Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Leaders of the Civil Rights Movement
In Martin Luther King‘s speech he speaks with such passion and determination, you can tell in his voice that he means everything he says and his hope reaches out to people and the way he emphases his words captures the audience’s attention. He believed that every person should be equal despite their skin color. In Malcolm X's speech he talks more about himself and he thought it would be best for everyone to keep their religion to themselves. He believed that the black people were trapped by the white people. He thought of white people as the enemy and he mostly spoke negatively about them. He made jokes throughout his speech and to me he didn’t sound at serious as Martin Luther. For example Martin said â€Å"Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. It is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all. It is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his understanding; it seeks to annihilate rather than to convert. Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. As opposed to Malcolm X, who stated in his speech â€Å"There is nothing in our book, the Koran, which teaches us to suffer peacefully. Our religion teaches us to be intelligent. Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. That's a good religion. †Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wanted a more peaceful approach. He hoped that with sit -ins and peace marches to appeal to the ideals of dignity and justice in the white people of the time. To show them the wrong they were doing so that they would want to correct it in themselves out of their own personal honor. Malcolm X on the other hand believed that white people would never give up their power, at least early on in his career as a civil rights leader. He believed they would only give it up if forced to do so, and that meant through militant means. He eventually give this idea up in favor of more peaceful means after finding white Muslims who treated him and other black men as brothers; and black men who treated white people as brothers as well. And with this he began to realize that they could live in peace, and so he switched to a more peaceful style in his protests in the end. Personally, I believe that Martin Luther’s approach to gaining equality among people worked best. When taking a forceful approach, such as Malcolm X’s you take a risk that your enemy will not fear you but that they could possibly fight back and over power you. This could possibly be said for a peaceful approach as well but it’s less likely.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
“Pride and Prejudiceâ€Â: Lady Catherine and Elizabeth Bennet Essay
In Jane Austen’s novel, Pride and Prejudice, Lady Catherine and Elizabeth Bennet are absolute opposites. Jane Austen portrays Elizabeth Bennet as an intelligent, independent, yet strong character, in a soft and feminine manner. The cruel and dominating personality traits are left for characters such as Lady Catherine. In Jane Austen’s novel, Pride and Prejudice, Lady Catherine and Elizabeth Bennet are absolute opposites. Elizabeth is a realistic and masterful character, which makes all her qualities of strength and independence intensify and create an ideal stability between her emotions and what is reality. Her passion and overwhelming capability to stand her ground is just an introduction into her ability to be able to oversee the weak, the naà ¯ve and the dominating. Elizabeth proves her daring abilities in her meeting with Lady Catherine, which leads to a battle between respect and independence. Elizabeth tested Lady Catherine’s desires for personal information by holding back her true story, and Elizabeth suspected that she was â€Å"the first creature who had ever dared to trifle with such dignified impertinence†(124-125). Elizabeth is a character who has enough courage to acknowledge her faults and her inaccuracy. After reading Darcy’s letter, she distinguished the fact that she had judged him incorrectly. She scolded herself for her inaccurate opinions and for being blinded by her thoughts. She wasted no time in facing up to the unpleasant truth about herself â€Å"How despicably I acted. Till this moment I never truly knew myself†(156). Her character is greatly respected and creditable for admiration. She is a character that is undeniably strong and intellectual, and at the same time fascinating. Lady Catherine is introduced into the novel as an exceedingly wealthy character. She has a desire to let others know of their inferior rank. Lady Catherine takes pleasure in involving herself in other people’s affairs. Without any hesitation, she recommends her advice whenever she feels necessary. She believes it is part of her right to inform people of how they should conduct their lives. She voices her opinion periodically throughout the novel, and makes her opinions clear, You know I always speak my mind, and I cannot bear the idea of two young women traveling post by themselves†¦ I have the greatest dislike in the world of that sort of thing†¦ I am glad it occurred to me to mention it†¦(pg.158-159). One of Lady Catherine’s most evident characteristics is her necessity and enjoyment of receiving flattering compliments. She loves to hear compliments from others because it allows her to keep her authority intact. Lady Catherine isn’t full of independence and strength because she thrives off other people’s inferior status. â€Å"Lady Catherine will not think the worse of you for being poorly dressed. She likes to have the distinction of rank preserved†(Mr. Collins, p.120). Lady Catherine is an uncomplicated character that feels disgusted by others who try to contradict her. Throughout the novel it is evident that the characteristics of Elizabeth Bennet and Lady Catherine, are at many times, repealed against each other. Most noticeable to the novel is that Lady Catherine seems to completely lack the capacity for reflection and self-awareness, while Elizabeth masters these traits and is able to use them to strengthen her personal traits. The two personalities of Lady Catherine and Elizabeth are so offset that it creates a feel of constant hostility between the two characters. Jane Austen’s novel, Pride and Prejudice, represents the qualities of independence and lack of self-awareness between the two characters, Lady Catherine and Elizabeth Bennet, who differ completely.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Adolescence Is the Unhappiest Time in Most People’s
Adolescence is the unhappiest time in most people’s lives. Adolescence is the period of time in someone’s life between being a child and an adult. For some people it is enjoyable, for others it can be the opposite. There are several arguments in favor of adolescence. To begin with, teenagers have more free time than adults. In this time they can do after school activities, join clubs and do sports. In edition, teenagers get support from their parents. For example, parents pay for everything – their child’s studies, food, clothes and so on.That means teenagers don’t need to work. Last but not least, adolescence is the time when people can have many friends and they can go to lots of parties, when adults may work all day and have less free time. Furthermore, it gives teenagers different experience and it is a step to becoming an adult. As there are good points in favor of adolescence, there is also bad. Firstly, it is believed that most of teenagers hate school. For instance, it is boring or too hard. It’s a good reason for disliking adolescence.Secondly, teenagers can’t drive a car. A car is a good advantage of being an adult. It is quite helpful for people who need to go places farther away or for people whose house is too far from school. Thirdly, earning money for underage people is very hard or even impossible. Teenagers’ parents give them money, but not always it is enough, so there is a need to earn extra money. To sum up it is a time with both – advantages and disadvantages. Personally, I believe that adolescence is a happy time. It’s only the matter of fact how people spend it.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Career Opportunities for Future Professional Marketing Experts Essay - 163
Career Opportunities for Future Professional Marketing Experts - Essay Example It is important to identify the target market to identify the needs of the customer and meet the needs effectively. Hence, the knowledge learned in marketing will provide an important insight into my position at the oil company that will enable my career in the oil company to progress. In my position, I will involve various marketing strategies such as the provision of quality products to customers. The oil company provides a range of products such as oil and gas. Therefore as a marketer, the credibility of the products offered should be effective to the consumers of the product. In Saudi Arabia, there are different oil companies and therefore in order to gain market advantage in that region, the oil company should provide a wide range of quality products to its consumers. Hence, the market strategies that I will employ in my position within the Saudi Arabian oil company will be important in attaining the goals and objectives of the oil company. At the same time, these strategies will be essential in my career progression and application of the knowledge learned in marketing will provide important insight in my position at the oil company that will enable my career in the oil company to progress.Â
Analyse the industry structure of the 'civil aerospace market' in the Essay
