Abuse of older adults is such a complex issue with no single explanation. However, there are many factors seem to contribute to these critical issues and each case has its own unique mix of factors. One of the most obvious factors is the family dynamics. The habits, values, emotional and coping skills are learned early in life and largely through family interaction. In other words, if unhealthy or violent behaviours go unchecked, abuse may continue when roles are reversed. Therefore, if a child who was previously abused becomes a primary caregiver, there is a probability that the cycle of abuse will continue and be inflicted on a dependent parent. Besides that, inability to cope with stress especially for those non professional caregiver such as spouses, adult children, other relatives and friends find taking care of an elder would caused many responsibilities. This may be extremely stressful to cope with the demands of elder care giving. As a result, the stress of elder care can lead to mental and physical heaths problems that caused caregivers impatient, burned out, and sometimes are unable to keep from lashing out against elders in their care. Next, problem of elderly abuse may also happen in the nursing home when the staffs who worked are those lacks of experience and training. This is because even caregivers in institutional settings can experience stress at levels that can lead to elder abuse. The nursing home staff may be prone to elder abuse if they lack training, have too many responsibilities and are unsuited to care giving, or they are work under poor conditions. Social isolation can also conceal and perpetuate abuse or neglect. An older person may become isolated due to physical or mental illness, or through the loss of friends and family members. Therefore, isolation does not just conceal abuse and neglect; it perpetuates the problem. The result of this isolation can make it easier for an abuser to exploit, neglect or abuse an older person. There is a significantly higher risk for elder abuse if without a caring support network. In addition, if a caregiver imposes isolation to avoid uncovering the abuse, this is also a form of abuse. In addition, sometimes caregivers who are unable to cope with the long term care giving may react to the stress of too many responsibilities in appropriate ways. These unusual releases way are such as abusing, neglecting the older adults in their care. Also, most of the caregivers perception is that taking care of the elder is burdensome and without psychological reward. Thus, many of them choose to neglect the older adults. The societys acceptance towards violence can also be a form of factors in contributing the elderly abuse. For example the Canadians see violence in the news, movie and television shows. This wide exposure often leads to a general acceptance or tolerance of violence as an acceptable way of venting frustration or anger. Thus, this tolerance creates an environment which can contribute to abuse and neglect of older adults. The welfare needs of elderly Welfare needs are necessary for elderly in order to stop the growing elder abuse issue. The government, law and legislation, mass media, school education, health care providers, family and also elderly have the responsibility to give support the rights of old persons. The government The National Service Program or Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN) was established since started in 2004 as a response to the Malaysian Governments desire to inculcate the spirit of patriotism in the hearts and minds of Malaysian youths. Besides to develop the spirit of patriotism, it instils a spirit of caring and volunteerism among members of society as well as to develop positive characteristics among younger generation through good values. The three-month program is aimed at shaping young people into disciplined, independent and resilient citizens capable of advancing the nation. From this programme, the young generations could learn how to respect the elderly. Welfare pension should be introduced in Malaysia. If elderly do not have the ability to claim maintenance from their financially-able children, they have the pension as a security. It is seen as a way to eradicate poverty. The senior citizens are still able to take care of themselves in spite of they are abandoned by their merciless children. Abuse prevention programme could be introduced by Malaysian government as well. Its purpose is to provide and arrange for services to protect adults who are unable to protect themselves from abuse and provide older adults with information about their rights. For example, Abuse Prevention Programme (APP) in Australia which supports older adults who are being abused, or who are at risk of being abused, by someone with whom they are in a relationship of trust, such as family and friends. APP advocates work in consultation with the older adult, either directly, or with someone else the older person has chosen (their representative). APP can assist them to identify and understand the issues related to abuse of their rights as well as discuss information about options which they can implement to assert their rights. Besides, it suggests action they can take to stop abuse of their rights and give them with appropriate advocacy support that enables them to have their rights met. In addition, the government can launch adult day care programme, which it enables the caregivers to get time off during the day. Adult day care is a planned program of activities designed to promote well-being though social and health related services. Adult day care centres operate during daytime hours, Monday through Friday, in a safe, supportive, cheerful environment. It not just provides older persons an opportunity to get out of the house and receive both mental and social stimulation but also gives caregivers a much-needed break