Saturday, August 31, 2019
In relation to mertons strain theory, consider whether crime is the product of blocked opportunities
The basis of Merton's Strain Theory lies with Emile Durkheim and his theory of anomie in so far as ‘anomie' is translated as ‘deregulation' or ‘normlessness'. Durkheim developed the concept of anomie in his book, Suicide, published in 1897 to refer to the lack of social regulation in modern society as one condition that promotes higher rates of suicide. He believed that individuals possessed an unlimited appetite of aspirations and it was up to society to regulate such an appetite. According to Durkheim, the appetites were regulated by the ‘collective conscience' of society; meaning people were bound together by their common morals and beliefs. However, if this mechanism failed or was significantly weakened, anomie would occur. An anomic state would unleash in people limitless appetites that could result in a variety of deviant behaviours. It was after reading Durkheim's work that â€Å"Merton assigned himself the task of discovering what produces anomie†(Hunt, 1961:58) Robert Merton was a criminologist who applied Durkheim's definition of anomie to modern industrial societies, with specific emphasis on the United States of America, and redefined the term. According to Merton, anomie is the form that social incoherence takes when there is a significant detachment â€Å"between valued cultural ends and a legitimate societal means to those ends†(Akers, 2000:143). Anomie can be separated into two distinct separate categories: macroside and microside. Macroside is caused when society fails to establish clear goal limits and is unable to regulate society members conduct. It is the microsided category that is more commonly referred to as strain, which focuses its attention on the breakdown of society and the increased levels in deviance, which is associated with this declining change that produces a stronger pressure among society members to commit crime. (Calhoun, 2003). Strain is the pressure that is placed on disadvantaged minority groups, where the lower societal population take any effective means to income and success that they can find even if those means are illegal (Akers, 2000:144), and Durkheim classified two strains of strain: individual and structural. Individual strain is described as the personally created stress that is attained by the person while they search for a means of meeting the needs they define through their personal expectations. Structural strain applies to members of the society who determine what their needs are based on societal ideas and are constantly battling to achieve these ideals (O'Connor, 2003). Following on from this, when Merton introduced his general strain theory, as aspirations increase and expectations decline, delinquency and the amount of deviant behaviour that occurs increases in effect to these changes. Merton recognised that certain expectations created by these two general types of strain and went on to identify five specific â€Å"modes of adaptation†to tackle these strains (Akers, 2000:144). Merton began his expansion on anomie by stating there are two elements of social and cultural structure. The first structure is culturally assigned goals and aspirations (Merton, 1938:672). These are the things that all individuals should want and expect out of life, including success, money, material possessions etc. The second aspect of the social structure defines the acceptable mode for achieving the goals and aspirations set out by society (Merton, 1938:673). This is outlined as the acceptable and appropriate way that people get both what they want and what they expect out of life, fro example obeying laws and societal norms, getting an education and working hard through life. It is expected that in order for society to maintain a normative function there must be a balance between aspirations and means in which to fulfil these aspirations (Merton, 1938:673-674). Balance would then occur as long as the individual felt that he was achieving this culturally desired goal by conforming to the â€Å"institutionally accepted mode of doing so†(Merton, 1938:674). Put in other words, there must be an intrinsic payoff, an internal satisfaction in playing by the rules as well as an extrinsic payoff of achieving their goals. It is also an important factor for all social classes to achieve these culturally desired goals through legitimate means, as if they are not, then illegitimate means might be employed to achieve the same goal. There is however, sometimes a disparity between goals and means with too much emphasis being placed on the goal itself and not the legitimate means by which it is achievable. For some members of the society, there is a lack of opportunity, which leads the individuals to a possible illegitimate way of achieving the goal. This, according to Merton is how crime is bred: – overemphasis on material success and lack of opportunity for such material success leads to crime. As mentioned previously, to supplement his theory, Merton developed a list of five possible reactions to such a disparity between goals and means. The first of these is the most common – Conformity. An individual facing this reaction accepts the goal alongside the institutionalised means. A second possible reaction would be Innovation. In this case, the individual accepts the goals facing him, but rejects the institutionalised means of attaining them. Then we have Ritualism, where the goal is rejected because the individual does not believe that it can be achieved but legitimate means are employed. Retreatism is where both the goal and the means are rejected. Merton used the example of the drug addict or alcoholic to demonstrate – people who are in society, but do not take part in the function of that society. The fifth and final reaction is Rebellion. Merton reserved rebellion for the individuals who, when frustrated, would elect to simply adopt a new social order and dispose of the old one.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Computional Fluid Dynamics Through a Pipe
Table of Contents INTRODUCTION3 Method:3 Part 23 Part 33 Part 44 Part 54 RESULTS4 Part 14 Part 26 Part 36 Part 46 Part 5:6 DISCUSSION7 CONCLUSION7 REFERENCES7 INTRODUCTION The main objective of this assignment is to simulate a 3-D air flow in a pipe using Ansys CFX. The pipe was simulated under specific conditions. These conditions are air temperature to be 25? C (degrees Celsius), one atmospheric reference pressure, no heat transfer and laminar flow. The results from the simulation of laminar flow in the pipe were compared with the theoretical ones.Also the mesh was refined in the simulation to see if it is possible to get more accurate results using grid convergence analysis. Method: The pipe used in the simulation has dimensions of a 0. 5m axial length and a radial diameter of 12mm. The air entering the pipe, inlet velocity, is set to 0. 4 m/s at a temperature of 25? C and one atmospheric pressure. No slip condition was set on the pipe walls. The outlet of pipe was set to zero gau ge average static pressure. In CFX a mesh was formed on the pipe with a default mesh spacing (element size) of 2mm.Figure (1) and (2) shows the setup of the model before simulation was preformed Figure 1: Mesh without Inflation Figure 1: Mesh without Inflation Figure 2: Mesh with Inflation Part 2 Calculating the pressure drop ? p=fLD? Ub22Equation (1) Calculating Reynolds number Re=UbD/? Equation (2) Friction Factorf=64/ReEquation (3) The results were calculated using excel, and plotted in Figure (3). Part 3 Estimating the entrance pipe length Le: Le/D=0. 06ReEquation (4) Having Re=UbD/? Equation (3) The simulated results of velocity vs. axial length were plotted in Figure (5).From the graph the Le (entrance pipe length) was determined by estimating the point in the x-axis where the curve is straight horizontal line. Part 4 Comparison of the radial distribution of the axial velocity in the fully developed region in the simulated model against the following analytical equation: UUmax = 1-rr02 Equation (5) The results were calculated using excel, and plotted in Figure (4). Part 5 The simulation was performed three times, each time with a different grid setting. The numbers of nodes were 121156,215875 and 312647 for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd simulation.RESULTS Part 1 Figure 3: Pressure Distribution vs. Axial Length Figure 3: Pressure Distribution vs. Axial Length Figure 4: Axial Velocity vs. Radial Diameter Figure 5: Velocity vs. Axial Distance Part 2 Having: Dynamic viscosity ? = 1. 835Ãâ€"10-5 kg/ms and Density ? = 1. 184 kg/m3 Reynolds Number Re=UbD? == 261. 58 Friction Factorf=64Re== 0. 244667 ?p=0. 965691 Pa From the simulation the pressure estimated at the inlet is ? p=0. 96562 Pa (0. 95295-0. 965691)/0. 965691*100 = 1. 080 % Part 3 Having Re=UbD? =261. 58 The entrance pipe length Le: Le=0. 06Re*D = 0. 188 mFrom the graph in Figure (3) the Le is estimated to be ~ 0. 166667 ((0. 166667-0. 188)/0. 188)*100 = 11. 73% Part 4 From the graph in Figure 2 the theoretic al velocity at the center of the pipe is estimated to be 0. 8 m/s. From the simulation the velocity at the center of the pipe is estimated to be 0. 660406 m/s. ((0. 688179-0. 8)/0. 8)*100= 13. 98% Part 5: Table 1: Percentage Error for Each Simulation Number of Nodes| Axial Velocity % error (%)| Pressure % error (%) | 120000 Simulated I| 13. 98| 1. 31| 215000 Simulated II| 12. 42| 2. 24| 312000 Simulated III| 12. 38| 2. 28|Figure 6: Percentage Error vs. Number of Nodes Figure 6: Percentage Error vs. Number of Nodes The percentage error for the axial velocity results from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd simulation were calculated and plotted in Figure (6), as well as the pressure result along the pipe. Table (1) shows the axial velocity and pressure percentage error for each simulation. DISCUSSION After the simulation was successfully done on Ansys CFX and the simulated results were compared with theoretical results, it was found that the simulated results have slight deviation from theoretical ones. In PART 2, he pressure in the simulated result differed by the theoretical by a 1. 080%, for 1st simulation. In PART 3, the simulated results for entrance pipe length, Le, differed from the theoretical results by 11. 73%. In PART 4, Figure (4), the simulated velocity curve is less accurate than that of the theoretical. In PART 5, meshing refinements and inflation were done to the simulation in order to getting better results. Figures (6) show with more nodes and inflation the accuracy of the results increases. Increasing the nodes gradually was found to be an advantage where higher or more accurate results were obtained.This is noted in grid convergence graph, Figure (6), as the number of nodes increase the pressure percentage error is converging to 2% while for velocity percentage error is converging to 12%. On the other hand, the percentage error increased with the increase of the number of nodes while the velocity error decreased with the increase of number of nodes. In Par t 2 the percentage error for pressure drop is 1. 080%, for 1st simulation. But when trying to increase the accuracy of the simulated velocity result by refining the meshing and adding nodes the pressure drop percentage error increases, as shown in figure (6).This is due to that Darcy-Weisbach equation, equation (1), assumes constant developed flow all along the pipe where in the simulated results the flow is observed to become developed father down the pipe from the inlet. This is assumed to change the pressure distribution along the pipe. CONCLUSION More nodes used in meshing will produce more accurate and precise results, as shown in Figure (6). Also the meshing plays a vital rule on the sensitivity of results in terms of the accuracy of these results. REFERENCES [1]Fluid Mechanics Frank M. White Sixth edition. 2006
