Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Tobacco Should Be Made Illegal Essay - 1010 Words
Cigarette smoking causes more than 480,000 deaths each year in the United States. This means about one out of every five deaths is a result of smoking. In addition to outright death, smoking has many detrimental effects on the lives of smokers and those around them. Fires, second-hand smoke, and smoking related motor vehicle accidents all plague the world and those in it. Tobacco should be made illegal because of the horrible consequences it inflicts on smokers and non-smokers alike. Tobacco is a plant that grows natively in North and South America. It is in the same family as the potato, pepper and the poisonous nightshade, a very deadly plant. American Indians began using tobacco in many different ways, such as in religious and medicinal practices. Tobacco was believed to be a cure-all, and was used to dress wounds, as well as a pain killer. Christopher Columbus was offered dried tobacco leaves as a gift from the American Indians that he encountered. Soon after, sailors brought tobacco back to Europe, and eventually the plant was being grown all over Europe (The History of Tobacco, 1998). Since then, the use of tobacco and tobacco products has increased drastically, even though the serious consequences have been discovered. Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States. Tobacco smoke is a multipart mixture of chemicals such as carbon monoxide, tar, formaldehyde, cyanide, and ammoniaâ€â€many of which are known carcinogens. Cigarette smokingShow MoreRelatedShould Smoking Cigarette Be Illegal?685 Words  | 3 PagesShould Cigarette Smoking be Made Illegal? Name Institution Date A cigarette is a small cylinder like filled with cut tobacco leaves and rolled in a paper and ignited for smoking. In most countries, tobacco smoking is legal due to the businesses motives and also the people who are addicted. They cannot do without it. It has immense consequences, and it should, therefore, be illegal from the effects to the smokers, passive smokers and all the human beings due to the pollution of the environmentRead MoreBAN ON TOBACCO ADVERTISEMENT IN INDIA800 Words  | 4 PagesBAN ON TOBACCO ADVERTISEMENT IN INDIA In 2004 the government of India banned tobacco companies from advertising their products and sponsoring sports and cultural events. The objective was to discourage adolescents from consuming tobacco products as well as empower the government with the power to launch an anti tobacco program. . This issue created a serious problem in that it was both ethical and commercial, the government on one hand, believe it was its responsibility to protect the welfare ofRead MoreEssay about The Major Public Health Concern of Tobacco1390 Words  | 6 PagesConcern of Tobacco Now, more than ever, more and more people are beginning to look at tobacco use as a major public health concern. It is nineteen ninety nine, and the number of smokers is rising while the average age of smoking initiation decreases. There are those that believe using tobacco of any type should be illegal, or at least restricted. Others believe it is up to the person to choose whether to use tobacco products or not, however most of these people believe tobacco companies should warnRead MoreSaving Lives By Illegalizing Tobacco1465 Words  | 6 PagesIllegalizing Tobacco As soon as the door opens to any store, most of the time there will be a tobacco related product nearby. In today’s society there is controversy on whether drugs should be sold to the public, but most of these controversies do not involve tobacco related products. Tobacco products are widely used, but these tobacco are not safe. Cigarettes and other tobacco products should be illegal because tobacco is composed of many harmful chemicals. Anybody who comes in contact with a tobacco substanceRead MoreCause And Effect Of Smoking1622 Words  | 7 PagesSmoking, a practice of inhaling and exhaling smoke from burning tobacco, is a problem that is notorious for causing the death of more than 7 million people every year, and around 890,000 of those people are non-smokers that were exposed to second-hand smoke (World Health Organization). According to â€Å"Your Health Today: Choices in a Changing Society,†smoking causes cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, chronic obstructi ve pulmonary diseases because of the content of approximately 600 chemical ingredientsRead MoreMarijuana Should Not Be Considered as a Lethal Drug973 Words  | 4 PagesMarijuana Should Not be Considered As a Lethal Drug In out society drugs are considered to be addictive and lethal. People tend to abuse drugs regardless of their side effects. In many cases government agencies regulate their use. Also there are drugs that are illegal to use, produce and sale. One of those illegal drugs is marijuana. For thousands of years, marijuana has been used to treat a wide variety of sickness. It became illegal in 1937 under The Marijuana Stamp Tax Act. This act prohibitsRead MoreTobacco Industry : Make Tobacco Products Illegal1009 Words  | 5 Pages Make Tobacco Products Illegal Ellen Gossett Trevecca Nazarene University Abstract It can be argued that tobacco products are one of the deadliest legal drugs in the history of mankind. Most of the countries around the world are making progress to ban the sale of tobacco products and reduce smoking. Over the years, there has been a steady decline in global tobacco use; however, their needs to be steeper taxation on tobacco products, bans on smoking advertisements, incentives towards reducedRead MoreEssay about Should Smoking Be Illegal?825 Words  | 4 Pagesis smoking. Smoking is currently the leading cause