in which to attend to personal needs, or simply rest and relax. Law and legislation Malaysia law and legislation also play a vital role in overcoming the elderly abuse problem. Malaysia law can establish a legislative Elder Protective Act which is warranted to protect our vulnerable elderly from untold suffering. They have the right to live with dignity and security. For example in all 50 US states have specific adult protection legislation within which issues related to elder abuse and/or neglect are addressed. This legislation is influenced by child welfare models, and is characterised by legal powers of investigation, intervention and mandatory reporting. In the absence of federal mandates, states have been developing their own responses to adult abuse, neglect and exploitation. Legislative Elder Protective Act should be implemented by the government to safeguard the rights of our vulnerable elderly. Suggestion has been made for the government of Malaysia to adopt a law which allowing the elderly parents to claim maintenance from their financially-able children. This can be learned from the country of Singapore where the Maintenance of Parents Act enables parents above 60 years old who cannot support themselves to seek legal action forcing their children to provide maintenance for them. The government of Malaysia should also tighten the law and can used country of India as an example. In India, children could be imprisoned or fined or be subjected to both if they abandon their elderly parents. The Tamil Nadu government is set to notify rules for the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007, to help tribunals in each district decide on the order of maintenance for elderly citizens, who complain about being neglected by their children. Therefore, the government is committed to develop such services and formulate policies against elder abuse in Malaysia. Malaysia, being one of a few countries that uphold Syariah Law has Islamic Law that governs the welfare of family matters including the ageing parents, following the case in which a couple sued their daughter for not providing sufficient maintenance as what they have agreed. Elder abuse is a national problem with far reaching consequences for individuals, families, communities, and institutions. The state courts must play a critical role in addressing the needs of victims of elder abuse. The courts ability to assist older persons essentially determines whether individuals live their remaining years with respect and dignity, or are further alienated from the justice system with personal safety. Mass Media Mass media also plays a quite significant role in minimizing the problem of elderly abuse in Malaysia. The media was often blamed as one of the sources of the negative images of older adults in society. It was seen as important to work with the media to change these negative images, to raise awareness and to educate the population about elder abuse. They are able to inspire the public to be aware of this social issue by utilizing mass media such as televisions, radio networks, internet, newspaper, magazines, etc. Nevertheless the problem often remains undetected because of poor public awareness and lack of knowledge among healthcare personnel. Therefore, the print as well as electronic media are to play active roles to increase the societys awareness of the elderly. Media coverage of elder abuse cases can make the public knowledgeable about-and outraged against-abusive treatment in those settings. Due to most abuse occurs in the home by family members or caregivers, there needs to be a concerted effort to educate the public about the special needs and problems of the elderly and about the risk factors for abuse. Within mass media cultures, social issues such as elder abuse, have key reference points which can attract concentrated coverage of the topic and carry influential associations in public perceptions. For example, in USA, the Indochina Sino-American Community Centre formed a coalition called Chinese Americans Restoring Elders, they used mass media to encourage the public to contact the Community Centre for matters related to elder abuse; provided some individual counselling sessions; and conducted a press conference and distributed brochures and flyers in Chinatown to commemorate World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. The television networks always played the advertisements that have the influence on the public over the caring of the elderly. Like the PESTRONAS during religious or cultural holidays (namely Aidilfitri, Chinese New Year, Deepavali) are often accompanied by touching advertisement that convey the message to show love and care to our parents. School Education Education is the cornerstone of preventing elder abuse. This education needs to start very early, in primary school. The students need to be educated to perceive to older adults more favourably as positive contributors to society. The elderly do not necessary mean burden to the family or society. With their wealth of knowledge and experience, they can still contribute to economic development and wealth creation. They have contributed to the development of the nation in their earlier years and they can still continue to be productive in their golden years. The students should consider senior citizens are an important and integral part of our society. Students need to understand the interpersonal dynamic of care-giving. For example, they need to be award of the value placed on the dependency and inter-dependency in care-giving; role reversals in care-giving; and how unresolved emotions between the elderly and the care-giver influence the care-giving process. The school curriculum is to include education on the family to enable the younger generation to understand and appreciate the elderly. They need to be encouraged to form closer relationships with older adults. The general population also needs to be aware that elder abuse happens and is a problem. Students need to understand the subtle difference between abuse, neglect and abandonment theoretically as well as operationally. The moral education teachers not just teach theoretically but also operationally. What is more, the schools should organise a numbers of the activities like visiting old