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Birth regulations and Family Planning in China
Birth regulations and Family Planning in China Chinas Birth Regulations Are Justified What would you think if someone told you that you werent allowed to exercise one of your basic human rights? How would you feel if someone told you that you werent allowed to have another child? Many people would be outraged. China is a country with a severe over population problem. In order to combat the problem, the Chinese government has instituted family planning policies which regulate citizens permission to have multiple children. Before one jumps to the conclusion that family planning inhibits peoples rights, it is necessary to fully understand the benefits it has had on Chinas overpopulation problem. Family planning is justified because it has effectively regulated over-rapid population growth, promoted positive changes in peoples thoughts on marriage, birth and family, and has aided development of Chinas economy and living standards. For those unfamiliar with the family planning regulations, the following is taken from a U.S. Department of State report, released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor: The State Family Planning Commission formulates and implements policies with assistance from the Family Planning Association, which has 83 million members in 1.02 million branches. Chinese demographers at an October conference predicted that the population would reach almost 1.56 billion in the year 2044 if the current fertility rate continued. Most estimated fertility at 2.1 births per womanindicating that the one-child policy is not applied to the majority of Chinese couples. Couples in urban areas are most affected, seldom receiving permission to have more than one child, although the Government maintains that urban couples who themselves were only children may now receive permission to have two children. Outside the cities, exceptions to the one-child policy are becoming the norm. The average number of children per family in rural areas, where 70 percent of the people live, is slightly over two. In rural areas, couples are allowed to have a second child if the first is a girl, an exception that takes into account both the demands of farm labor and the traditional preference for boys. Some ethnic minorities, such as Muslim Uyghurs and Tibetans, are subject to less stringent population controls. Minorities in some rural areas are permitted to have as many as four children. In remote areas, such as rural Tibet, there are no effective limits at all. (U.S. State Dept, 1) Family planning has, since its very beginning, regulated over-rapid population growth in China. The idea behind family planning is that couples should have only one child, thus reducing the birth rate that reached as high as 5.8 children per couple in the 1970s. Since 1987, China has had various regulations regarding family planning, but they have all steered toward the policy that only one child be born per couple, with exceptions in rural areas. A study done by the US Population Institute said that of the more than one thousand couples visited (during the study) who qualified to have more than one child, many decided not to do so. (Popline, 1) The leader of this organization, Warner Fornos, said that China has greatly changed its overall mind set regarding population since he first visited the country in the early 1980s. These changes include a sharp decline in population growth, improved economic conditions, success in poverty eradication efforts, empowerment of women and the list continues (Popline, 1). In a report released by the Information Office of the State Council in China, it it written that because Chinas current population and family planning program and policies have won understanding and support from the people, the fertility level of the population has steadily reduced and the trend of over-rapid population growth has been effectively checked along with the countrys economic and social development [which has also been checked effectively]. (China State Council, 1). It becomes apparent in these two reports that family planning has effectively reduced the over-rapid population growth rate in Chinese communities. Family planning has altered peoples thoughts regrading marriage, birth and family in China. the overall idea in China used to be that giving birth to a boy would be more economically worthwhile than having a girl. More children meant greater happiness. These ideas have, since family planning came into place, been slowly discarded. In the past, people would keep having babies until they were blessed with a boy. This practice is discouraged through family planning. Family planning has promoted growth and change in the minds of Chinese couples regarding these issues. The report from the State Council of China said that in 1990 the average family size was 3.96 persons, down from 4.84 persons in 1971. The report claims that the major reason for this reduction in family size is the institution of family planning, resulting in fewer births. (China State Council, 1) People in China are now moving toward the one child idea more and more. In Werner Fornos study, mentioned earlier, he quotes a villager in Liaoning Province who said, In our village, sixty-nine women are qualified to apply to have a second baby in accordance with the government policy, but only nine have expressed any interest. Fornos noted that young couples are now opting to marry later and have few children (Popline, 1). It is evident that family planning has effectively changed the mind set of the people regarding marriage and family. Family planning has, last but not least, aided in development of Chinas economy and living standards. Chinas main goals in family planning, with respect to the economy, is to make the speed of population growth lower than the speed of gross national product growth, thus eventually raising the per-capita level. The following statistics, given in the report from the State Council of China, will illustrate this fact: In the period between 1952 and 1978, the Gross Domestic product (GDP) increased 4.7 fold. However, the per-capita GDP increased only 2.8 fold. Between 1978 and 1994, China persisted in doing a good job with family planning. The GDP increased 4.2 fold and the per-capita GDP increased 3.4 fold. Compared with 1974, living standards in China have improved greatly. For most families, the basic needs of living, such as food, clothing, and shelter, were met. There has been great progress in China since family planning developed regarding the economic and living standards of the people. In studying the evidence given in this paper, one can surely begin to agree that the birth regulations in China are providing a positive effect on the Chinese. Family planning regulations, which were set up in an attempt to control the over rapid growth in population in Chinese communities, have been effective in doing just that. Family planning practices are justified because they have effectively regulated over-rapid population growth, promoted positive changes in peoples thoughts on marriage, birth and family, and have aided development of Chinas economy and living standards.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Benjamen Harrison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Benjamen Harrison - Essay Example In 1748, he married his cousin Elizabeth Bassett, a niece of George Washington's wife Martha. He had many children eight of whom survived infancy. After a while, he was successful in expanding his plantations to include eight more and also in shipping and ship building. He was elected to the House of Burgesses in 1764. As was the tradition, he sat in the House of Burgesses frequently as a speaker from 1749 till 1774 when the Royal Governor dissolved the organization. His involvement in politics started from there. In time, he became aware of the strained relationships between the Great Britain and the U.S.A and was in support of independence from Britain. Benjamin Rush once remarked that Benjamin Harrison "had strong state prejudices and was hostile to the leading men from the New England states." Hence, became a renowned leader during the American Revolution which started in 1775 and ended in 1783. Harrison was greatly against the Stamp Act and thus, assisted in composing the Colony's objection. When the House disregarded the Royal Governor and approved the Stamp Act Resolution, the Royal Governor attempted to bribe Harrison with a promise of a seat to the executive council when he saw the amount of influence Harrison had as a political leader. However, Harrison rejected the proposition instead declaring loyalty to the principles of the republic and people's rights even at his young age of 38. Also, he contradicted the resolutions of Patrick Henry by suggesting civil waywardness as a response. Moreover, in 1772 he supported the statement that the import of slaves should be restricted and taxed in great amounts. Presumably his choice to be with the colonists came from his experience on the Property and Grievances Committee and the Trade Committee. He got elected as the First Continental Congress in 1774 and was one of those who were obliged to attend General Washington in Cambridge to help make plans for the future of the American Army the next year. He chose to represent his state from then on in every session whenever he was a member of the Congress. During the war, he heeded affairs at home in the position attending as a lieutenant in his county's armed force and was also a chief magistrate as well. As the falling-out with the British Crown increased, Harrison was compelled to object and cast his group with the patriots. Between 1773 and 1776, he took part in carrying out the responsibilities of the Revolutionary conventions, the committee of correspondence, and the provincial congresses. He controlled the discussions on the Articles of Association and signed them on 20th October, 1774. He made effective contributions on the foreign affairs, groups of military, finance and marine. As the Chairman of the Whole from March 1776 to August, Benjamin Harrison was vastly respected in Congress; he led the negotiations till the approval of the Declaration and early arguments on the planned Articles of Confederation. When in Congress, Benjamin Harrison sought financial and added assistance from other countries being a member of the Secret Correspondence Committee. On the significant day of 7th June, 1776, Harrison was selected to introduce his fellow Virginian Richard Henry Lee; his resolutions called for independence from England. He was also