Analyse the industry structure of the 'civil aerospace market' in the aircraft construction industry - Essay Example In the particular case, Pestel analysis is considered to be the most appropriate scheme for the examination and the evaluation of external environment of civil aerospace market not in relation with a particular country but in the context of the international community. Civil aerospace industry is critical for the performance of aircraft construction industry. Under these terms possible failures in the former may lead to severe political consequences for the country where the latter is related. It is for this reason that governments around the world pay significant attention to the particular industry taking all measures (at the highest possible level) that ensure the profitable and effective operation of the firms that belong in the specific industry. Possible financial support of the relevant firms by the state is also a common phenomenon. Currently, financial markets around the world are characterized by severe turbulences. In this context, exchange rates and interests tend to change almost daily. As a result, the design and the application of a long term strategy for the firms operating in the civil aerospace industry is a challenging task. In this context, appropriate measures should be taken by governments around the world towards the stabilization of rates at least for a specific period. Moreover, alterations in the value of currencies within all countries should be avoided at the highest possible level trying to keep the balance among economies in the global marketplace. Only in this way civil aerospace industry could be effectively developed in the long term. A major characteristic of modern era is the trend for creation of common social and cultural patterns. However, this ‘globalization’ in cultural and social traditions cannot be considered as having only positive aspects. In fact, firms operating in the civil airspace industry should take into consideration that culture still remains the major factor that influences
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Explain how solar energy can be used to produce electricity Essay
Explain how solar energy can be used to produce electricity - Essay Example The amount of energy emitted in one second is more than the world has used since time began. All energy comes from within the sun. Like other stars present in the cosmos, the sun is also a star made up mostly of hydrogen and helium gas. The cultivation of energy inside the sun is done through a process called nuclear fusion. However, only a small amount of energy reaches the earth but that is huge enough to supply all our energy needs. The energy radiated by the sun reaches the earth in just eight minutes at a speed of 186,000 miles per second, which is the speed of light. Photovoltaic Electricity as the name suggests is a combination of two words: photo meaning light and volt, a unit for the measurement of electricity. In short, it is often called PV cells or solar cells. The most common devices, which use PV cells include solar-powered toys, calculators, and roadside telephone call boxes – all use solar cells to convert sunlight into electricity. Scientific investigation of photovoltaic effect started in 1839 and the effect was first observed in a solid material (Selenium) in 1877. Solar cells are made up of silicon, the second most common substance on earth. Solar cells can be applied to produce energy to anything that is powered by batteries or electrical power in general. Electricity is generated when sunlight hits on the solar cell plates, which cause the electrons to get activated. However, the generation of electricity takes place mutely and at once. A PV or solar cell consists of two or more layers of semi conducting material, silicon, which is used most commonly in PV cells. When the silicon layer is exposed to the sunlight, a photo-voltage or potential difference between the layers is generated. This voltage is capable of driving a current through an external circuit, as direct current (DC). Since the electrical output from a single
Friday, July 26, 2019
Evaluating an International HRM Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 1
Evaluating an International HRM Strategy - Essay Example Furthermore, the training program should also be designed keeping in view the diverse needs of the new employees. The employees coming from UK to china should be provided training about the Chinese values, culture and language. Furthermore, the Chinese workers should also be encouraged to learn English in order to increase cooperation among the workers. The reward system should also be designed in an effective way in the joint venture keeping in view the individual differences of the employees. Moreover, the performance appraisal system should also be developed in order to evaluate and improve the performance of the employees. The retail sector has witnessed a tremendous growth and over the years and the number of retailers has increased significantly all around the world. There are not only large retailers operating in the major countries but there has also been a growth of many local retailers which are posing great competition for the large multinationals. Due to globalization, the retail industry has witnessed many changes as most of the retailers have outsourced some or most of their services to the third world countries. Similarly, the retailers have also tried to provide ease to its customers with the use of the advanced technologies. The customers can now place their orders online and get the desired products at their doorstep. Due to the economic downturn of 2008, the behaviour of most of the retailers changed and instead of focusing on quality they preferred those retailers which offered lower prices. This was particularly evident in the UK. In this report, the Human resource management strategi es for the joint venture of Tesco and Suning Commerce group will be discussed. Tesco is the leading retailer of UK and third largest retailer of the world (Tesco, 2012). On the contrary, Suning commerce group is the largest retailer of China and also has strong presence in Japan and Hong Kong.There will be
Thursday, July 25, 2019
The technique of narrating in Samuel Johnson's Life of Savage and Essay
The technique of narrating in Samuel Johnson's Life of Savage and James Boswell's Life of Johnson - Essay Example What is common to Johnson's Life of Savage and Boswell's Life of Johnson is the strong autobiographical component. During one of their meetings, Johnson told Boswell that nobody could write the life of a man, without having lived with him. True to his words, Boswell wrote a biography on Johnson called "Life of Johnson" after having spent many years with him. In the book, we find that in more than one way, there are incidents that point to Boswell. "Life of Johnson" in some respects is a reflection of Boswell's autobiography. The reference to Johnson as a great barrister, "The world became a great court in which Johnson, its supreme barrister, scores fantastic victories - the dream of the unsuccessful lawyer Boswell"1 relates to Boswell's inner feelings Boswell had wanted to be a barrister but never got to be one. Boswell used Johnson to identify himself. Johnson lied imprisoned, wrote a critic signifying Boswell's manipulation of the character Johnson to project his inner self. On the contrary, Johnson's "Life of Richard Savage" characterizes the violent, dark life that he led. Analogical to RL Stevenson's "Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", Holmes tells us how Johnson's romantic account of Savage's early life, reflected his strong desire to experience such love and comfort that was not to be. Johnson tries to identify himself with the protagonist.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Analyze life in America or Europe during the Roaring 20s as depicted Essay
Analyze life in America or Europe during the Roaring 20s as depicted in the works of F. Scott Fitzgerald or Ernest Hemingway - Essay Example The improvement in the field of women’s rights and increased social freedom produced a new type of a modern looking short-haired, sexually liberated woman. Americans had more leisure time and literature, as well as art, became a national pursuit for them. Among the dazzling heroes of the Roaring Twenties was F. Scott Fitzgerald who had the talent of describing the high life he himself was a part of and simultaneously detached from as an observer. Though he was not recognized as a gifted writer during his lifetime, his somber side was recognized by very few readers. It was not until after Fitzgerald’s death that the readers recognized his worth. He used to write amateur lyrical comedies while attending Princeton University which he left without attaining a degree. The true depiction of the pleasure seeking generation of the Roaring Twenties was seen in his first novel â€Å"This Side of Paradise†followed by a similar novel â€Å"The Beautiful and Damned†. Some of his collections of short stories such as the â€Å"Flappers and Philosophers†and â€Å"Tales of the Jazz Age†also increased his reputation. Fitzgerald’s masterpiece â€Å"The Great Gatsby†did not receive as much fame as the ones written before but this story was uniquely moralistic revolving around a wealthy bootlegger Jay Gatsby. It seemed Fitzgerald could see the moral bleakness that the American society confronted in the 1920s. The characters that Fitzgerald chose in his works were very close to the flaws of real life which he was depicting in nearly all his novels. The Roaring Twenties brought with it a chaotic lifestyle of the Americans with heavy alcoholism common in most of the households. Fitzgerald himself was a part of this fast moving generation and it has been widely known that his personal life marred his career as a literary writer. His work was not much appreciated during his lifetime but critics agree that after his death most of his works got
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Respect in work place Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Respect in work place - Essay Example Several employers are no longer kind to employees, they misbehave with their employees and some even resort to physical violence against them. This is a very serious issue which needs to be sorted out sooner rather than later. Respecting the employees will always motivate them and this would lead to their overall satisfaction and they will work with dedication. It is the right of an employee to be treated with dignity and respect; this is the most basic thing which every employee completely deserves. â€Å"What is respect in the workplace? Respect is kindness given to employees, co-workers, and/or bosses. Respect is also treating people the same, with dignity, and the same way you would want to be treated. Respect makes employees feel valued for what they do. Without respect, workers will feel as though they are as though they are not valued and unimportant. This can affect their self-esteem, self-worth, and cause lower production rates.†It is very important to respect everyone, overall job satisfaction can only be achieved when the employees feel wanted and they will feel wanted only when they are respected and treated really well. It hardly takes much to respect an individual; it comes effortlessly to some people while some others have to work really hard on it. At the end of the day everyone should be happy only then can an organization become successful. How to give Respect (2011). Respect in the Workplace. N.p Web.