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Planning Patient Care Essay -- Nursing Essays
Introduction: According to The Department of Health (2009) care planning is essentially about addressing an individual’s full range of needs. It takes into account their personal, social, economic, educational, cultural and mental health needs. After initially discussing this assignment with John (patient) and the Clinical Nurse Manager both parties agreed that the author could proceed. All information will be kept confidential and no names will appear on this assignment that could be traced back to the client or hospital. As a student nurse this will comply with the guidelines set out by An Bord Altranais (2009). All nurses should be able to account for the care they give, why they give the care and also an evaluation of the care they have given. Barett et al (2009) maintain that this is a core part of care planning.The Department of Health and Children (2001) has shown its commitment to organising care plans and the importance of them as was evident in the 'Primary Care A new Direction' health strategy.This identified the importance of discharge planning and and the development of individualised care plans following discharge. This assignment will cover a full assessment of a person whose care the author has managed in the clinical setting. Based on this assessment the author will compile a care plan focusing on two key nursing diagnoses derived from the nursing assessment. The author will list all nursing diagnosis related to this patient and give a rationale for each. John Reynolds is a 56 year old gentleman admitted to the ward through the emergency department. He fell off a ladder at home whilst cleaning his chimney. He fell approximately 8-10 feet onto concrete. He had sudden pain to his left leg and this remained the... ...tein, G. and Stubhaug, A. (2008). Assessment of pain. British Journal of Anaesthesia. 101 (1), pp 17-24. Gulanick, M. and Myres, J. L. (2007) Nursing Care Plans. Nursing diagnosis and interventions (6th Edition). London: Mosby Elsvier. Pudner, R. (2000) Nursing the Surgical Patient. Edinburgh: Bailiere Tindall. Schatzker, J. and Tile, M. (2005) The Rationale of Operative Fracture Care (3rd Edition).New York: Springer. Manley, K. and Bellman, L. (2000) Surgical Nursing. Advance practice. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. Ackley, B. J. and Ladwig, G. B. (2010) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook. An evidence based guide to planning care (9th Edition). Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier. An Bord Altranais (2007) Guidance to Nurses and Midwives on Medication Management. ( (accessed 15th October, 2011) (Internet).
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Democracy and Transportation in America :: Politics Political Research Papers
Democracy and Transportation in America In 1952, Charles E. Wilson resigned as President of GM to become Secretary of Defense. At the confirmation he was asked if he could make a decision in the interest of the nation if it were adverse to GM. "Yes sir, I could," Wilson said. "I cannot conceive of one, because for years I thought what was good for our country was good for General Motors and vice versa. The difference does not exist."1 Yet his GM is accused of undermining the American transportation infrastructure and destroying a viable, superior streetcar network in order to sell more cars. Regardless of the validity of this conspiracy theory, the fact remains that America destroyed vast mass transit networks to make way for private and public automotive transportation. The question of whether the transfer from iron to asphalt was advisable also asks what makes a good transportation network. Both transportation systems are valid, but unique features of American cities and culture made automobiles the better choice. Conspi racies of the powerful in the USA pale compared to the tyranny of the majority. Regardless of economic or social considerations, public demand made the key decisions in building the American transportation network. A transportation network must be judged for its cost-effectiveness. The American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHO) in 1952 made its tenet, "that a profit should be returned on an investment applies as well to highway projects as to general business ventures."2 Cost-effectiveness includes safety, ease of use, and flexibility in the eyes of both the local government and individual users. Unfortunately, "little or no supporting evidence"3 exists and few studies compared the systems. Since no monetary value can be placed on human life, comparisons of safety are even fewer and less thorough. A simple account of accident records, however, is a good judge of safety. Studies of system costs, ont the other hand, are purely monetary and more frequent. From the operator's standpoint, costs break down to overhead and construction, maintenance of cars and lines, operation costs, and profits. From the users' standpoint the only cost is the fare. Some considerations are particular to the town. Users must determine, first of all, whether it is even possible to go from one point to another. This is especially important for those who are not able to walk long distances. Riders must also decide whether the restrictions of a certain mode - say, timetables for trains, or driving laws - are acceptable.
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