of death in our country, due to its harmful and addicting contents, such as nicotine and tobacco. Although millions die from it each year, smoking is the single most preventable cause of death as well. Without smoking, a tremendous amount of money and lives will be saved. I think that our country should ban smoking and the production of cigarettes in order to maintain a healthier nation. Currently in our nation, about 22 % of theRead MoreEssay about Cigarettes Should be Banned939 Words  | 4 Pagesone of the most dangerous things you can do to yourself. Many people feel that smoking should be made illegal. The reason they may feel this way is because it is very harmful to your health and can lead to death. I strongly agree that cigarettes should be banned from being sold and produced because to me they’re considered a dangerous drug. The first reason that supports my claim of smoking cigarettes should be banned is that it is a â€Å"major cause to preventable and premature deaths†, accordingRead More Legal Marijuana May Save Lives Essay749 Words  | 3 Pagesfreedom of choice right! Freedom of choice applies to all decisions made by that person! Which includes the choice to smoke marijuana. I believe that the government should have No say in what you choose to do with your body! Marijuana is now illegal but I believe that it should be made Legal! And under No circumstances should the government tell you how to treat your body.They can give you their opinions on how the human body should be treated but I think that the government cannot control your decisions
Monday, December 23, 2019
The 102 Space And Space Travels - 1526 Words
Paul Yau ESS 102 Space and Space Travels Writing Credit Synopsis of scientifically accurate sci-fi: The sci-fi will be a narrative of astronauts who are traveling in space on a mission. It will center around their worries of recent signs of their deteriorating health. It will discuss the damage radiation has dome to their bodies, and how that impacts their career as an astronaut. It will also discuss their attempts to decrease the damage space radiation does by increasing the protection level of their spacecraft, decreasing the amount of exposure they get by traveling faster in space, and decreasing the frequency of travel. We look up at the sky at night for stars whose light only shines bright enough for us to see on a clear day with no light pollution. Aside from those twinkling dots, space looks quiet and peaceful. However, that cannot be farther from the truth. Invisible to us are numerous different types of radiation that are incredibly harmful to human beings. Space radiation can be separated into two large categories: electromagnetic radiation and particle radiation. Electromagnetic radiation are electromagnetic waves, or photons, that are emitted by astronomical bodies and travel in all frequencies (Auger, 1964). Particle radiation, on the other hand, are charged particles traveling at high speeds, protons, and even nuclei of other heavier elements. These particles tend to travel near the speed of light, so fast that their electrons are completely striped fromShow MoreRelatedHuman Vs Robotic Space Exploration1210 Words  | 5 PagesLuther Dr. Erika Harnett ESS 102 6 October 2017 Human Vs Robotic Space Exploration In Support of: Sending Exclusively Robotic Missions Space exploration is devoted to seeking out the unknowns of the universe. Manned and robotic missions alike have contributed priceless knowledge of our planet’s surroundings and beyond. However, with the current geopolitical climate, funding, and other practicalities, it is not reasonable for the exploration of space to be done exclusively by humans. Read MoreEvan Higgins. Uw Ess 102. Due: 4/10/2017. Human Vs Robotic1539 Words  | 7 PagesEvan Higgins UW ESS 102 Due: 4/10/2017 Human Vs Robotic Space Exploration Space. Possibly the most unforgiving place possible for humans, and yet we desire to go there. We desire to travel to distant planets, new galaxies, and to know all that there is to know. We want all of this, and yet the mission to mars, and the first missions to the moon, we sent robots. There are many reasons for this and why we didn’t send humans, but the main reason we haven’t sent as many humans to space, is cost. It isRead MoreSpace Exploration : Past, Present, And Future1054 Words  | 5 PagesSuphia Faheem Zaman Mark Gooding ENG 102 6/20/2015 Exploratory Essay Space Exploration: Past, Present, and Future Since the beginning of time, the ancient civilizations have been charting constellations to guide them. Over time they named these constellations and slowly new planets were discovered, which were named after the ancient romans. Coming to the present during the years of war, we see that Space was something as a competition to reach, to show how much influence a country had over theRead MoreHuman Space Exploration Essay1301 Words  | 6 PagesDino de Raad ESS 102 11 October 2017 Human and Robotic Extraterrestrial Exploration It’s cold up there. Cold and inhospitable. It is not easy, and it will take time. These are things the first humans in Africa must have thought of journeys northward. And yet, people still went. They colonized the globe in all its varied environments. 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(Beings not Made for Space, Kenneth Chang, 2014) Long-term space flight requests that astronauts have to be exposed to the real space environment, which includes microgravity, the significant increase in radiation, variationRead MoreRobotic Space Exploration Essay1309 Words  | 6 PagesVictor Manuel Tapia ESS 102 – Opinion Piece Human vs. Robotic Space Mission Section B Discovering the Unknown: Who Should Explore Space? As humans, we always push to explore for new discoveries, it is in our blood to explore and push scientific boundaries. Space exploration has allowed us to expand our technology, foster a curiosity in humans, discover new worlds, and most importantly push even further to discover life in a new planet. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