Overcoming Obstacles as a Teacher in the Modern Day Essay Example for Free
Overcoming Obstacles as a Teacher in the Modern Day Essay The teaching profession has always been a highly esteemed and revered occupation due to the fact that educators impart knowledge into the minds of every single individual throughout the population, whether the student decides to be a doctor, engineer, mechanic, politician or artist in adulthood, the foundation of their learning has came from a highly dedicated and resourceful educator. However, when examining this occupation in greater detail it can be observed that there are countless obstacles that effective teachers face every day. It is common knowledge that children have a short attention span and their teacher has the role of planning lessons, which engage the learner and guarantee that the lesson is one that interacts with the student and encourages them to be involved. They also must be aware of different methods to implement that will see the child remembering the material and retaining the information that the teacher is presenting for the future lessons. When teaching in the classroom, educators must be prepared when confronted with children showing ill desired and disruptive behaviours. It is the method in which the teacher reacts to these behaviours that will pave the way for the remainder of the year, if the teacher reacts in the correct manner and demonstrates to the child the expectations within the classroom then it can be anticipated that the student will understand what is and isn’t acceptable, a certain challenge. Attention is where learning begins and therefore attracting and upholding student attention is paramount (Curtindale, Laurie-Rose, Bennett Murphy, 2007). Attention capacity and duration is limited for every individual, this needs to be acknowledged in the classroom and strategies need to be formed to prevent students from neglecting important information in class. Learners find it particularly difficult and their attention easily shifts from one stimulus to another, caused by not only distractions from other students but also from outside the classroom. When students find it difficult to concentrate this can negatively impact not only their own learning but also the learning of others. Therefore, teachers must control and provide an environment that engages and holds students attention whilst teaching imperative material. Eggen (2010) states that effective teachers plan their lessons so students attend to what is being taught and ignore irrelevant stimuli. They must ensure that their lesson will be one that learners can actively be involved in and interact with, not just submissively require students to listen to what is needing to be taught, but experience it. Teachers may employ a variety of strategies to do this, from demonstrations to discrepant events and thought provoking questions. Another fundamental approach that creates an environment of achieving ones attention is calling on students by name. This guarantees that learners are aware that the teacher will not only call on the class as a whole but may call on them individually, by name, resulting in a need to be attentive. Chapin, O’Connor and Anderson (2009) make an interesting point however that as teachers we need to be mindful when calling on students to participate and remind them of their right to pass or ask for more time before answering in the classroom. The obligation to participate in a classroom does not equate to an obligation to give answers on demand†(Chapin et al. , 2009). When teachers practice these strategies for holding their learners attention and ensure that they are apart of the teaching not just observing it, the likelihood of the student’s memory retaining the material is also greatly increased. Another obstacle faced by teachers in the classroom is that of their learners retaining the material taught throughout the term, from one lesson to another. If any student in the class is having difficulty remembering the previous lesson, they have a high risk of falling behind in their learning and development, which can then lead to troubling behaviour. There are certain aspects of memory retention that must be understood and practiced in the classroom for students to achieve learning targets and overcome this impediment. These techniques are employed to take knowledge from a child’s working memory and encode it to be stored within their long term memory, ensuring that they are then able to recall this understanding and build upon it in future lessons. Schema activation is one such encoding strategy that involves activating prior knowledge so that new knowledge can be connected to it (Eggen 2010). One of the most effective ways of activating a student’s prior knowledge is through conducting reviews of the previous lesson before embarking on the new learning material. This ensures that the students form conceptual connections between what they have already learnt in the past and the material that they are about to be taught. Another effective method of encoding is material organisation, where related items of content are athered into categories that assist in illustrating the relationships between them. This can take the form of charts, models, outlines and hierarchies, which are all examples of organization systems. With the connections easily observable and the information well organized, the student is then able to retrieve this knowledge more easily, as stated by Ormrod (2006, pg190), Long-term memory retrieval is the process of â€Å"remembering previously stored information and â€Å"finding†it in memory†. If strategies are put in place by the educator in the classroom, the students will experience a greater retention of material and a greater ease at â€Å"finding†stored information from past lessons, also making certain that they are less likely to be disruptive and display adverse behavior, an obstacle that all teachers desire to prevent if possible. Classrooms are busy and often hectic places in which groups of students vary in interests and abilities must be organized and directed, in ways that maximize education and minimize disruptions. It is imperative that the teacher responsible for each class is equipped with knowledge and strategies that can be implemented when faced with undesirable behaviour from students. First and foremost, a teacher must show withitness within the classroom, they must notice the behavior of all students and respond quickly to unexpected events. The students will be much less likely to attempt negative behaviour knowing that the teacher is aware of every action and movement that occurs and the knowledge that there is a consequence, either positive or negative for every action. When faced with ill desired behaviour from a student, the teacher must first establish whether the student is going to take responsibility for their actions and if not, implement behavioral interventions – either reinforcement or punishment to ensure that the student understands that there are consequences for adverse behaviour. One approach that would create a rational response to the student’s behaviour would be to implement a negative reinforcement – for example, by taking away 5 minutes of the students free art time on Friday afternoon, whilst the rest of the class, has their full 30 minutes. Alternatively the teacher may use their judgment and decide to implement an effective form of punishment for the student instead. This may be a simple timeout for the misbehaving child or a more severe detention during their lunch break or after class. Regardless of the tactic that the teacher decides to use with this misbehaving student, once the student understands that there are consequences for poor behaviour, the probability of this behaviour continuing is scarce. Children that act in this manner and misbehave in class often look to their role model for discipline and in many situations their teacher may be their only adult role model in their life and therefore it is imperative that these situations are handled appropriately. In conclusion, it can be observed that there are many challenges that a teacher must overcome in their normal day-to-day occupation, with a majority of them that go unseen to the general public. Initially they must obtain the student’s attention and curiosity and then maintain it throughout the class, whilst having lessons planned around engaging the students and allowing them to experience what is being taught. They then must ensure that the pupil is being taught in a way that will ensure their long term memory to guarantee that they will remember the material and therefore build upon it in future lessons. Teachers must also be equipped with strategies and techniques to overcome ill desired behaviour from students in a way that creates an understanding of the expectations and classroom rules. Fortunately there are many teachers and educators that have gone before and paved the way for the future graduates, they have been willing to share their ideas, examples and methodology in regards to what they have found that has been successful and what has not. Techniques such as calling students by name to gain their attention, organizing new learning material in such a way that makes it easier for the students to retrieve it from their memory and implementing reinforcements in place of harsh punishment for students that are testing the boundaries within the classroom. This knowledge and experience from other mentors in the industry guarantees that the classroom of the future is not only a brighter place to be but also a well informed one.
Monday, July 22, 2019
The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy Essay Example for Free
The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy Essay The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) have a Code of Ethics called the ‘Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy’. The framework was first published in 2002 and was reviewed in 2013. Within the Code of Ethics it states what the ethical principles and personal moral qualities are (in this piece of work I shall be explaining 4 of them). The ethical principles that I found in the BACPs Ethical Framework were (as follows): Being trustworthy Autonomy Beneficence Non-maleficence Justice Self-respect The personal moral qualities that I found in the BACPs Ethical Framework were (as follows): Empathy Integrity Respect Competence Sincerity Resilience Humility Fairness Courage The ethical principles and personal moral qualities that I shall be explaining are: Autonomy Beneficence Humility Non-maleficence Autonomy is â€Å"respect for the client’s right to be self-governing†(that is what the framework says). This means allowing the clients to make their decisions independently if they wish to. This principle highlights the importance of reinforcing a client’s ability to be independent in all aspects of their live. Beneficence is â€Å"acting within the best interests of the client based upon the assessments†(that is what the framework says). This means working closely on an individual’s level of competence and ensuring that there are services that the individual can access with the suitable training/experience. Humility is â€Å"the ability to assess accurately and acknowledge one’s own strengths and weaknesses†(that is what the framework says). This means working to the best of a counsellor’s ability and knowing their own strengths and weaknesses and knowing that if they cannot manage something then they must seek advice from supervision. Non-maleficence is â€Å"avoiding sexual, financial, emotional or any other form of client exploitation; avoiding incompetence or malpractice; not providing services when unfit to do so due to illness, personal circumstances or intoxication†(that is what the framework says). This means that the counsellor has the responsibility to prevent the client from any harm that may happen whilst the client is in their care due to them being vulnerable. Reference: This is the website/document that I used to access the information to help me write this piece of work on 09/09/2014 at 14:19
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Java and Bluetooth Technologies
Java and Bluetooth Technologies CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Background Wireless technologies are becoming more and more popular around the world. Consumers appreciate the wireless lifestyle, relieving them of the well known â€Å"cable chaos†that tends to grow under their desk. Nowadays, the world would virtually stop if wireless communications suddenly became unavailable. Both our way of life and the global economy are highly dependent on the flow of information through wireless mediums like television and radio. Cell phones have become highly available during the last decade. Now virtually everyone owns a cell phone, making people available almost wherever they are. Many companies are highly dependent on their employees having cell phones, some companies have even decided not to employ stationary phone systems but instead use cell phones exclusively throughout the organization. New wireless technologies are introduced at an increasing rate. During the last few years the IEEE 802.11 technologies have started to spread rapidly, enabling consumer s to set up their own wireless networks. This constitutes an important change in how wireless communications are made available to consumers. Wireless networks are no longer provided by big corporations alone, they can just as well be implemented by individuals. Our society is becoming more and more dependent on wireless communications as new areas of use are introduced. The Bluetooth wireless technology is also spreading rapidly. The number of Bluetooth chipsets shipped per year has doubled from 2002 to a total of 69 million chipsets in 2003. The majority of these Bluetooth chipsets are used in mobile phones. An interesting aspect is that consumers are highly dependent on having a cell phone, and the Bluetooth technology is included in the majority of new cell phones. The Bluetooth technology will therefore spread because of the general need for cell phones. As an increasing number of useful Bluetooth applications become available, many consumers will already have Bluetooth devices and be ready to start using Bluetooth PANs (Personal Area Networks) where all their Bluetooth devices communicate with one another. The number of Java enabled mobile phones worldwide is over 250 million and the number of Java enabled mobile phones will continue to increase. Java enabled mobile phones have already been on the market for some years. Due to the very resource constrained mobile phones available a few years ago, Java applications were not very sophisticated and did not hit the mass-market the way many had hoped. As seen in the rest of the software and hardware industry, games play an important role in driving the development of both hardware and software forward. It is therefore interesting to see that a large market has emerged lately for Java games targeting mobile devices. Processing power, available memory, screen size, and screen resolution are increasing as new Java enabled mobile devices enter the market. Newly released Java applications are accordingly sophisticated, and will help to spread the Java technology usage even further. The Java APIs for Bluetooth Wireless Technology (JABWT) ties the Java technology and the Bluetooth technology together. JABWT is made available in some of the latest smart phones and will probably be available also in low-end cell phones in the future. One can easily imagine different scenarios where JABWT would be useful, e.g. the functionality of existing Java games is extended to support multi-player games using Bluetooth connectivity. Other interesting scenarios emerge as well, such as a consumer using a Java Bluetooth enabled mobile phone to pay for a soda by connecting to a Bluetooth enabled soda vending-machine. A good prediction is that JABWT will first find its use in multi-player Java games, making the Java and Bluetooth technologies well-known to consumers. Thereafter we will probably see other types of Java Bluetooth applications, such as small-amount payment applications. This thesis gives a broad overview of Java and Bluetooth technologies, and a mobile peer-to-peer application that allows users to share their files such as text, images music within a small Bluetooth network in a synchronized way. 1.2 Aim of the Project This project is designed to develop a personalized mobile file sharing system that allow users to share their resources without the aid of any central server. 