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Golan Heights Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Golan Heights - Research Paper Example This assignment will take a look at what the Golan Heights are and what the significance of this area is. A brief historical overview of who has occupied the Golan Heights will be given in order to further understand the history and value of this area. An analysis of the conflict between Syria and Israel over the Golan Heights will be given, as well as the various attempts at resolving the conflict. Finally, it will be determined how the issue stands today and what the future for this dispute may hold. 2. THE GOLAN HEIGHTS The Golan Heights is a plateau region of 1800 sq km on the border of Israel and Syria. Its highest point is Mount Hermon in the north which is 2800 metres high and it reaches below sea level in the south on the Sea of Galilee. Israel occupies 1200 sq km of the area; although, it is recognised as Syrian land. There are 41 Israeli settlements in the Israeli occupied zone and approximately 19100 Israelis living there. Over twenty thousand Syrians live in the area; mos tly they are of the Druze sect. [cia world fact book, 2011] The Golan Heights is known for its rich farming land, as well as abundant water supplies which include the headwaters of the Jordan River, the Baniyas Springs and the Yarmuk River. The water from this area makes up 30% of Israel’s total fresh water supply. ... Between the third and second millennium B.C. the Amorites inhabited the region until the Arameans conquered the land. Biblical references indicate that the Golan Heights were then seized from the Amaraens by the Israelites and settled by the Manasseh tribe in 800 B.C. During the next centuries the Heights were conquered by first the Assyrians, then the Babylonian empire and then by the Persian Empire. Alexander the Great also took control over the heights before it finally fell into Roman hands. During the Roman era, the Heights were periodically given to the Syrian province then traded to Israel again. In 636 A.D. the Arabs took over the Golan Heights after the battle of Yarmouk and remained under Muslim rule for many centuries; although it did fall under various dynasties during this time. The Golan Heights was incorporated into the Ottoman Empire between 1516 until the end of World War I, after which it passed to France’s rule on a mandate of the League of Nations. Syria re ceived its independence in 1944 and the Golan Heights were officially a part of the country. [Golan Sights, 2009] From this turbulent history it can be seen how important the Heights were deemed to be over the years. Thus, it is not surprising that conflict over the region still rages. 4. THE CONFLICT Conflict over the Golan Heights began almost immediately after the withdrawal of the European mandatory forces. War broke out between Syria and Israel between 1948 and 1949. At the end of the war, the two sides agreed to partly demilitarize the Golan Heights within accordance of the Syria-Israel Armistice Agreement. However, both sides violated the agreement; with Israel attempting to use water from the Jordan River in the demilitarized zone and both countries sending raids into
Monday, August 26, 2019
Motivation, Emotion, and Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Motivation, Emotion, and Learning - Essay Example After the end of the three days, the frequency of each emotion experienced across the total reporting period and on preset times on each day (For example, anger=1, joy=2, sad=1, anxious=3, etc.) was calculated. Thereafter an analysis was made of the physiological (internal and expressive body changes) and cognitive (specific thoughts occurring during an emotion) components of emotions in the experience. Findings are reported below. There are several psychological frameworks that define and operationally emotion (e.g., Izard 1977; Mehrabian and Russell 1974; Plutchik 1980). The present research uses Izard's framework which "assumes that separate and discrete emotions exist and that each has measurable, experiential, and motivational properties" (Izard 1972, p. 85). In his Differential Emotions Theory Izard (1972) conceptualizes ten fundamental emotions: joy, surprise, anger, disgust, contempt, shame, guilt, fear, interest, and sadness. Given the fact that the time period chosen was that of three consecutive days and observation points comprised of preset 7 vantage time periods on each day it was inevitable that the felt emotions would source from out of major events that either preceded these days or occurred during these days. The predominant emotions observed during the period were Anger (15), Contempt (16), Disgust (11) and Interest (12).It was observed that the first three had occurred in tandem as they were basically caused by a single event. The last interest was caused by a separate event. There were two events that had primarily originated the predominant emotions in the observation period. The event causing disgust, anger and contempt in tandem involved a gory media reporting of a riot involving a crowd in a developing country .The graphic images shown over media had immersed in attention span substantially and a lot of time was spent analyzing this event which explains the high frequency of the three emo tions felt in tandem. Interest was evinced by another event which involved receiving a personal bursary from my distantly related uncle who was arriving from UK to assess me for the grant of this bursary. Anger invariably resulted in racing of heart and tightening of arm muscles. A little tightening was felt in thigh muscles as well. The eyes got a little blood shot with bleary affect. However despite all these effects all senses seem to sharpen with anger. Disgust essentially produced tightening of stomach muscles. It was accompanied by eyebrow pull up and screwing of eyes. Contempt produced physical effects quite similar to those produced by anger with the difference that fists formed almost involuntarily and teeth clenched hard, as the contempt emotion traversed from one end to the other. Interest emotion was accompanied by widening of eyes and slight outward popping of eyeballs. A small blush spread from middle of the cheek to the top edge of both ear lobes indicating rush of
Organizational behaviors and leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Organizational behaviors and leadership - Essay Example Advance scenarios played reflection 20 5.2 Appendix II leader self-sight reflection 22 1.0ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIORS AND LEADERSHIP 1.1Introduction Ability to not only influence but also inspire others to endeavor the leader towards leaders’ goal is referred to us leadership. On the contrary, it is argued that leadership is a process of an individual influencing others to attain a certain goal. Further, it is important to realize that leadership can be those qualities that viewers see but on the other hand, cannot describe. Leadership is manifested in the following ways, when there is a crisis and someone comes in to solve, or when someone influences others, or when some people tent to follows others. To crown it all, leadership usually comes in a visible state when there is someone who responds to something innovatively. Four main theories for generations erupt as follows: there are traits theories, contingency theories, behavioral theories and lastly transformational theories just to mention but a few. According to the article written by John Mark, it is evident that all of the four theories outlined above none of them is neither time bound nor mutually exclusive. However, according to experts, it is true that each of the generation above, it has to some extent benefit to the leadership debate although still debate continues up to date. There are different titles that are used to describe the division of modern management. Therefore, leadership can be discussed under the following categories, for instance charismatic leadership in the current ongoing debate on leadership that replaces transformational leadership. Secondly, there is an approach based on skills, self-management, and leadership that involves sharing just to mention but a few. Due to the above, it is pertinent to approach the above phenomena with the model of leadership that is classical. The following are some of the pertinent traits that a leader should have. It is, a leader should have a need for achievement, resolution, and courage, capacity to motivate individuals and should have trustworthiness character just to mention but a few. The above figure shows the New Reality of Leadership 1.2VIRTUE LEADERSHIP PRACTICE AND THEORY 1.2.1Origins of Leadership Theory According to the great man theory, it is evident that there are those people who are born naturally as a leader. The article goes further to site people like Alexander the great and Caesar Julius. In addition, people like Mahatma and bush George are related in the theory of Heroic conception of leadership (1880) as being leaders by natural phenomena. This is due to their high level of clear vision and ambitions to their destinations. The above is because they have a unique set of personal qualities, which propelled