World Systems Theory Free Essays
Dane Fuentes Sociology 10/19/12 World System’s Theory Immanuel Wallerstein’s World Systems theory is the theory of how multinational corporations and industrializing nations have dominated the world over the last 500 years. Wallerstein also takes a look at how â€Å"periphery†and â€Å"semi-periphery†nations have become dependent on â€Å"core nations†, due largely to their lack of varied resources and driven by the need to survive. Wallerstein goes on to explain how colonialism has been replaced by neo-colonialism, a new form of using people, land, and resources purely for economic gain. We will write a custom essay sample on World Systems Theory or any similar topic only for you Order Now This neo-colonialism, he claims, will lead to a perpetuation of wealth and more strict ascribed statuses and global stratification. One way neo-colonialism is highly visible, is in the presence of sweat shops or maquiladoras. Maquiladoras are sweat shops that are owned by multinational corporations that are common in developing and under-developed countries. These sweat-shops do not give their worker’s any rights. There is no job security, benefits, or retirement pensions. People work, until they can no longer work, and then perish. The worker is then replaced, possibly by his children, and the corporation moves on, never noticing the now disenfranchised worker who has to find a new means of survival and, in his desperation, perhaps turning to crime. The IMF and World Bank are two multinational corporations that also may have contributed in many ways to the massive inequality that is the global economy. These financial institutions provided aid to needy countries. However, in exchange for this aid, the IMF and World Bank asked for very strong influences in those needy countries as well as heightened interest rates on the loans themselves. The countries are then, in turn, caught in a cycle of conceding to the Banks demands and paying their national debt. Many underdeveloped countries, such as Ghana and The Philipines, cannot pay these debts, so in turn, these debts grow. At the same time, the multinational corporations are syphoning out resources due to their influence within those countries, leaving barren wastelands and poverty-stricken, disenfranchised people in their wake. Therefore, it may be seen that the multinational corporations may have sought to help these developing countries in a time of need, but in truth they were seizing an opportunity to indirectly buy the land from under the people living on it. This forms the basis of neo-colonialism. How to cite World Systems Theory, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Portfolio Relate Management field
Question: Discuss about The portfolio should relate something in Management field? Answer: Introduction Career development is defined as the lifelong process of managing learning, transitions and work leisure. It is determined by evolving the preferred future. Career development provides transition of selecting subjects for assisting educational development. It is seen that the lifelong process shapes a behavioral change on career pattern, success rate, educational attainment and communication process. Career development also involves a creation process on decision-making style, life-role concepts and value expressions. In this study, the learner will assess a critical literature part on employability terms for the current graduates. However, the purpose of the study will choose a career path by assessing knowledge, skills and abilities of the organization (Mc Kee Eraut, 2012). It would be prevalent if the career path determines a self-evaluation process on engaging people on academic culture. On the other hand, employability recognizes the market performance system to create a workin g environment in providing opportunities, personal and professional growth, and interacting on continuous learning process (Porfeli, Ferrari Nota, 2012). Critical literature review regarding employability The traditional idea of employability will create a work perspective by providing the individuals with interaction and commitment. It is observed that a constant change will make employability terms higher by ability of work and ability to ensure the right path for educational system. Moreover, the transitions of employability would make a specific role of creating work through optimal use. Employability can also be prioritized by a measure of experiencing skills and a level of learning. Hence, the main purpose of the topic would evaluate a critical research on the graduate market in 2015. It would also be determined by choosing a career path with the help of career theory (Wright, Jenkins-Guarnieri Murdock, 2012). The annual market shows that the leading employers are recruited in 2014 than their latest recruitment targets of 2015. It is also analyzed that starting salaries offered to the new graduates would depend on the work experiences available to recent graduates and the stude nts. Overview of the graduate employment market To give a brief explanation of the graduate employment market, there is a broad classification of the economic resources on financial market. The graduate jobs have improved the market significantly in 2015 before the recession took place. Thus, this made the finalists and graduates to experience a feeble path