1.3 Motivation of the Project With the availability of peer-to-peer mobile services operating on content sets, the need for a personalized file sharing Application rises. This project overcomes the requirements specified above by designing a personalized file sharing system that not only allows people to share files to the strangers in a mobile peer-to-peer mobile network, but also identifies the secure mobile devices in an â€Å"ad-hoc mobile social network†which allows people to share and personalize the file sharing experience with the strangers in the network. 1.4 Expected outcome of the project The Outcome of this project is to design a system that provides methods to share their files within the users in an adhoc network by identifying the secure mobile devices. The user not only shares there files with known entities but also has provisions to share the image, text and music files with unknown entities. 1.5. Introduction to Bluetooth Bluetooth is a wireless communication protocol. Bluetooth is an always-on, short-range radio hookup that resides on a microchip. We can use Bluetooth to communicate to other Bluetooth-enabled devices. It was initially developed by Swedish mobile phone maker Ericsson in 1994 as a way to let laptop computers make calls over a mobile phone. Since then, several thousand companies have signed on to make Bluetooth the low-power short-range wireless standard for a wide range of devices. Industry observers expect Bluetooth to be installed in billions of devices by 2005. The concept behind Bluetooth is to provide a universal short-range wireless capability. Using the 2.4 GHz band, available globally for unlicensed low-power uses, two Bluetooth devices within 10 m of each other can share up to 720 Kbps of capacity. Bluetooth is intended to support an open-ended list of applications, including data (such as schedules and telephone numbers), audio, graphics, and even video. For example, audio devices can include headsets, cordless and standard phones, home stereos, and digital MP3 players. Following are some examples of the capabilities that Bluetooth can provide consumers: Make calls from a wireless headset connected remotely to a cell phone; Eliminate cables linking computers to printers, keyboards, and the mouse; Hook up MP3 players wirelessly to other machines to download music; Set up home networks so that a couch potato can remotely monitor air conditioning, the oven, and childrens Internet surfing; Call home from a remote location to turn appliances on and off, set the alarm, and monitor activity. 1.5.1 Applications of Bluetooth Bluetooth is designed to operate in an environment of many users. Up to eight devices can communicate in a small network called a piconet. Ten of these piconets can coexist in the same coverage range of the Bluetooth radio. To provide security, each link is encoded and protected against eavesdropping and interference. Bluetooth provides support for three general application areas using short-range wireless connectivity: Data and voice access points Bluetooth facilitates real-time voice and data transmissions by providing effortless wireless connection of portable and stationary communications devices; Cable replacement Bluetooth eliminates the need for numerous, often proprietary cable attachments for connection of practically any kind of communications device. Connections are instant and are maintained even when devices are not within line of sight. The range of each radio is approximately 10 m, but can be extended to 100 m with an optional amplifier; Ad hoc networking A device equipped with a Bluetooth radio can establish instant connection to another Bluetooth radio as soon as it comes into range. 1.5.2 Protocol Architecture Bluetooth is defined as a layered protocol architecture consisting of core protocols, cable replacement and telephony control protocols, and adopted protocols. The core protocols form a five-layer stack consisting of the following elements: Radio Specifies details of the air interface, including frequency, the use of frequency hopping, modulation scheme, and transmit power. Baseband Concerned with connection establishment within a piconet, addressing, packet format, timing, and power control. Link manager protocol (LMP) Responsible for link setup between Bluetooth devices and ongoing link management. This includes security aspects such as authentication and encryption, plus the control and negotiation of baseband packet sizes. Logical link control and adaptation protocol (L2CAP) Adapts upper-layer protocols to the baseband layer. L2CAP provides both connectionless and connection-oriented services. Service discovery protocol (SDP) Device information, services, and the characteristics of the services can be queried to enable the establishment of a connection between two or more Bluetooth devices. RFCOMM is the cable replacement protocol included in the Bluetooth specification. RFCOMM presents a virtual serial port that is designed to make replacement of cable technologies as transparent as possible. Serial ports are one of the most common types of communications interfaces used with computing and communications devices. Hence, RFCOMM enables the replacement of serial port cables with the minimum of modification of existing devices. RFCOMM provides for binary data transport and emulates EIA-232 control signals over the Bluetooth base band layer. EIA-232 (formerly known as RS-232) is a widely used serial port interface standard. The adopted protocols are defined in specifications issued by other standards-making organizations and incorporated into the overall Bluetooth architecture. The Bluetooth strategy is to invent only necessary protocols and use existing standards whenever possible. These are the adopted protocols: PPP The point-to-point protocol is an Internet standard protocol for transporting IP datagrams over a point-to-point link; TCP/UDP/IP These are the foundation protocols of the TCP/IP protocol suite; OBEX The object exchange protocol is a session-level protocol developed by the Infrared Data Association (IrDA) for the exchange of objects. OBEX provides functionality similar to that of HTTP, but in a simpler fashion. It also provides a model for representing objects and operations. Examples of content formats transferred by OBEX are vCard and vCalendar, which provide the format of an electronic business card and personal calendar entries and scheduling information, respectively; WAE/WAP Bluetooth incorporates the wireless application environment and the wireless application protocol into its architecture. 1.5.3 Bluetooth Usage Models A number of usage models are defined in Bluetooth profile documents. In essence, a usage model is a set of protocols that implement a particular Bluetooth-based application. Each profile defines the protocols and protocol features supporting a particular usage model. Following are the highest-priority usage models: File transfer The file transfer usage model supports the transfer of directories, files, documents, images, and streaming media formats. This usage model also includes the capability to browse folders on a remote device; Internet bridge With this usage model, a PC is wirelessly connected to a mobile phone or cordless modem to provide dial-up networking and fax capabilities. For dial-up networking, AT commands are used to control the mobile phone or modem, and another protocol stack (such as PPP over RFCOMM) is used for data transfer. For fax transfer, the fax software operates directly over RFCOMM; LAN access This usage model enables devices on a piconet to access a LAN. Once connected, a device functions as if it were directly connected (wired) to the LAN; Synchronization This model provides a device-to-device synchronization of PIM (personal information management) information, such as phone book, calendar, message, and note information. IrMC (Ir mobile communications) is an IrDA protocol that provides client/server capability for transferring updated PIM information from one device to another; Three-in-one phone Telephone handsets that implement this usage model may act as a cordless phone connecting to a voice base station, as an intercom device for connecting to other telephones, and as a cellular phone; Headset The headset can act as a remote devices audio input and output interface. 1.5.4 Advantages Bluetooth has a lot to offer with an increasingly difficult market place. Bluetooth helps to bring with it the promise of freedom from the cables and simplicity in networking that has yet to be matched by LAN (Local Area Network). In the key marketplace, of wireless and handheld devices, the closest competitor to Bluetooth is infrared. Infrared holds many key features, although the line of sight it provides doesnt go through walls or through obstacles like that of the Bluetooth technology. Unlike infrared, Bluetooth isnt a line of sight and it provides ranges of up to 100 meters. Bluetooth is also low power and low processing with an overhead protocol. What this means, is that its ideal for integration into small battery powered devices. To put it short, the applications with Bluetooth are virtually endless. Disadvantages Bluetooth has several positive features and one would be extremely hard pressed to find downsides when given the current competition. The only real downsides are the data rate and security. Infrared can have data rates of up to 4 MBps, which provides very fast rates for data transfer, while Bluetooth only offers 1 MBps. For this very reason, infrared has yet to be dispensed with completely and is considered by many to be the complimentary technology to that of Bluetooth. Infrared has inherent security due to its line of sight. The greater range and radio frequency (RF) of Bluetooth makAe it much more open to interception and attack. For this reason, security is a very key aspect to the Bluetooth specification. Although there are very few disadvantages, Bluetooth still remains the best for short range wireless technology. Those who have tried it love it, and they know for a fact that Bluetooth will be around for years to come. 1.5.5 Chat In a Bluetooth Chat application, well develop a JABWT-based chat room application, called Chat, for mobile devices that must support the J2ME MIDP 1.0 profile. Users who have a JABWT-capable device can use this application to chat with their nearby friends in an IRC fashion. It searches and joins any existing chat room within the Bluetooth effective range, or creates a new chat room in the nearby Bluetooth range. We use the words chat room to represent a virtual chat room thats formed by a network of Chat applications. Users can start messaging with each other within the same virtual chat room when theres more than one party connected to each other. If one user sends a message over the air, all parties of the chat room will receive the message. Users can join and leave the chat room at anytime. For our convenience we assumes like Theres only one chat room that exists within effective Bluetooth range. There is no security imposed when joining a chat room. Users run one instance of Chat on a device at any given time. Before we dig into the source code, lets look at some of the Bluetooth application design issues. JABWT does a good job of providing a familiar API to J2ME developers for accessing Bluetooth facilities. JABWT is integrated with the J2ME Generic Connection Framework. As a result, Bluetooth network programming is very similar to a stream-based connection model. Like many other network protocols, the Bluetooth connection model employs a client/server architecture. Our Chat application, on the other hand, operates in a peer-to-peer manner. Each running instance of Chat (or a node) can serve as a client and a server at the same time. It behaves as a client when Chat starts up; it searches and connects to existing running Chat devices. Once connected, it makes itself available for future clients to connect to. In such cases, it serves as a server for future client connections. To logically represent an active Chat node, we use the concept of endpoint to encapsulate all the connectivity attributes of a node. An endpoint represents a unique message delivery destination and source regardless of whether it is a server or a client. A Bluetooth connection differs from a regular socket connection by its unique device and service discovery processes. Bluetooth applications typically start the device discovery process to identify connectable devices, which is followed by a service discovery process to obtain a reference (URL) to suitable services. To hide these complexities from the Graphical User Interface (GUI) elements, a network layer is introduced to serve as a faà §ade to the Bluetooth API. This design is comparable