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Fascist Italy to Nazi Germany Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Fascist Italy to Nazi Germany - Essay Example This embarrassed Germany to a point of grudge. In the case of Italy, factions who were against its involvement during the First World War blamed its regime for taking part on the costly war that crippled their economy and prestige. However, both German Nazism and Italian Fascism had different goals and treatment on how they run their government and national affairs. Italian Fascism seeks to create an organic state by incorporating all aspects of national society. The focus was an economically self-sustaining and expanding empire with a strong and unified society. This was seen during Benito Mussolini’s initial act to create a strong government by uniting all political factions for national progress. Macdonald (1999) stated that, â€Å"Mussolini set up the Fascist Grand Council to work alongside the government Council of Ministers which included non-Fascists†(p.20). The goal of Italian Fascism was to try to restore Italy’s old glory while expanding its sphere of influence in Europe and its neighboring regions. This resulted to Italy’s early invasion of North Africa and Ethiopia during the opening stages of the Second World War. German Nazism also aims for national development and progress. In the case of Nazism, however, the way toward this goal was through their idea of a purity of race. In the eyes of Nazism under Adolf Hitler, Germany was in ruins because the Jews in Germany never took part in the First World War for Germany. Hitler also considered the Jews, who were mostly prominent businessmen and merchants, to have weakened German economy by making a fortune only for themselves. At the same time, German Nazism also abhorred the Slavic people and communists. Homosexuals and gypsies were looked down upon as a lesser group of people compared to the German populace. Hitler had a special hatred for the Jews though, and this fueled his sense of
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Financial Analysis of Durango Manufacturing Company Research Paper
Financial Analysis of Durango Manufacturing Company - Research Paper Example Durango Manufacturing Company is a firm that deals in manufacturing of a variety of products and the supply of industrial products. The firm deals in aircraft manufacturing, apparel manufacturing, automotive manufacturing, chemical and allied products, glass manufacturing, home and garden supplies, industrial importers and exporters, paper and pulp, railroad manufacturing, and other forms of manufacturing. The organization has in the past received Best Business Bureau (BBA) accreditation, which recognized their relentless commitment to making strenuous efforts of satisfying consumer complaints. The award considers the period of time the business has been in operation, the amount of information available concerning the business, and most importantly, there should be no consumer complaint filed with the Better Business Bureau (Csaszar, 2012). Durango manufacturing company’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) does not have sufficient expertise in financial management and creating valu e for the firm’s various stakeholder groups. ... Corporate finance is crucial as it defines how organizations fund their activities and achieve their goals and objectives. Organizations are always faced with a dilemma between re-investing their excess revenues or using it to pay shareholder dividends. An ample financial literature is crucial as it enables chief executive officers to rationally appropriate the finances of an organization while maintaining high quality shareholder relations. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Durango manufacturing limited should seek financial training to enhance his financial literature. The firm is a large multinational firm with extensive financial implications. Also, the magnitude of its daily operations represents a relatively large financial risk that requires high-tech financial management expertise. Because of the complexity of the organization, the managing director should seek training in financial management or management accounting. Management accounting comprises the provision of finan cial information, as well as the financial advisor to a business (Brigham & Ehrhardt, 2013). Financial management starts with the management of financial information (Bhat, 2008). Financial information refers to data like credit card numbers, account balances, credit ratings, and other monetary details concerning an organization, which are used in implementing various activities like credit assessment, loan transactions and sundry. The chief executive officer should know how to process financial information to safeguard Durango Manufacturing Company profile from bad publicity associated with financial misappropriations.Â
Friday, August 23, 2019
Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 16
Business - Essay Example e symptoms that Mendez is experiencing: tight financial position, increasing expenses, high employee turnover, and requests to increase salary are all manifestations of a deeper problem: the lack of appropriate promotions and advertising strategies for his chain of dry cleaner stores. There was no mention of any efforts placed by Mendez on promotions, which is one of the 4Ps in marketing. 1. Status Quo. Mendez could do nothing and wait for hell to break lose. By doing nothing the following advantages would be derived: no additional costs to be incurred. However, the disadvantages are: continued losses, high employee turnover, possibility of closing more stores, demotivated employees, and high overhead costs. 2. Promote the Chain of Dry Cleaner Stores. This option could still be subdivided into two categories: (1) traditional and conservative promotion and advertisement in mediums which would cater to the local community; or (2) invest on technological improvements such as going web-based in promoting and advertising their services. Traditional or Conservative Promotional Efforts would entail lesser costs since the promotional activities and advertising efforts would be tailored to the local community only. Mendez could initially run promotion through giving discounts for bulk laundry and giving coupons for frequent customers. He can also advertise in local radio, newspapers or magazines of the services they offer and the promotional campaign being instigated. This option could initially be implemented by Mendez coupled with developing training and maintenance of employees. In doing so, employees would feel more secure and would have something to look forward to in terms of development of skills and future prospects. Investing in Web-based Technology is an attractive option if Mendez financial position can support and sustain the growth. It would promote his services on a wider scale and thereby increase clientele and market share. However, this alternative is
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Perception of Organized Crime Essay Example for Free
Perception of Organized Crime Essay Organized crime has been defined as illegal acts committed by a criminal organization or group. The NCIS (2005) described organized crime as having 4 salient attributes: (1) organized crime group contains at least three people; (2) the criminal activity the group engages in is ongoing and indefinite in duration; (3) the group is motivated by a desire for profit or power; and, (4) the group commits serious criminal offenses (Lynman Potter, 2007). There are different categories of organized criminal behavior. They include the provision of illicit services, provision of illicit goods, conspiracy to commit crime, penetration of legitimate business, extortion, and corruption. Illicit services are services that legitimate business do not provide. These services include but are not limited to gambling that is illegal, protection rackets, loan sharking, and prostitution. Illicit goods are also not available not available from legitimate businesses. Illegal drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, and heroin are examples of illicit goods. Unregistered guns and stolen property are also examples of illicit goods. Conspiracy is an agreement between two or more people to violate the law. Conspiracy is a vital category of organized criminal behavior. Organized crime members often work together for the purpose of making money. They work together to sell drugs, stolen property, loan sharking, gambling, prostitution and other illegal activities they have going on within their organization. Organized crime organizations have no legal way to spend their profits so they must hide their revenue. They do this by penetrating legal businesses. Many of these crime organizations have businesses such as construction and contractors. Extortion is another category of organized crime. Many organized crime organizations use extortion to infiltrate legitimate businesses. Extortion is the use or threatened use of violence or force to achieve a criminal end (Lynman Potter, 2007). Corruption is also a category of organized crime. Many of these organized crime groups could not flourish if it wasnt for for the aid of pubic and private figures such as police officers, judges, prosecutors, mayors, bankers, attorneys, and elected and appointed officials. Organized crime groups have different hierarchies. There is the standard hierarchy in which there is a single organized crime group which is led by a single powerful individual. These organizations have clearly defined roles, a readily identified chain of command, and a hierarchy that is designed to provide a strong system of internal discipline. Then there is the regional hierarchy. These hierarchies are tightly controlled groups with strong systems of internal discipline and clearly defined roles and lines of authority. Next theres the clustered hierarchy. This is an organized crime group that involves a number of smaller organized crime groups that coordinate their activities and enterprises. There is also a core group. This is an unstructured group of organized criminal surrounded by a larger network of individuals engaged in serious criminal activity. Finally, theres the criminal network. Criminal networks are loosely organized, highly adaptable, very fluid of networks of individual participants who organize themselves around ongoing criminal enterprise (Lynman Potter, 2007). The perception I had of organized crime is different from what I read in week one. Before this week, I always associated the Mob or the Mafia with organized crime. I think this comes from the movies and television shows that I have watched. I described organized crime as a group of people working for a â€Å"boss†to break the law. I thought that there was one head and people reported to him. I did not know that there were different categories of organized crime. I always associated drug trafficking and murder for hire as organized crimes. The readings have helped me to understand what organized crime really is and who is or can be involved. Before now, I would have never associated corruption or extortion with organized crime. I ultimately believed that this was something that was made up for movies and TV shows such as The Godfather, Scarface, The Sopranos, and The Wire. Before watching The Wire, I only associated Italians with organized crime. The characteristics I believe are associated with organized criminal behavior varies. First, all members of the organization are expected to live by a certain set of rules or a code. They should protect the organization and do what is asked of them by the leaders. I thought the characteristics of organized criminal behavior were similar to that of a gang. The people involved in organized crime may not wear a certain color or live in a certain area but they have the same goal in mind. Protect the group by any means necessary. They have to be loyal to the group, do what they are told by someone else, and do what it takes to make money or a profit for the group. After this first week of class my views on organized crime has changed drastically. I now have a better understanding of what organized crime is and a more knowledge on organized criminal groups. I can let go of all of the stereotypes I may have had and now understand that organized criminal organizations have one goal in mind, make a profit for the organization no matter if it is financial or political. References Lyman, M., Potter, G. (2007). Understanding Organized Crime. Organized Crime (Fourth ed., pp. 1-38). New York: Pearson Education.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Early Marriage Essay Example for Free