on their jobs. However, the predictions analyzed good chances in making the market feasible. It was under the economic headlines that saw an improvement on graduate employment market. It was observed that there were more graduate level jobs in the UK market. Moreover, it was true that skilled employees got various opportunities on business environment and financial services (Ware Millard, 2012). Thus, to bring a frequent change on the influencing factors, there would be a mindset created for long-term economy among the graduates. UK graduate market As opined by (), the independent market company would specialize on the graduate research and the students. It also makes an impact on the graduate recruitment campaigns and understanding the position of the marketing job. The survey provides an insight on the career expectations and aspirations of major individuals associated to colleges and universities. To determine the marketing position of graduate vacancies, the study shows a learning environment showing how employer vacancies have changed from 2005-2015 (Wright, Jenkins-Guarnieri Murdock, 2012). Figure 1: Employers vacancies changed from 2005-2015 (Source: van Dierendonck van der Gaast, 2013) It is observed from the last 11 years that graduate market has made frequent change on recruitment and training session. Nearly, a quarter of graduate vacancies have improved employee perspective from 2008-2009. Additionally, 1000s of new recruits made an expectation for putting annual rise in recruitment position. In January 2014, recruiters expected recruitment position with 8%, whereas during July 2014, the final estimate was more than 12%. Hence, this made the recession high and employers felt a considerable change in striking their key leaders. It will be acceptable if there is an annual increase of graduates (Taylor, 2012). Figure 2: Analysis of graduate vacancies on business position (Source: Sweeney Villarejo, 2013) The above figure shows a considerable area on consulting, armed forces and investment banking which expected to rise around 8.1% for planning purpose. It is also evident that the largest recruiters of graduates were from accounting and professional background in the year 2015. Moreover, investment banks, industrial firms and engineering have combined recruitment targets with 10,000 of graduate positions. Thus, the expected graduates when compared to the final recruitment figures of 2014 was set to increase employment areas on public sector organizations. However, as the data confirmation of most firms increased the number of graduates (Pryor, 2010). Hence, these helped recruiters to make an experience on industrial placements and paid internships. In UK market, the location of graduate experience offered vacancies in London and made a plan to recruit positions on English regions particularly England and Yorkshire. It was seen with a total of 39% and 46% that graduate employers made a n entry level on recruiting opportunities in UK (Prinstein, 2013). The figure below depicts that current graduates of London is 83% whereas the North West and the midlands include around 50%. Moreover, Scotland and Yorkshire includes a percentage of 46% and 43%. Figure 3: Location of graduate vacancies in UK (Source: Porfeli, Ferrari Nota, 2012) The current market place of graduates shows an expectation by expanding the market territory with substantial increase. Recruiters have confirmed that 31% of 2015 would make an entry-level for organizations goodwill. The current market would also be coincided through paid internships, vacation work and industrial placements (Moody, 2012). Hence, to determine the current marketing position of graduates, various factors have been evaluated that are as follows: Promoting graduate programs This examines to publicize graduate opportunities through campus recruitment and making quality applications for promoting programs. It is seen during 2011 and 2013 that graduate recruitments have encouraged the budgets of leading employees through spending programs and taking consistent sessions (McCracken, 2012). Thus, this would improve students perception of the organization. It will also achieve diversity targets through ethnic backgrounds like age, gender, occupation, etc. However, increasing the quality of graduates would make an increasing area for recruitment team and attracting applications for specific graduate vacancies. Promoting programs would also achieve specific social mobility targets through work placements and internships. Market position Graduate recruiters have made a fair treaty by using the recruitment presentations, career fairs, skills training events and other social media. It also makes an advertising campaign under the local careers and sector guides. The market position has also made a strategy that is related to business statistics and management science. It is seen in the entry level of marketing position that graduates has a starting point on their dream career. They have been informed with top professionals like marketing assistant and other marketing managers. Under this provision, the marketing executive produces web content, press release and other promotional events within the organization (Mc Kee Eraut, 2012). The graduates make most of their opportunities to develop the business position in the learning area. However, graduates have an understanding and capacity to learn applications based on market area. In addition, the current market position of graduates have been already discussed with interp ersonal skills, manufacturing agents, and sales engineer. It would be effective if there would be a formal treaty, presented on the business environment for its long run. Moreover, the executives