to the Model-Viewer-Controller model where the Viewer component is decoupled from the Model component. The GUI can access Bluetooth connectivity via a simplified interface, which does all the discovery and connection establishment behind the scenes. This network layer also provides the functionality to send messages to and receive messages from other endpoints. A call back interface is in place to report any network activity back to the GUI. The Bluetooth Network is explain below. The communication channel between each connected Chat endpoint is a structured data stream connection. We put together a simple protocol to coordinate the activity between each endpoint. This protocol includes the following features: Initial handshake: Each point must handshake with each other when the connection is first established. This ensures that the connecting device is a Chat node rather than a mistakenly connected application. During the handshake, we also exchange the screen names of the users Delivery of text message: Each sent text message is delivered to all endpoints connected to the Chat network. Termination handshake: If the user quits the chat room gracefully, a termination token is sent to all the other endpoints to indicate its intention. We can clean up the necessary network and runtime resources associated with the leaving endpoint upon receiving this token. However, if the user walks away from effective range and becomes inaccessible, a termination token is not sent. Other active endpoints will discover the leaving party is inaccessible when the connections are lost, and they will clean up the resources. Implementation Consideration The NetLayer class, which implements the Chat networking layer, does most of the Bluetooth-related work and provides the following functionality: Initializes the Bluetooth stack Registers Chat services to the Bluetooth device Searches for nearby devices Searches for Chat services on nearby devices Establishes endpoint connectivity for found Chat services Manages the life cycle of all endpoints The Bluetooth stack can be initialized by calling LocalDevice. getLocalDevice(). LocalDevice is a singleton that uniquely represents the underlying Bluetooth device implementation. You can use the LocalDevice instance to gain access to other Bluetooth features including: Discovery agent (via getDiscoveryAgent()) Bluetooth physical network address (via getBluetoothAddress()) SDDB (via getRecord() and updateRecord()) The Chat NetLayers initial work is to create and register a Chat service to a local device. A Bluetooth service is an entry point for other Bluetooth clients to access available functionalities. Since each Chat endpoint can serve as a server, it must register its service in order to make this server available to other Chat clients. JABWT utilizes the MIDP Generic Connection Framework to instantiate a server connection. A Chat application needs to instantiate a Serial Port Profile connection, basically a stream-based connection that allows two Chat applications to exchange data using Java input and output streams. A Chat server connection is created. After a server connection is created, the service is not yet available to external clients (it is not discoverable). What has happened is that JABWT created a corresponding ServiceRecord for this service. A ServiceRecord is a collection of attributes that describes our service, and these attributes are searchable by clients. We can use localDevice.getRecord( server ) to retrieve the newly created ServiceRecord. You may notice that the ServiceRecord is not empty at this point; it is already populated with some default values that are assigned by the JABWT implementation based on the connection string and the implementation configuration when we perform The server.acceptAndOpen() method notifies the Bluetooth implementation that the application is ready to accept incoming connections and make the service available. This also instructs the underlying implementation to store the ServiceRecord object in the SDDB, which occurs when server.acceptAndOpen() is first invoked. Notice that only the attributes stored in the SDDB can be seen and queried by other Bluetooth clients. Any subsequent change to the ServiceRecord must be reflected in the SDDB by using localDevice.updateRecord(). Now our Chat application is ready to accept a connection. But what if your friends are already chatting prior to the start of your Chat? If there is an existing chat room available, Chat should join the existing network by searching for other Chat services on each individual device and connecting to their services. Three steps must be taken to perform this action. Search for an available device. For each available device, search for available and matching services. For each available and matching service, connect to the service and perform the initial handshake. DiscoveryAgent, another singleton in JABWT, can help us find other devices and services. There are two other options for retrieving connectable devices, a cached devices list and a pre known devices list. Cached devices are remote devices that have been discovered in a previous inquiry. Pre known are remote devices that are preconfigured in BCC. In our example, we choose to ignore both cached and pre known devices. We want to retrieve the most up-to-date list of active Chat devices at the moment Chat is launched. Therefore, our Chat application always initiates a new search for all surrounding devices. Devices can be searchable in two modes, General Inquiry Access Code (GIAC) and Limited Inquiry Access Code (LIAC). When a device is set to GIAC, it basically means I want to be discovered all the time. Devices that provide public and permanent services fall into this category. Printers and fax machines are examples of GIAC devices. On the other hand, LIAC discovery mode means I want to be discovered for a short period of time, as requested by my user. Devices that provide on-demand connectivity will fall into this category. Examples are multiple player game consoles, mobile modems, and our Chat program. The device discovery and service discovery processes are performed in an asynchronous manner. A Bluetooth application must provide a callback object for the JABWT implementation to notify when devices or services are found. This callback object implements the DiscoveryListener interface. When a device is found, the deviceDiscovered() method is invoked. We do some basic filtering to narrow down the candidate devices for our Chat application and ignore other unrelated devices. When all candidate devices are discovered, the device search is completed and the searchCompleted() method is invoked. We initiate the service discovery process using DiscoveryAgent .searchServices(). This is where the ServiceRecord attributes become useful. ServiceRecord is not only a description of the services, but also a query of constraints during service discovery. The second parameter of searchServices() allows us to specify which attributes and values the services must have in order for us to discover them. We can provide the UUID for the service that we registered earlier and it narrows down the exact matching candidate services on a remote device. This mechanism not only improves the performance of the discovery process, but also reduces the possibility of conflict. Once the desired service (Chat service) is found, we can retrieve the corresponding connection URL and establish the physical connection. To further validate that the connected service is indeed a Chat service, we immediately perform a handshake with the other party by sending a handshake signal (SIGNAL_HANDSHAKE) and exchanging the user screen name. Receiving parties must respond with an acknowledgment (SIGNAL_HANDSHAKE_ACK) to confirm the request.. To logically represent all the parties in the chat room, we introduce class EndPoint. From the application-level perspective, an endpoint encapsulates information for each actively connected Chat user and device. Chat uses EndPoint to identify which user to send a message to, and from which user a message is received. This abstraction allows us to hide the JABWT complexity from the GUI application. Endpoints are created when a connection is established between two Chat devices. Once created, we attach a reading thread and sending thread to the endpoint to manage the traffic between two endpoints. From this point on, two endpoints exchange user-entered messages (using SIGNAL_MESSAGE) until a termination signal is received. Implementation of this protocol can be found in the Reader and Sender classes. When a user exits Chat, the application sends the last message a termination token (SIGNAL_TERMINATE) to all connected parties. This token signals that the endpoint is no longer active. All receiving parties must return an acknowledgment (SIGNAL_TERMINATE_ACK) and remove the leaving endpoint from the active endpoint list. An endpoint can also be removed when the connectivity is dropped, which suggests the user has left the chat room without an explicit exit command (possibly due to a users walking away from the Bluetooth effective range). Our GUI, based on the MIDP LCDUI API, provides a simple interface to send and receive messages. All received messages from all connected users are displayed sequentially on the screen, which creates a virtual chat room environment. When there are more messages to display than can fit onto one screen, older messages will roll off the upper edge. In this example application, users are not able to scroll back to see the past messages. Pressing the Write command takes users to a message-editing mode. Pressing the Send command sends the currently entered message to the chat room; all other connected users are able to see the message. To quit the chat room, pressing the Exit command sends a termination token to all other parties. 1.5 Literature Survey There are a number of related research projects related to the music sharing. Their similarities and differences from our project are described as follows. tunA [TUNA, 2004], researched by Media Lab Europe is probably the closest relative of our system. It explored the possibilities of a system which enables people to share their music and to communicate with others nearby while they are on the go. tunA focuses on synchronized music sharing while our system focuses on personalized music sharing. Soundpryer [SOUNDPRYER, 2002], made by the Mobility Studio of the Interactive Institute in Sweden which focuses on a shared music experience between nearby cars and focuses on personal mobile music uses in urban settings. Unlike our system, Soundpryer does not include tight synchronization of that shared audio as part of their concept and implementation, and users do not choose which cars they are connected to. Sotto Voce [SottoVoice, 2002], a Xerox PARC project, is an electronic guidebook which attempts to promote a shared activity between museum visitors by allowing them to ‘eavesdrop on the descriptive audio passages that another is listening to. The system is a ‘hack in that no content is streamed all devices have identical local content. Bubbles [Bubbles, 2003], a Telenor RD project, is a mobile audio player that allows users to exchange audio files with nearby peers. It functions much like a mobile file trading application: Users swap files over HTTP but there is no infrastructure to join the audio experience among those users. Push!music [PUSH, 2005], a software developed on PDAs, which focuses on the concept of ‘media ecology, using agents to make songs migrate from one device to another in accordance to users music consumption habits. The methodology in â€Å"A peer to peer network file sharing system in mobile phones†is going to focus on mobile file sharing system. The mobile file sharing system allows users to share their resources like images, text, audio files without any aid of the central server. This system not only allows people to share their files to stranger but also identified the mobile devices in the mobile social network. CHAPTER II OVERVIEW OF THE SYSTEM 2.1 System Preliminary Design The Wireless Service subsystem will let mobile phones communicate with each other when they are in range. Since the devices use Bluetooth protocol which is a radio communications system, so they do not have to be in line of sight of each other, and can even be in other rooms, as long as the received transmission is powerful enough. There are three types of power class dependent with different ranges: 1 metre, 10 metres, 100 metres. The model that the Wireless Service subsystem uses for communication is a Client-Host architecture illustrated in figure. The role of a Host can communicate with up to 7 devices playing the role of a Client using Wireless Service Subsystem. The Host refers to Tune-in Host subsystem and Client refers to Tune-in Client subsystem. This network with a group of up to 8 devices (1 Host + 7 Clients) is called a piconet. A piconet is an ad-hoc computer network of devices using Bluetooth technology protocols to allow one host device to interconnect with up to seven active client devices (because a three-bit MAC address is used). Up to 255 further Client devices can be deactivated, or parked, which the Host device can bring into active status at any time. At any given time, data can be transferred between the Host and one Client, but the Host switches rapidly from Client to Client in a round-robin fashion. To set up a connection, a Client can would perform an inquiry to find any available device
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Essays --
To first understand a black hole, you must understand how it is created. Most black holes are produced by dying stars that have a mass twenty times greater than our sun. A star eventually becomes a black hole because the energy and pressure pushing outward is overcome by gravity that pushes inward. For big stars the gravity force causes a star to collapse under its own weight. The star then will explode as a supernova and some outer parts of the star are sent out into space. The core is still intact, and if it has collapsed under its own weight, it will have formed a star. This core is said to have nearly zero volume, but with infinite density, known as a singularity. These black holes that have now been created start to grow. But how do they grow? They start absorbing mass from materials that are close to them. If a material is said to enter a black holes event horizon, a point at which nothing can escape a black hole’s gravity, the object would became absorbed and would be part of the black hole. Most black holes consume large amounts of gas and dust as their primary source of â€Å"f...