Early Marriage Essay Marriage is the union of a man and a woman who makes a permanent and exclusive commitment to each other of the type that is naturally fulfilled by bearing and rearing children together. It is essentially a union of hearts and minds, enhanced by whatever forms of sexual intimacy both partners find agreeable but, there are numerous problems a couple can face when marriage happens at an early stage for them. Early marriage is also referred to as child marriage, where emotional and social effects take place, but one of the most common outcomes of early marriage is the withdrawal of girls from formal education. Education is important as it is not all about studying and getting good marks, but it means to discover new things and to gain a vast amount of knowledge. It would be one of the largest losses to a girl if she is married young. As India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru said, â€Å"If u educate a man, you educate an individual; however, if you educate a woman you educate a whole family†. Couples that are married young may also lead to financial problems to occur. As a result, it brings them to poverty, the deprivation of basic human needs. Lack of proper education; do not help the inexperience couples to receive large income for the profession they do. Furthermore, children who grow up in poverty suffer more persistent than children who grow up under better financial circumstances. In addition, children in poverty have a greater risk of displaying behaviour and emotional problems, such as impulsiveness and difficulty getting along with their parents. Although money does not buy happiness, it is true that a financially unstable family can create tensions. Read more: Short Essay on Child Marriage Well, women believe that becoming a parent early means giving your body a better chance to recover from the childbearing demands, which works through preserving your youth. Gynecologists approve of the fact that the early you conceive, the more fit you stay. This could be true but not in all circumstances. It would not be beneficial at all as it increases the risk of dying and a higher chance that the newborn will not survive. According to the studies, mothers in this age group have 20 to 200 percent
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Fragrance Advertising and Brand Study
Fragrance Advertising and Brand Study INTRODUCTION TO THE PROJECT What is Brand? â€Å"Brand is the personality that identifies a product, service or company (name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or combination of them) and how it relates to customers.†Brand is a name or symbol that is commonly known to identify a company or its products and separate them from the competition. A well-known brand is generally regarded as one that people will recognise, often even if they do not know about the company or its products/services. These are usually the businesses name or the name of a product, although it can also include the name of a feature or style of a product. Brand Positioning In marketing, positioning has come to mean the process by which marketers try to create an image or identity in the minds of their target market for its product, brand, or organization. Also positioning is defined as the way by which the marketer creates impression in the customers mind. The task of the marketer is to mould consumer perceptions so as to occupy the desired position for his brand. Perceptions or brand positions can be changed even if the product is the same; this is known as repositioning of a brand. Positioning has four components. The first component is the product class or the product category in which the brand is to operate. The second is the consumer segmentation. It is impossible to think of a position for a brand without, at the same time, considering the segment for which offers benefits that other brands do not. The third is the mapping of the brand in the consumer mind. Brand benefits and attributes make up the fourth component of positioning. A consumer can allot a position in her mind only to a brand whose benefits are meaningful to her. The search for vacant positions in the market must be conducted with reference to the product benefits and the preferred importance of such benefits. The position that we seek in a consumers mind is based upon the knowledge of the consumers perception of the product category. What is the imprint of the various brand in the Definition from Wikipedia The position that we seek in a consumers mind is based upon the knowledge of the consumers perception of the product category. What is the imprint of the various brand in the consumers mind? Is there a vacant position? The answers lead us to a product concept and the emotional or psychological values which it must offer. The position which a brand seeks in the target customers mind is influenced by its functional features or attributes. The attribute must be such as to make the position credible. The position of the brand is also influenced by its non- functional features comprising functional as well as emotional or psychological values. Positioning is the pursuit of differential advantage. One of the major contribution of positioning theory to marketing strategy has been to bring out the concept of dissimilarity between the brands in the minds of target consumers and to uncover the many opportunities for such perceived differentiation based upon the capabilities of the product. Who am I? What am I? For whom am I? Why me? The answers to these would determine the brands position in the mind of the consumers. Except for the most basic necessities, consumers buy product both for their functional benefits and their symbolic meanings. Consumers prefer to buy those products and brands that match best with their image of themselves. Brands can be, and are likened to people; they acquire human characteristics. This is known as brand personality. It refers to the symbolic and emotional characteristics of a brand. Positioning is something (perception) that happens in the minds of the target market. It is the aggregate perception the market has of a particular company, product or service in relation to their perceptions of the competitors in the same category. It will happen whether or not a companys management is proactive, reactive or passive about the on-going process of evolving a position. But a company can positively influence the perceptions through enlightened strategic actions. COMPANY PROFILE McNroe Consumer Products Pvt Ltd 14,Netaji Subhas Road. Kolkata Phone- +91 33 22102095 Vision To become the most admirable grooming and lifestyle brand in India. The booming young adult population with high disposable income is more conscious of the latest trends than ever before. Keeping pace with changing times, the company is sharply focused to create and offer great products to the Indian Youth. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND The company was originated in the year 1986 as McNROE Chemicals. Promoted by Mr. N.K Daga. He is currently a Director in the company. McNROE Chemicals was incorporated as McNROE Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. On 26th July 1996. In September, 2009 the name of the Company changed as â€Å"McNROE Consumer Products Pvt. Ltd. with a view to reflect the aspiration to be a personal care Company. The company operates on a sound understanding of fragrance and its relevance to customers. The business of the Company grew in size and stature and in first 10 years of its business successfully expanded the area of distribution of its products to the states of Eastern North East India and North Central India. PRESENT STATUS Presently the company is a 140 crore company. The companys distribution network spans across Dealers, sales agents, CF agents and Super Stockist. Company brands are distributed across the country through a team of 1200 distributors covering 380000 Retail outlets. The Company has its manufacturing units in the state of Uttaranchal. The company is currently building capability to enter and serve Modern Trade Outlets. The marketing strategy of the company has been consulted by the Future Brands. MAJOR BRANDS HEAVENS GARDEN Products- Talcum Powder, Skin Care (Anti septic Cream, cold cream, moisturizing lotion) SECRET TEMPTATION (Female Range) Products- Talcum powder, perfumeries (perfumes deodorants) WILD STONE (Male Range) Products- Talcum Powders, perfumeries (perfumes deodorants), Skin care products (Shaving cream, After shave lotion, Shaving brush, Soap) Premium range of cosmetics is marketed under the brand name SECRET TEMPTATION and WILDSTONE for female and male range respectively. Mass family segment is marketed under the brand name HEAVENS GARDEN. The range of products of company include talcum powder, cold cream, anti septic cream, deodorant, spray perfume, moisturizing lotion, After Shave Lotion, Soap. INTRODUCTION TO THE BRAND WILD STONE Living life on the edge can be intensely pleasurable. Wild Stone is for the man who enjoys unshackled pleasure Wild Stone is a quintessentially male brand, providing personal care products for young Indian males. Rough and rugged, it does away with the controlled norms of social interaction, taking contact between men and women to an elemental, instinctual level. Wild Stone bases its products on the changing needs of Indias youth. Wild Stone answers the need for fragrance on the go, with its Deodorants and Perfumes. The strong fragrances are ideally suited for Indian weather conditions. Soaps and shaving products complete a mans personal care ritual. With a wide range of fine fragrances, Wild Stone offers an international experience to its users. The brand was started in the year 2005, targeting the middle class working people. Their products are targeted at the uber-masculine male â€Å"who loves living life on the edge†. Wild Stone markets itself as the masculine and mysterious brand in the Indian