assist the marketing managers to put prices on products and classifying into different categories (Kim Seo, 2014). Thus, there would be a susceptible area on market research and clients positions in business environment. Figure 4: Performance of graduate recruiters (Source: Hwang et al. 2014) Career path informed by career theory The career path is a small group of jobs, which share similar characteristics. A career cluster is a group of careers that share common features. Each career cluster contains several paths formed with a lower-level job in a career path and has education limits. It is observed that career path helps to find the right path when an individual shifts his job to another job. However, career path of graduates is informed with a career development theory. In this study, the learner has taken structural theory of trait and factor. As opined by Hamoda, (2012), this theory has a vocational change that depends on knowledge, ideas and ability to match specifications. This theory has a match that is depended on three factors: An understanding of the individual to evaluate his/her abilities, interests, resources, limitations, aptitudes A requirement needed for conditions of success, advantages, opportunities, compensation, and other prospects in different areas of work. True reasoning needed to match individuals through job traits and close matches related to satisfaction and job success (Finnegan, 2012). Moreover, the learner has developed a theoretical concept on global mindset of people through global career choices. To set this idea, the learner has demonstrated following ways to determine the global mind set of people that are as follows: Developing the relationship skills Learning the language needed for understanding culture and relationship skills Understanding the culture and the market proficiency Knowing the differences on the learning basics Finding a mentor or a trusted partner in the marketplace Figure 5: Career path (Source: Dong Lucas, 2013) Reflective self-assessment In this study, I will make assessment criteria regarding knowledge, skills and abilities of the current graduates. However, my role would be to assess an academic literary context by drawing critical assessments and reflections on strengths and weaknesses on learning area. The idea assessed on the critical role of current graduates would include a series of ideas. My perception would be to engage a learning area that perceives through presentations, essays and problem sets. However, providing a feedback would be beneficial on learning process. Thus, I would conduct a procedure through learning skills and development that will help to make development among the current graduates and other employees. My aerial idea would be observe if students of universities/colleges takes responsibilities for betterment of learning. It could be beneficial if assignments are made for self-evaluation. Self-assessment will also engage the students on their own learning needs. This will provide themselve s with a good outlook towards their academic and personal development. Moreover, I have observed that learning idea enhances ability of the individuals to assess their own work and develop critical thinkers. Thus, the strengths and weaknesses among the current graduates would be determined by answering questions asked through interview. The detailed observation of the current graduates would make a territory if financial results produce good results. It would be justified if I would develop communication among the employees and graduates through presentations, dealing with customers, active listening, meeting participation and others. In my perception, I would work on the communication skill that is evident on reports and correspondence like verbal communication skills manage presentations, dealing with customers, active listening, negotiation, and meeting participation. In order, organizational and planning skills is evident in prioritizing resources like multi-tasking, setting targets, maintaining calendars and schedule and optimal use of available resources. Moreover, the decision-making process would gather necessary information to make a decision process on the pros and cons. On the other hand, the problem solving process would able to identify and analyze problems through the possible outcomes in order to get the best result. However, I would finalize my convention to mentor/coach the current graduates that will facilitate learning. Knowledge will also help to identify what training and learning needs would find an appropriate way in achieving goals of the organization. It would also be feasible if learning interventions would adapt coaching styles for meeting employee needs (Campbell, Pentz Borthwick, 2012). I would also give an overview of the topic to represent the function that works on self-management and self-discipline. Using own resources, abilities and skills would make a progression to achieve goals for the current graduates. In order, self-discipline would control own behavior and prepare to work hard and set targets for difficulty in tasks. I would also handle persistent skills that form a productive area on accepting criticism, maintaining work performance, and overcoming obstacles. However, it would be persuasive for me if dealing with customers observes companys policies and procedures to retain ethics and pressure. Thus, working long hours and tackling challenging tasks would stay positive and maintain high productivity. Therefore, it would be ideal if the graduates use these practical ideas for boosting their confidence. Critical analysis of the tests In this section, I will initialize the tests related to the current graduates in offering