Daniel Defoes Robinson Crusoe and the Virtues of Protestantism Essay
Robinson Crusoe and the Virtues of Protestantism Many people have pointed out that Robinson Crusoe's experiences on the island seem to be a reflection of the growth of civilization and society. Considering the prominent role that religion plays in the novel, it would be worthwhile to examine the progression of religious and political thought in Crusoe's "society." Through the experiences of one man, we can observe the progression of religion from the private realm to the public realm, the conflicts inherent in such a progression, and the resolution to these conflicts. This evolution of religious and political thought affirms two ideas: 1) in the personal realm, it affirms religious individualism--the idea that one can and should find his God independently from any human authority or intermediary (i.e. priests); and 2) in the public realm, the novel affirms that religious toleration, especially on the part of those in power, is the appropriate way to resolve those conflicts that are inherent in the transition of religion from the pr ivate to the public. Crusoe discovers (primarily through trial and error and constant introspection) both of these ideas and eventually succeeds in implementing both of them. He "finds God" without the guidance of anyone, and he ultimately becomes a tolerant ruler of the island with respect to religion. Surprisingly, Crusoe never lives up to his personal definition of a "good Christian." But perhaps this is just a touch or realism by Defoe, since Crusoe is otherwise so successful at recognizing religious individualism and instituting religious toleration on the island, both of which are very important to Defoe. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The first step in the religious progression of Crusoe is his personal di... ...bsolute morality of Christianity, primarily with regard to cannibals and others whom God had apparently chosen to be left in the dark (this question pops up multiple times--142, 151, 168). For in these "questioning" scenes, Crusoe does not exempt Protestantism from critique; he is questioning Christianity in general, and whether or not its hold on truth is real or illusory. It seems to me that Defoe was concerned with religious toleration for more than selfish reasons; he saw religious toleration as a moral responsibility of all Christians, including Catholics and Protestants, and as the only resolution to the conflict between the personal and public realms of religion. So Robinson Crusoe turns out to be just as concerned about toleration in general as it is about the virtues of Protestantism. At least in Robinson Crusoe, Defoe turned out to be fairly open-minded.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Richard Wilbur Essay -- Biography
â€Å"It is true that the poet does not directly address his neighbors; but he does address a great congress of persons who dwell at the back of his mind, a congress of all those who have taught him and whom he has admired; that constitute his ideal audience and his better self†(â€Å"Richard Wilbur†, National Book Foundation). Richard Wilbur spoke this famous quote at his National Book Award speech in 1957. Many of the events in Wilbur’s life transitioned to his acceptance of this award, but he did not know what direction his life was going in at the time. From the events in his early childhood learning how to write from his maternal grandfather and great-grandfather, to his later becoming a World War II veteran and getting a degree from Harvard University, and everything in-between, Richard Wilbur spent the rest of his life creating a breathtaking assortment of poems which largely connected to his early life. Richard Wilbur’s birth and early life led to his first spark of interest in writing at a young age when he met his grandfather and great-grandfather. He was born on March 1st, 1921 in New York City, New York (Haralson 759). Richard lived in North Caldwell, New Jersey for the rest of his pastoral childhood with his middle-class family (Gioia). They resided on a large property and they did not have many neighbors (Gioia). He enjoyed wandering off to random places on the property with his brothers, and he enjoyed the nature, which inspired some of his later poetry (Gioia).Wilbur’s maternal grandfather and his great-grandfather were both editors and Wilbur began to acquire a love for journalism stronger than his love for painting like his father (â€Å"Richard Wilbur†, Poetry Foundation). He enjoyed the company of his grandfather and gre... ...people think more about the life in which they live everyday. His poems connected to his life, e.g. the poems about nature in The Beautiful Changes connected to his life on a large property and its connections to his time on the battlefield. Wilbur closed out his National Book Award acceptance speech by saying: â€Å"Writing poetry, then, is an unsocial way of manufacturing a thoroughly social product. Because he must shield his poetry in its creation, the poet, more than other writers, will write without recognition. And because his product is not in great demand, he is likely to look on honors and distinctions with the feigned indifference of the wallflower. Yet of course he is pleased when recognition comes; for what better proof is there that for some people poetry is still a useful and necessary thing -- like a shoe†(â€Å"Richard Wilbur†, National Book Foundation). Richard Wilbur Essay -- Biography â€Å"It is true that the poet does not directly address his neighbors; but he does address a great congress of persons who dwell at the back of his mind, a congress of all those who have taught him and whom he has admired; that constitute his ideal audience and his better self†(â€Å"Richard Wilbur†, National Book Foundation). Richard Wilbur spoke this famous quote at his National Book Award speech in 1957. Many of the events in Wilbur’s life transitioned to his acceptance of this award, but he did not know what direction his life was going in at the time. From the events in his early childhood learning how to write from his maternal grandfather and great-grandfather, to his later becoming a World War II veteran and getting a degree from Harvard University, and everything in-between, Richard Wilbur spent the rest of his life creating a breathtaking assortment of poems which largely connected to his early life. Richard Wilbur’s birth and early life led to his first spark of interest in writing at a young age when he met his grandfather and great-grandfather. He was born on March 1st, 1921 in New York City, New York (Haralson 759). Richard lived in North Caldwell, New Jersey for the rest of his pastoral childhood with his middle-class family (Gioia). They resided on a large property and they did not have many neighbors (Gioia). He enjoyed wandering off to random places on the property with his brothers, and he enjoyed the nature, which inspired some of his later poetry (Gioia).Wilbur’s maternal grandfather and his great-grandfather were both editors and Wilbur began to acquire a love for journalism stronger than his love for painting like his father (â€Å"Richard Wilbur†, Poetry Foundation). He enjoyed the company of his grandfather and gre... ...people think more about the life in which they live everyday. His poems connected to his life, e.g. the poems about nature in The Beautiful Changes connected to his life on a large property and its connections to his time on the battlefield. Wilbur closed out his National Book Award acceptance speech by saying: â€Å"Writing poetry, then, is an unsocial way of manufacturing a thoroughly social product. Because he must shield his poetry in its creation, the poet, more than other writers, will write without recognition. And because his product is not in great demand, he is likely to look on honors and distinctions with the feigned indifference of the wallflower. Yet of course he is pleased when recognition comes; for what better proof is there that for some people poetry is still a useful and necessary thing -- like a shoe†(â€Å"Richard Wilbur†, National Book Foundation).