market. The brand is targeted at male aged 22-28. All its campaigns revolve around this central theme of seduction where girls make the first move. The feeling of being seduced gives a big boost of self confidence to a man. Along with these, the brand also ensures that customers are constantly engaged with new fragrances and campaigns. The company started the brand with a tagline â€Å"Wild by nature†. They moved on to the â€Å"Barely Legal†tagline which was more subtle and had sexual Undertones. Now the brand has again a new Tagline â€Å"It happens†. The new tagline gives a message that Wild Stone man doesnt have to Try Too Hard†. Brand anchor is â€Å"Dangerous Liaisons†and the brand destination is to become â€Å"The iconic Indian Male Fantasy brand that owns the space of Indian sensuality†. Wild Stone has grown rapidly over the last two years, to emerge as the number three brand in the fastest growing FMCG category today. It is the top brand in several states, has achieved universal awareness. With a clearly differentiated position, and strong growth across categories, Wild Stone is set for success. Wild Stone has become one amongst the top three brands in the Indian deodorant market within few years of its launch. Wild Stone deodorant has a national market share of 7.4%. PRODUCTS Deodorants TalcShaving cream Soap Aftershave Lotion DEODORANTS Night Rider Green, aromatic,floral, woody, musky Wild Stone Wild Stone Aqua Fresh Citrus, spicy, floral, ambery, woody, musky Aqua freshness with citrus and amber. Wild Stone Raw Passion Aromatic, green, citrus, slightly fruity, ambery, woody, musky Sparkling, energetic irresistibly masculine. Wild Stone Ultra Sensual Aromatic, lavender, rosemary, spicy fresh, woody, musky The classic fragrance of the Wild Stone man. Wild Stone Hydra Energy Citrus, fresh, lavender, spicy, aromatic, green,woody, ambery, musky Refreshing fragrance, perfect to begin your day. Wild Stone Forest Spice Green citrus, lavender, aromatic, spicy, woody, powdery, musky Adventurous to the core. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY To study the deodorants industry in India To study the companys desired consumer perception of its brand WILDSTONE To make an in depth study and analysis of the actual brand perception of the consumers To locate gaps, if any, between the desired and actual brand perception Recommend strategies, based on my project study results, to plug such gaps. Research design and methodology Sources of data collection The study is a cross sectional study. Data was collected at a single point of time. For the purpose of present study a related sample of population were chosen for the sake of convenience. Primary data: It is the data collected afresh or for the first time OR It is data which is collected by the researcher directly from the respondents. There are various methods of data collection. The ones I have used are:- Observation : Data is collected based on observation done in the market Interview method:. Collected some information by informal interviews by the target consumers at different places to formulate the correct questionnaire. Questions related to the survey were asked on one to one basis Questionnaire: Designing the questionnaire Ø Multiple choice questions Ø Scaling Ø Subjective Method of sampling It refers to the method to be applied and the technique to be used in selecting the sample. Random sampling A sampling process where each element in the target population has a equal chance or probability of inclusion in the sample. Judgmental Sampling The selection of a unit, from the population based on the judgment. Judgment sampling involves the choice of subjects who are most advantageously placed or in the best position to provide the information required. They could reasonably be expected to have expert knowledge by virtue of having gone through the experience and processes themselves and might perhaps be able to provide good data or information to the researcher. Sample size A sample is a part of the total population .It can be an individual or a group of elements selected from the population. Although it is a subset it is representative of the population. The Sample size is 120. Questionnaire The questionnaire format was made in accordance to the research objective. However the questionnaire was modified as the survey progressed for the purpose of seeking more authentic information to enhance post survey analysis The questionnaire format is available in the annexure Research methodology It is a set of systematic techniques used by scientific researchers. During execution, the framework should always indicate the purpose of what one is doing at that moment The research methodology used is Descriptive Analysis study: Descriptive research (or statistical research)  § This research describes data and characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied. Descriptive research answers the questions who, what, when, where and how  § Although the data description is factual, accurate and systematic, the research cannot describe what caused the situation.  § The description is used for frequencies, averages and other statistical calculations.  § Qualitative research often has the aim of description and researchers may follow it up with examinations of why the observations exist and what the implications of the findings are. In brief, descriptive research deals with everything that can be counted and studied. However there are always restrictions to that. Our research must have an impact to the lives of people around us. Similarly the results of this project will be beneficial to both the company and the consumers since the company will use these key findings about the consumers brand and consumption perception to design its marketing and other strategical concepts to position the brand in the consumers mind. ANALYSIS OF THE STUDY As mentioned the project is relating to mapping the consumer perception about the brand WILDSTONE. Evaluating the different framework available for conducting the survey. Then shorlisting the appropriate framework. For this project KAPFERERs BRAND IDENTITY PRISM have been considered for the survey. Brand Identity Prism Kapferer has developed a brand identity prism where he distinguishes a sender and recipient side, plus an externalisation and internalisation side. The 6 identity facets express the tangible and intangible characteristics of the brand and give it a unique authority and legitimacy of values and benefits. The six facets of the identity prism can be described as- Physique -Physique is both the brands backbone and its tangible added value. It is the basis of the brand. An exterior tangible facet communicating physical specificities, colour, form and brand qualities. Personality- An internal intangible facet which forms the character, soul and brand personality which are relevant for brands. Culture- An internal intangible facet to integrate the brand into the organization which is essential in differentiating brands. It symbolises the organization and the value it stands for. Here culture means the set of values feeding the brands inspiration. Relationship- It is the handshake between the consumer and the organization. Reflection It is the consumers perception about the product. Self image-If reflection is a targets outward mirror, self image is the targets own internal mirror. Through our attitude towards certain bran, we indeed develop a certain type of internal relationship with ourselves. An external intangible facet reflecting the customer attitude towards the brand. These six facets define the identity of the brand as well as the boundaries within which it is free to change or to develop. It demonstrates that these facets are all interrelated and form a well structured entity. Kapferers brand identity prism defines the following: The brands particular vision and aim What makes the brand different What need is the brand fulfilling What are the value or values What is its permanent nature What are the signs which make it recognizable BRAND IDENTITY PRISM OF WILD STONE DATA ANALYSIS The following are the results of the survey done for the brand Wild Stone.The questionnaire was designed based on the Brand Identity Prism.The 6 identity facets of the prism express the tangible and intangible characteristics of the brand and give it a unique authority and legitimacy of values and benefits. 1. What is your Profession? 69 percent of the target consumers were serviced based people. 31 percent people were business men. 2. Why do you use deodorant? A question was asked by the people relating to the utility of deodorant to them.43 percent of the people use deodorant for freshness. 23 percent of the target consumers use it for removing body odor. 3. From where do you purchase deodorant? 4. How do you give importance to the factors while purchasing a deodorant? (Rank 1 for the highest priority and 5 for the lowest) When the target consumers were asked about the priority they have before purchasing a deodorant for themselves, 43 percent people go for the fragrance. They give importance to the smell of the deodorant. 27 percent give importance to the brand of the deodorant. 5. Which brand of deodorant do you use? (The survey was done for the 3 brands of deodorants. Axe, Park Avenue and Wild Stone. The survey of the customer was not considered if he used any other brand of deodorant.) 48 percent of the target consumers are the users of AXE, an HUL product. Axe holds the major share among the other brands of deodorants i.e Park Avenue and Wild Stone which holds 24 and 28 percent respectively. PHYSIQUE An exterior tangible facet communicating physical specificities, colour, form and brand qualities. Physique is the starting point of branding and therefore it forms the brands backbone. 6. How do you recognize the Wild Stone products? * More than 1 answer was also given by the target consumers. For eg. a consumer may say that he recognize the product by the color and logo. An open ended question was asked by the target customers about the recognition of the Wild Stone brand. The question was asked by the consumers to know what makes them recognize the brand Wild Stone. As surveyed with 120 target consumers, 64 percent people recognize the Wild Stone brand products by the color. Around 12 percent people recognize by the logo unit of the brand. Only 17 percent people were able to recognize the logo unit of the brand i.e. the Scratch Mark. Few people recognized the product from their overall packaging unit. 7. Which color comes to your mind when you think of the Wild Stone product? * More than 1 answer was also given by the target consumers. Again an open ended question was asked to the target consumers to know what color comes in their mind when they think about the Wild Stone brand.39 percent of the target consumers responded the color black .17 percent consumers perception matched with the companys view i.e. the color Silver .The company associated silver with the brand. As the color silver signifies self-confidence and self-assurance. However, majority chose the color black with the brand. 