a role to them. This is developed through psychometric tests, feedbacks and interviews, and presentations and group exercises. My area of target would be to develop the fact on how seminar activities stimulate the graduates role in teaching and learning area. I would develop activities through different approaches like debate around the room, envoys, writing before anyone talk, Socratic circles, offering questions, and statements to debate. To analyze psychometric tests for graduates and job applicants, the employers need to assess numerical reasoning, diagrammatic reasoning and verbal reasoning tests. Situational judgment tests increases popularity on the initial screening method for the graduate employees (Burns, 2012). In order, psychometric test have a variety of professionally developed tests that have a quality preparation materials. I would evaluate numerical reasoning tests to demonstrat e the graduates ability to deal with the numbers accurately whereas diagrammatic reasoning questions are designed for assessing logical reasoning ability. Giving feedbacks after interviews is an important area where the person sets for providing the right job. Confidence is also an area where the learning process presents through opportunities. Making an easy path would be interactive for the users as they invest most of the time to that. In order, an interview is also an area where questions would be asked through a one-on-one conversation. Interviews are the modern communication technologies that disable communications through videoconferencing, telephonic interviews and spoken conversation. Moreover, presentations and group exercises is a selection area that is utilized through graduate level recruitment and graduate schemes (Baruch, Dany, Pralong Davesne, 2014). The exercises are used for positions required for presenting information such as sales, consultancy, and finance ad management (Baruch, 2013). Theoretical informed detailed personal career plan The career plan is demonstrated by the learning needs among the current graduates, which is organized through a tabular form: Organizational needs Individual needs Major strategic issues Career opportunities o Critical competencies o Shortages o Bench strength o Critical needs o Using the strengths o Addressing development needs o Matching interests and values o Matching personal style Table 1: Detailed personal career plan Portfolio on management Figure 6: Portfolio on management (Source: Baruch, Dany, Pralong Davesne, 2014) The portfolio related to management enhances strategic objectives and business priorities under the learning cycle. However, the application portfolio will be assessed through risks, values and costs. In order, there is a budget planning, which will be funded on directions of the lifecycle that could be optimized for better enhancement. This will also present a investment plan to the individuals on their budget, growth, age, ability and undertaking risks for the graduates. Job role Job title: Company Associate Name of the company: Connect housing Country: Yorkshire, London, UK Job requirements: Masters in B.com, MBA or equivalent to commerce background Having good typing skills Be professional in work and have good attitude Career plan for the next 10 years for graduates Cover letter Application form VARK learning styles This includes visual, aural, read/write and kinesthetic. Ideally, this questionnaire helps learning by suggesting strategies that would be useful. Abstract Reasoning This would include sets of ability and aptitude for making a valid reason logically. Abstract reasoning also measures tests for non-verbal activities. Abstract reasoning tests would also assess a part of intelligence testing setup and job assessment. Honey and Mumford learning styles This would include understanding the preferred learning style by seeking various opportunities to learn under a style that would be effective. Here, becoming smarter is also valid if there are procedures for creating increased awareness among people. Type Dynamics Indicator Report (TDI) It has multiple applications based on building teams, change management, career guidance and leadership development. It would provide a flexible area for assessment and exploring personal thinking perspective. Numerical Reasoning It is designed to produce statistical calculations that have selective options. It would be realistic if there would be a full preview of psychometric tests of a selection procedure. Verbal Reasoning It understands the concepts that are framed through words. It also aims to evaluate ability of thinking constructively through vocabulary recognition or with simple fluency. Here, the verbal candidates face assessments that are typically looking for assessing and understanding comprehension skills. Belbin results This behavioral test has perceptions under learning capability and inventory thinking. Here, the assessments include 360-degree feedback to individuals in offering contrasts and behavior. Career development plan Conclusion In this study, the leaner has entertained the learning transitions that evolve for career development in assisting the current graduates under the learning area. It would be effective if self-evaluation engages people on learning opportunities and personal growth. In this research, the learner has assisted a critical literature regarding employability that works on the marketing position of current graduates. In order, the study covers an empirical idea where opportunities offer good position for the graduates. Thus, through a career path, a reflective assessment is created by giving feedbacks and evaluation to the graduates. 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