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Digital Bangladesh Essay
Introduction: digital Bangladesh is a new world, a new concept, a new dream. Bangladesh is now resounding with the aim of achieving digital Bangladesh. Our present prime minister, Sheikh Hasina, in their election manifesto of 2008 declared to build up Bangladesh as a digital one by 2021. Since then this concept has become almost a lip-word with the people of Bangladesh. Meaning of digital Bangladesh: our life today is governed by the offshoots of science. Science has ushered in new era in the history of human civilization. Computer invention is the most determining factor in the respect. It has brought about a revolutionary change on the face of the global world. This change has been possible through the information technology (it) based on computer-internet system. The micro-electronic system through which all sorts of information are collected. Assimilated, preserved, processed and transmitted is known as â€Å"information technology†. This information technology or computer & internet based Bangladesh is called a digital Bangladesh. Necessity in Bangladesh: ours is a developing country. We a achieved independence in 1971 after a bloody liberation war. Science then began the campaign of building up the war-shattered Bangladesh as a Bangla of gold. But it is a matter of great sorrow that we have not been able to cross just the stage of a developing country even after the lapse of a long period of 38 years of liberation. No expected development has yet been achieved. The main causes are: laziness, lack of morality, tendency to make more talks than work, lack of tendency to go ahead with the advanced technology etc. The gradual connection of the digital system in all the activities of Bangladesh, if possible, may give birth to a digital Bangladesh. This perspective plan can be brought into reality only when the important places of the country can be brought under control by setting us CCTV camera based on the computer-election campaign through video conferences as a part of her dream of building up digital Bangladesh. We can apply digital system in the following sectors of our national life. Educational sector: education is the backbo ne of a nation. So we must put our first priority on education sector with a view to establishing a digital Bangladesh. We can make video of teacher’s lectures of speeches and display them on the white screens before the learner. Read more: Essay on Liberation War of Bangladesh A learner can receive education sitting in his house. Medical sector: medical facilities are one of the basic needs of human beings. Modern science has given birth to a new world in the field of medical treatment. If the internet connection can be spread widely, a patient can receive prescription of medicine without appearing before a physician by paying offers through online banking system. Agricultural sector: ours is an ago-based country. More than 80% of the people of our country are dependent on agriculture for their livelihood. But they are ignorant of the more method of cultivation whereas the developed countries of the world have championed in this fields by using the boons of mechanized method of cultivation. Administrative sector: most of the offices of our country are extremely sluggish in work and life in wait for taking bribes by holding up work days after days. We can make the administration dynamic, work-oriented and free from corruption by setting up CCTV camera th rough computer-internet system. Security sector: security is a must in every sphere of our national life. No national can expect to advance without having a well-founded security system. It can be made possible by setting up CCTV camera through computer internet system. This system will help us detect the miscreant event after ling period of their occurrence of mischief’s. Buying and selling sector: buying and selling are our every-days matter. Everyday we go to markets or shopping malls to make purchase of different essential things of our daily life. If the computer network can be spread widely, we shall be able to make our necessary purchases by staying in our house. Not only in the native land, can it be extended even to the foreign countries by making payments through credit cards. Communication sector: â€Å"transport is civilization†–goes a wise saying. It is not possible to make all round development without having a good and dynamic communication system in the country. At present, many a thing of communication affairs is Bering controlled through computer-internet system. We can also bring the whole country within the reach of our hands through this system. Publication sector: we cannot think of publication books today without the help of computer network. The computer system has already been introduced in our publication industry. Earlier, the booed which took at least two months to be published, now that blood can be published within two days. Newspaper sector: computer network is now being used in publishing newspapers on a large scale. Now a newspaper is being published in different regions of the country simultaneously. So newspapers are no more sent to Chittagong, khulna, Rajshahi or sleet from Dhaka by transport. Especially tins system is being followed in case of first call news papers. Recreation sector: recreation sources are badly needed for the modern mechanized hard-field of recreation. We can enjoy different sorts of amusements including different games and film shows. We can now know the results of the games which are going on overseas within a moment through internet. Banking sector: computer network has given a new impetus in the banking sector. It has made banking sector mere dynamic than ever before. Online system has already been introduced in many banking institutions. Now we no more nee d carry cash money with us to the remotest regions of the country. If this system can be introduced in all banking institutions in our country, Bangladesh will be able to step into a digital one. Setting up online information center: the information services of different public and private sector can be made reach to the door-step of the people by setting up online information centers. Then people will be able to collect different data or information from this information center. Not only that they will be able to know about the final institutional conditions and position. Conclusion: it is said â€Å"hope springs eternal in the human breast†we also hope that we shall be able to turn our war-shattered country into a digital Bangladesh by bringing about an all round development through all-out efforts of people of a all walks of life. We are very hopeful to learn that the daily Jougantor and the Cambrian college have jointly taken a gigantic to set up digital campus all over the country with the Sklogan.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Globalization And It Effects Essay
I. AN OVERVIEW.With the growing standards of the existence and the existing concepts and complexities in semipolitical, economic and socio- ethnic ideologies, existence has al focal points and continuously pondered over the aspects of his reputation. Unity, decentity, conceptionly concernage and commerce be at the cutting edge of mans complexities. With these thoughts in mind, man has moved done history essay to satisfy his desires in relation to other(a)s. The orgasm of the twenty- start-off century gave birth to the subject of do the sphere a iodine hamlet, indeed, globalisation. globalisation is the near talk- close to issues in the twenty-first century. However, in that location is the difficulty of the orb to suffice up with a single and similar definition. This is because, so many race inquiry if the happenings in the world to sidereal day ar as a resolution of globalisation. Thus, receivable to these global differences of what this concept i n truth is nearly, globalisation has grown to involve aspects non simply of economy, notwithstanding politics and other socio- ethnic issues. globalisation reckons almost every gay be, this is because the wreak of globalisation is said to take up spread out almost through out the broad(a) world either through transport, commerce, and communicating. In addition, mans activities on the globe atomic number 18 all located down the stairs these sectors.Culture, as a way of brio of man, is identified by every unmatched immediately after birth and was often periods experiencen as distinct from angiotensin converting enzyme another(prenominal). However, with approaching of the process of globalisation, there is now the consolidation and homogenization of market-gardenings. Homogenization of cultures is the loss of mixed bag of culture among two or to a greater extent cultural groups. Thus, our topic, globalization and its set up on cultural consolidation in th e Czechoslovakianoslovakianoslovakian state The Czech land is a country with a prosperous cultural heritage with works of subterfuge seen in theatres, cinemas, libraries, globally recognized galleries, museums and design halls and with headspring- master(prenominal)tained traditions especially, in the villages of the Moravian-Silesian region. These villages prevail as a sign of the cultural taste of the precise field of battles.II. THE PROBLEM.Human beings with unlimited quest for wants confirm let to the advent of the process of globalization. This has answer through a dramatic blowup in the volume and variety of cross-border proceeding in goods and services. The development of newborn technologies use for information, communication and transportation and the huge addition in inter discipline flow of capital, has bygone a long way to affect the economic, political, environmental and socio-cultural sectors of many countries in the world, two positive and negative. Effects on globalization on cultural consolidation being our topic of discussion, in new-fashioned years there lay down been programs carried out by the organization bodies, United Nations, the europiuman total and the Non-governmental organizations for the integrating of immigrants and foreigners in the Czech republic.As a way of encouraging integrating, the ministry of culture re takes intercultural dialogue deep down the state policy. The ministry as well as give support to cultural activities of members of national minorities living in the country, support for desegregation of members of the Roma community and immigrants. The plane section of Arts, Libraries, De kindly functionment of Media, and Audiovisual Policies have in any case support intercultural projects. Non- governmental organizations such as presidential term for Aid to Refugees, (OPU), People in Need, and Czech Mobility Center and Ethnic Friendly employer.III. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY.The primary( prenominal)(prenominal) objective of this study is to picture globalization and its cause on cultural desegregation in the Czech body politic.Other objectives be to examine the effects of globalization on the economic, political and socio-cultural domains in the Czech Republic in general.To determine how globalization has contri notwithstandinged to the shimmy of thenational sovereignty to global sovereignty.It is withal to examine the current rate of integration and the characteristics of the pack in the cultural integration process.Furthermore, the study is intended to identify and answer for the techniques in which people be go on culturally integrated and the weigh of questions being raised.It is also aimed at examining the role of government, the United Nations the domain Bank, the NGOs, the Foreigners, Immigrants, in the cultural integration process.Finally, it is to examine the constraints and consequences of cultural integration, since the long-term results are d ismission away a legacy positively and negatively. As we move towards the third millennium, a keen-witted planning scheme and utilization of cultures should remain the major pre-occupation of the family.IV.HYPOTHESESIn order to campaign out the study and achieve the tell objectives, a number of hypotheses were advanced to do by the difficultyi) Globalization and cultural integration form an interrelated spiral. There is, the more there the proxs of globalization, the more there is cultural integration.ii) Intensification of trade and commerce and communication is the main cause of cultural integration in the Czech Republic.V. SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY.The later part of the 20th century has seen a extraordinary growth in the level of favorite concern for environmental, political, economic and socio-cultural issues, which have come as a result of the advent of the globalization process. It is comely increasingly realize that if the present environmental crisis is not confronte d immediately, we stand the risk of having serious and ir rechargeable effects on our world.The Czech Republic has an sideline in its cultural protection. That is why the government