8. Other than the Brand name, what symbol in the product helps you recognize the product? Logo unit helps to recognize the brand easily. Logo units are the representatives of the brands. Only 22 of the target consumers recognized the symbol in the product i.e. the scratch marks. PERSONALITY An internal intangible facet which forms the character, soul and brand personality which are relevant for brands. 9. If Wild Stone a man, which age group should he belong to? The brand identity prism focuses on the personality of the brand. The intangible facets like the age, the character etc. of the brand. The company has positioned the brand to reflect the person belonging to the age group between 22-28. Around 56 percent of the people matched with the companys perception.31 percent of the target consumers perceives the brand to belong to the age group of 18-22. 10. Which celebrity would you suggest who should endorse Wild Stone? As the company says the brand is definitely for male. Wild Stone markets itself as the masculine and mysterious brand in the Indian market. All its campaign revolve around the central theme of seduction where girls make the first move. Had Wild Stone been a person, its appearance would have been a masculine type. Company feels the brand as the masculine and the mysterious type.38 percent of the target consumer feels that Akshay Kumar is the better choice who can endorse the brand. Akshay Kumar the action hero is known better for his masculine nature. So the majority feel Akshay Kumar as the best option for endorsing this brand. They have the same perception as the company. Company also positioned the brand as mysterious if a person.And around 32 percent of the target consumers feel Emraan Hashmi (better known for his mysterious characters in Bollywoodmovies) can be a better option for endorsing the brand. 11. What sort of games would Wild Stone play, if a man? ENJOYS A HINT OF DANGER The Wild Stone brand as a person will enjoy a hint of danger. Company positioned it as a brand which enjoys the risk and adventure. The danger with that adventure is enjoyed. Bungee jumping is considered as the most dangerous game among the options given. 20 people of the total 120 believe that the brand Wild Stone if a person will enjoy Bungee Jumping. But 48 out of 120 believe that Wild Stone as a person will enjoy river rafting the most as it appeals more thrilling and adventurous. REFLECTION- An exterior facet with tangible and intangible areas, and defines the behaviour that identifies the brand the way the brand connect to its customers. 12. If Wild Stone were a person, rate the following attributes: (1 denotes for Strongly Agree and 5 for strongly disagree) CULTURE- An internal intangible facet to integrate the brand into the organization which is essential in differentiating brands. It symbolises the organization and the value it stands for. 13. If Wild Stone a person, please rank its modernity. The company positioned the brand to be modern. It belongs to the young generation. 58 percent of the target consumers feel the same. 14. If Wild Stone a person, which nationality would he belong? The nationality plays an important role in understanding the cultural background of the brand the consumers would associate it to. The brand belongs to the Indian Nationality.58 percent of the target consumers say that the brand is the Indian brand. It belongs to the Indian nationality.17 percent of the target consumers say that the brand is of American nationality. SELF IMAGE Self-image is the external intangible facet reflecting the customers attitude towards the brand. These inner thoughts connect personal inner relationship with the brand. So called: the target internal mirror 15. Describe people who will be users of Wild Stone brand. * More than 1 answer was also given by the target consumers. When the Wild Stone users were asked about how they feel when they use the Wild Stone deodorants or how they fe Fragrance Advertising and Brand Study Fragrance Advertising and Brand Study INTRODUCTION TO THE PROJECT What is Brand? â€Å"Brand is the personality that identifies a product, service or company (name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or combination of them) and how it relates to customers.†Brand is a name or symbol that is commonly known to identify a company or its products and separate them from the competition. A well-known brand is generally regarded as one that people will recognise, often even if they do not know about the company or its products/services. These are usually the businesses name or the name of a product, although it can also include the name of a feature or style of a product. Brand Positioning In marketing, positioning has come to mean the process by which marketers try to create an image or identity in the minds of their target market for its product, brand, or organization. Also positioning is defined as the way by which the marketer creates impression in the customers mind. The task of the marketer is to mould consumer perceptions so as to occupy the desired position for his brand. Perceptions or brand positions can be changed even if the product is the same; this is known as repositioning of a brand. Positioning has four components. The first component is the product class or the product category in which the brand is to operate. The second is the consumer segmentation. It is impossible to think of a position for a brand without, at the same time, considering the segment for which offers benefits that other brands do not. The third is the mapping of the brand in the consumer mind. Brand benefits and attributes make up the fourth component of positioning. A consumer can allot a position in her mind only to a brand whose benefits are meaningful to her. The search for vacant positions in the market must be conducted with reference to the product benefits and the preferred importance of such benefits. The position that we seek in a consumers mind is based upon the knowledge of the consumers perception of the product category. What is the imprint of the various brand in the Definition from Wikipedia The position that we seek in a consumers mind is based upon the knowledge of the consumers perception of the product category. What is the imprint of the various brand in the consumers mind? Is there a vacant position? The answers lead us to a product concept and the emotional or psychological values which it must offer. The position which a brand seeks in the target customers mind is influenced by its functional features or attributes. The attribute must be such as to make the position credible. The position of the brand is also influenced by its non- functional features comprising functional as well as emotional or psychological values. Positioning is the pursuit of differential advantage. One of the major contribution of positioning theory to marketing strategy has been to bring out the concept of dissimilarity between the brands in the minds of target consumers and to uncover the many opportunities for such perceived differentiation based upon the capabilities of the product. Who am I? What am I? For whom am I? Why me? The answers to these would determine the brands position in the mind of the consumers. Except for the most basic necessities, consumers buy product both for their functional benefits and their symbolic meanings. Consumers prefer to buy those products and brands that match best with their image of themselves. Brands can be, and are likened to people; they acquire human characteristics. This is known as brand personality. It refers to the symbolic and emotional characteristics of a brand. Positioning is something (perception) that happens in the minds of the target market. It is the aggregate perception the market has of a particular company, product or service in relation to their perceptions of the competitors in the same category. It will happen whether or not a companys management is proactive, reactive or passive about the on-going process of evolving a position. But a company can positively influence the perceptions through enlightened strategic actions. COMPANY PROFILE McNroe Consumer Products Pvt Ltd 14,Netaji Subhas Road. Kolkata Phone- +91 33 22102095 Vision To become the most admirable grooming and lifestyle brand in India. The booming young adult population with high disposable income is more conscious of the latest trends than ever before. Keeping pace with changing times, the company is sharply focused to create and offer great products to the Indian Youth. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND The company was originated in the year 1986 as McNROE Chemicals. Promoted by Mr. N.K Daga. He is currently a Director in the company. McNROE Chemicals was incorporated as McNROE Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. On 26th July 1996. In September, 2009 the name of the Company changed as â€Å"McNROE Consumer Products Pvt. Ltd. with a view to reflect the aspiration to be a personal care Company. The company operates on a sound understanding of fragrance and its relevance to customers. The business of the Company grew in size and stature and in first 10 years of its business successfully expanded the area of distribution of its products to the states of Eastern North East India and North Central India. PRESENT STATUS Presently the company is a 140 crore company. The companys distribution network spans across Dealers, sales agents, CF agents and Super Stockist. Company brands are distributed across the country through a team of 1200 distributors covering 380000 Retail outlets. The Company has its manufacturing units in the state of Uttaranchal. The company is currently building capability to enter and serve Modern Trade Outlets. The marketing strategy of the company has been consulted by the Future Brands. MAJOR BRANDS HEAVENS GARDEN Products- Talcum Powder, Skin Care (Anti septic Cream, cold cream, moisturizing lotion) SECRET TEMPTATION (Female Range) Products- Talcum powder, perfumeries (perfumes deodorants) WILD STONE (Male Range) Products- Talcum Powders, perfumeries (perfumes deodorants), Skin care products (Shaving cream, After shave lotion, Shaving brush, Soap) Premium range of cosmetics is marketed under the brand name SECRET TEMPTATION and WILDSTONE for female and male range respectively. Mass family segment is marketed under the brand name HEAVENS GARDEN. The range of products of company include talcum powder, cold cream, anti septic cream, deodorant, spray perfume, moisturizing lotion, After Shave Lotion, Soap. INTRODUCTION TO THE BRAND WILD STONE Living life on the edge can be intensely pleasurable. Wild Stone is for the man who enjoys unshackled pleasure Wild Stone is a quintessentially