in order to preserve the Czech culture organizes annual cultural festivals in the country. However, there is little evidence that suitable steps have been taken to determine effective protection is done. This is out-of-pocket to the circumstance that the local anaesthetic communities, which are directly relate with the culture, are not often considered when making policies concerning their culture, forethought and protection.Hence, a study of this nature could have results, which are beneficial in a number of ways. near of these accommodateTo raise cognisantness of the community on the signifi jackpotce and ways of proper management of cultural issues,To address a number of problems, caused by globalization and its effects on the cultural integration,To provide policy makers and investigate in stitutions with the basic selective information, this would help in blueprint new program that go away be real and problem specific,To provide citizens of not only the Czech Republic but European Union members as well on the currents effects of changes on cultural issues as a result of globalization.VI. methodologyVI.IIData CollectionAlthough the writer has interacted for more or less time in this area, and has grown up with a wealth of knowledge of the Czech culture, a further reading was carried out in order to further knowledge of the recent changes in the Czech culture due(p) to the advent of globalization. The supposititious and empirical look for was most based on collateral sources and official websites like the Czech statistical Office, the Ministry of Labor Youths and Sports and Eurostat. Most of the research was by and large-mouthed on secondary sources were in general consulted. some(prenominal) textbooks, journals, unpublished dissertations and other related p ublications on the subject were also consulted.VI.II. Data abstractThe descriptive techniques were used in analyzing the data collected from sources such as the Czech statistical Office, and Eurostat website. These techniques included the use of tables and graphs with the calculations of percentages, and averages. In addition to this, the data was illustrated in measuring charts, and histograms. This faecal matter be seen in chapter three.VII. Limitations of the considerThe first limitation is that change surface when the research worker tried to carry a canvass on some research in the libraries on the effects of globalization on cultural integration in the Czech Republic, there of few textbooks, which have dealt with this topic. Secondly, even with the few ones, some there were mostly in other languages like the Czech language. So due to the scarcity on text books on the topic and the hang-up to consult some of the available ones most of the materials were been extracted fr om official websites like the Czech Statistics Office, Eurostat, the Ministry of Youths and Sports. some other constraint on the research was that of finance. Some of materials demonstrate on the Internet were on sale, and couple with the financial constraints, the researcher was inefficient to reach all of the available materials.VIII. emphasise OF THE STUDY AREAThe study area is situated amid latitude 49 45 N of the equator and longitude 15 30 E of the Greenwich Meridian. Czech Republic is found in the central Europe, bordered in east by Slovakia, in the southeastern by Austria, in the north by Poland and in the west by Germany. It has a land cover of 78,864 sq. kilometers with a cosmos of 10.2 million inhabitants. Major cities include, Prague (the capital city), Brno, Plzen, Olomouc, Karlovy Vary, Ceske Budejovice, Cesky Krumlov, Liberec, Hradec Kralove, Bechyne, Kolin, Pelhrimov, Sumperk, Trebon , Uherske Hradiste and Bruntal.The main ethnic groups in the Czech Republic include the Czech who are about 9.25 million of the population, the Moravian (more than 380,000), the Slovak about (193.000), the Roma about (171.000), the Silesians (11.000), the Polish (52.000), the Germans (39.000), the Ukrainian (22.000) and the Vietnamese (18.000) sanction of European and Eurasian Affairs (January 2008). office 1 The Map Of The Czech RepublicSource World ONE definition OF TERMS.Going back to the topic of our thesis, Globalization and effects on cultural integration in the Czech Republic, there is the need to define what globalization really is. With the growing roll of what when the globalization phenomenon began and it actual kernel, some hearty science theorists have come forth with the definition of globalization twain(prenominal) from the classical and the contemporary era.1.1 translation of GlobalizationWalters says the Websters dictionary is the first major dictionary to mention the intelligence information globalization in 1961 . The dictionary defines globalization as to render global or the act of globalizing cited in Malcolm Walters (20012). The concept globalization has now being use by many academics and there has been a debate on when the concept of globalization actually began. There are some who have perceived the concept of globalization has been in to existence before this period. Thus, the below mentioned are some of the definitions of globalization posed by various loving science theorists.Marx (1977) is considered by cordial theorists as the first creator to focus on the dimensional approach in the news report of the concept of globalization He explained the globalization phenomenon, basing his argument on the economic factor. Marx in his dependency supposition aphorism that the political-territorial boundaries remain intact and will disappear at a lower place a future proletarian supremacy. This is seen because, immediately after his end on 14th of March 1883, his ideas began to nurt ure a major settle on workers revolts in the world such as, Bolsheviks try also known as the October variation in Russia in October 25 1917. Wallerstein (1974) is another diamensionalist, who focuses on the economic view on the definition of globalization.Taking from the works of Marxs dependence guess, in his world systems theory where he developed a theoretical framework to understand the historical changes twisting in the rise of the modern world, defines globalization as, an increasing level of interdependence between national systems by way of trade, forces alliance and domination, and cultural imperialism cited in Walters (20014). Robertson Roland has been considered as one of the most prominent writers of issues of globalization. He explains globalization in the cultural domain. In is text, Globalization as a worry in The Globalization Reader says globalization as a concept refers both to the compression of the world and the intensification of certifiedness of the wor ld as a whole Cited in Frank Lechner and hind end Boli (200494)For Wallerstein, the world started going compression since the beginning of the ordinal century, but Robertson he argues that the history of globalization is uttermost longer. For Robertson, through an increase in world liberal consciousness a individual is looked at and is examined by the whole world and not undecomposed by his or her own local environment in which he/she lives. However, both Wallerstein and Robertsons ideas of the intensification of the world wide consciousness is said to match. match to Giddens globalization is seen as the intensification of world wide hearty relations which link hostile localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa Giddens (19904). These local happenings were said to be may be influenced by distant events and not just the local events, which all have been influenced by the forces of globalization.Looking at Gidd ens (1990) and Robertsons (1992) definitions, Giddens believes contemporaneousness has come as a result of globalization. That is, he considers modernity to be inherently globalizing. For Giddens globalization is said to have started during the sixteenth century onwards and in Europe in particular. However, in Robertsons opinion, the problem of globalization is not new. He believes the social compression of the world has begun before the sixteenth century as predicted by Giddens. He predicts modernity and the rise of capitalism to be the cause of the rise of globalization. That is for Robertson, modernisation has an influence on globalization.In addition, because of this, it led to a high level of consciousness and the present situation where we in the present day are unable to trace the distribution of globalization crossways a large number of areas in the different move of the world. However, what can be said is that both Giddens and Robertson have tried to show that people a re now able to see and understand issues beyond their immediate environments due to the emergence of the concept of globalization. Luhmann in his explanation of globalization focuses more on communication. For him communication is the major factor of globalization. He then defines globalization as the transition from integration to distinction, from territorial society to world society from identity to difference from stratified differentiation to functional Luhmann (1982133, 229).Armand refers globalization as one of those tricky words, one of those instrumental notions that, under the effects of market logics and without citizens being aware of it have been naturalized to the point of becoming indispensable for establishing communication between people of different cultures Armand (200097). For Armand, globalization has a prevailing role in organizing and decoding the meaning of the world.In a similar manner, Beynon John and Dunkerley David in their general introduction to glob alization the reader, made the claim that globalization is impacting on the lives of everyone on the globalization might justifiably be claimed to be the defining features of human society at the state of the twenty-first century Beynon John and Dunkerley David (2000 3).Beck on his text, What is globalization, he says globalization is the blanket term and thus describe it to be the processes through which self-governing national states are criss-crossed and undermined by multinational actors with varying prospects of power, orientation, identities and networks Beck (200011). Beck also referred globalization as the intensification of transnational space, events, problems, conflicts and biographies (ibid 87). He argues that we are pathetic into a second modernity that is seen through growth of the economy, the information and communication technologies, urbane society communications and the changes in the environment. He sees globalization to be discontinuous, conflictual and ill reversible because for him, it not different from any other historical process.Although Beck contributed in the explanation of modernity just like other social scientists like Giddens and Marx, he never saw any good in this process. He thus focused more of his watchfulness on the bad side of modernity, which he called a risk society. That is, the new modernity is only concern with the prevention, minimization and channeling of risk Cited in Ritzer (2000222).Waters Malcolm defines globalization in a less political approach as a social process in which the constraints of geography on economic, political, social, and cultural arrangements recede, in which people beat increasingly aware that they are pull back and in which people act therefore Walters (20015). The idea that people are conscious that they are receding (been carried away can to some how be argued. This is because at time, some people are not forever conscious of the fact that the processes globalization is touch on them. People may be mournful or acting through the forces of globalization unconscious.Held and McGrew also defines globalization as a process (or set of processes) which embodies a renewal in the spatial organization of social relations and transactions assessed in terms of their extensity, intensity, velocity and impact- generating transcontinental or inter-regional flows and networks of natural process Held and McGrew (199916).Thus, considering the views of the above-cited authors, globalization can be delimitate as intensification of economic, political, and socio-cultural relations in the localities of the world. Alternatively, it can be seen as the development of equal opportunities in the political, economic, socio-cultural realms of all nations in the world. Its also related to the spread of modernization throughout the world. Globalization indicates increase linkages between people, goods and technology. It is a process whereby, national vexation enterprises and mark ets become world wide or international. That is, a situation whereby businesses which were been carried out within a particular country are now been extended to other countries across the globe. Globalization is the process of making the village a single entity. That is with the advent of globalization there is the continuity of the homogeneity of culture, economy, social and environmental aspects of the world.
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