male brand, providing personal care products for young Indian males. Rough and rugged, it does away with the controlled norms of social interaction, taking contact between men and women to an elemental, instinctual level. Wild Stone bases its products on the changing needs of Indias youth. Wild Stone answers the need for fragrance on the go, with its Deodorants and Perfumes. The strong fragrances are ideally suited for Indian weather conditions. Soaps and shaving products complete a mans personal care ritual. With a wide range of fine fragrances, Wild Stone offers an international experience to its users. The brand was started in the year 2005, targeting the middle class working people. Their products are targeted at the uber-masculine male â€Å"who loves living life on the edge†. Wild Stone markets itself as the masculine and mysterious brand in the Indian market. The brand is targeted at male aged 22-28. All its campaigns revolve around this central theme of seduction where girls make the first move. The feeling of being seduced gives a big boost of self confidence to a man. Along with these, the brand also ensures that customers are constantly engaged with new fragrances and campaigns. The company started the brand with a tagline â€Å"Wild by nature†. They moved on to the â€Å"Barely Legal†tagline which was more subtle and had sexual Undertones. Now the brand has again a new Tagline â€Å"It happens†. The new tagline gives a message that Wild Stone man doesnt have to Try Too Hard†. Brand anchor is â€Å"Dangerous Liaisons†and the brand destination is to become â€Å"The iconic Indian Male Fantasy brand that owns the space of Indian sensuality†. Wild Stone has grown rapidly over the last two years, to emerge as the number three brand in the fastest growing FMCG category today. It is the top brand in several states, has achieved universal awareness. With a clearly differentiated position, and strong growth across categories, Wild Stone is set for success. Wild Stone has become one amongst the top three brands in the Indian deodorant market within few years of its launch. Wild Stone deodorant has a national market share of 7.4%. PRODUCTS Deodorants TalcShaving cream Soap Aftershave Lotion DEODORANTS Night Rider Green, aromatic,floral, woody, musky Wild Stone Wild Stone Aqua Fresh Citrus, spicy, floral, ambery, woody, musky Aqua freshness with citrus and amber. Wild Stone Raw Passion Aromatic, green, citrus, slightly fruity, ambery, woody, musky Sparkling, energetic irresistibly masculine. Wild Stone Ultra Sensual Aromatic, lavender, rosemary, spicy fresh, woody, musky The classic fragrance of the Wild Stone man. Wild Stone Hydra Energy Citrus, fresh, lavender, spicy, aromatic, green,woody, ambery, musky Refreshing fragrance, perfect to begin your day. Wild Stone Forest Spice Green citrus, lavender, aromatic, spicy, woody, powdery, musky Adventurous to the core. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY To study the deodorants industry in India To study the companys desired consumer perception of its brand WILDSTONE To make an in depth study and analysis of the actual brand perception of the consumers To locate gaps, if any, between the desired and actual brand perception Recommend strategies, based on my project study results, to plug such gaps. Research design and methodology Sources of data collection The study is a cross sectional study. Data was collected at a single point of time. For the purpose of present study a related sample of population were chosen for the sake of convenience. Primary data: It is the data collected afresh or for the first time OR It is data which is collected by the researcher directly from the respondents. There are various methods of data collection. The ones I have used are:- Observation : Data is collected based on observation done in the market Interview method:. Collected some information by informal interviews by the target consumers at different places to formulate the correct questionnaire. Questions related to the survey were asked on one to one basis Questionnaire: Designing the questionnaire Ø Multiple choice questions Ø Scaling Ø Subjective Method of sampling It refers to the method to be applied and the technique to be used in selecting the sample. Random sampling A sampling process where each element in the target population has a equal chance or probability of inclusion in the sample. Judgmental Sampling The selection of a unit, from the population based on the judgment. Judgment sampling involves the choice of subjects who are most advantageously placed or in the best position to provide the information required. They could reasonably be expected to have expert knowledge by virtue of having gone through the experience and processes themselves and might perhaps be able to provide good data or information to the researcher. Sample size A sample is a part of the total population .It can be an individual or a group of elements selected from the population. Although it is a subset it is representative of the population. The Sample size is 120. Questionnaire The questionnaire format was made in accordance to the research objective. However the questionnaire was modified as the survey progressed for the purpose of seeking more authentic information to enhance post survey analysis The questionnaire format is available in the annexure Research methodology It is a set of systematic techniques used by scientific researchers. During execution, the framework should always indicate the purpose of what one is doing at that moment The research methodology used is Descriptive Analysis study: Descriptive research (or statistical research)  § This research describes data and characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied. Descriptive research answers the questions who, what, when, where and how  § Although the data description is factual, accurate and systematic, the research cannot describe what caused the situation.  § The description is used for frequencies, averages and other statistical calculations.  § Qualitative research often has the aim of description and researchers may follow it up with examinations of why the observations exist and what the implications of the findings are. In brief, descriptive research deals with everything that can be counted and studied. However there are always restrictions to that. Our research must have an impact to the lives of people around us. Similarly the results of this project will be beneficial to both the company and the consumers since the company will use these key findings about the consumers brand and consumption perception to design its marketing and other strategical concepts to position the brand in the consumers mind. ANALYSIS OF THE STUDY As mentioned the project is relating to mapping the consumer perception about the brand WILDSTONE. Evaluating the different framework available for conducting the survey. Then shorlisting the appropriate framework. For this project KAPFERERs BRAND IDENTITY PRISM have been considered for the survey. Brand Identity Prism Kapferer has developed a brand identity prism where he distinguishes a sender and recipient side, plus an externalisation and internalisation side. The 6 identity facets express the tangible and intangible characteristics of the brand and give it a unique authority and legitimacy of values and benefits. The six facets of the identity prism can be described as- Physique -Physique is both the brands backbone and its tangible added value. It is the basis of the brand. An exterior tangible facet communicating physical specificities, colour, form and brand qualities. Personality- An internal intangible facet which forms the character, soul and brand personality which are relevant for brands. Culture- An internal intangible facet to integrate the brand into the organization which is essential in differentiating brands. It symbolises the organization and the value it stands for. Here culture means the set of values feeding the brands inspiration. Relationship- It is the handshake between the consumer and the organization. Reflection It is the consumers perception about the product. Self image-If reflection is a targets outward mirror, self image is the targets own internal mirror. Through our attitude towards certain bran, we indeed develop a certain type of internal relationship with ourselves. An external intangible facet reflecting the customer attitude towards the brand. These six facets define the identity of the brand as well as the boundaries within which it is free to change or to develop. It demonstrates that these facets are all interrelated and form a well structured entity. Kapferers brand identity prism defines the following: The brands particular vision and aim What makes the brand different What need is the brand fulfilling What are the value or values What is its permanent nature What are the signs which make it recognizable BRAND IDENTITY PRISM OF WILD STONE DATA ANALYSIS The following are the results of the survey done for the brand Wild Stone.The questionnaire was designed based on the Brand Identity Prism.The 6 identity facets of the prism express the tangible and intangible characteristics of the brand and give it a unique authority and legitimacy of values and benefits. 1. What is your Profession? 69 percent of the target consumers were serviced based people. 31 percent people were business men. 2. Why do you use deodorant? A question was asked by the people relating to the utility of deodorant to them.43 percent of the people use deodorant for freshness. 23 percent of the target consumers use it for removing body odor. 3. From where do you purchase deodorant? 4. How do you give importance to the factors while purchasing a deodorant? (Rank 1 for the highest priority and 5 for the lowest) When the target consumers were asked about the priority they have before purchasing a deodorant for themselves, 43 percent people go for the fragrance. They give importance to the smell of the deodorant. 27 percent give importance to the brand of the deodorant. 5. Which brand of deodorant do you use? (The survey was done for the 3 brands of deodorants. Axe, Park Avenue and Wild Stone. The survey of the customer was not considered if he used any other brand of deodorant.) 48 percent of the target consumers are the users of AXE, an HUL product. Axe holds the major share among the other brands of deodorants i.e Park Avenue and Wild Stone which holds 24 and 28 percent respectively. PHYSIQUE An exterior tangible facet communicating physical specificities, colour, form and brand qualities. Physique is the starting point of branding and therefore it forms the brands backbone. 6. How do you recognize the Wild Stone products? * More than 1 answer was also given by the target consumers. For eg. a consumer may say that he recognize the product by the color and logo. An open ended question was asked by the target customers about the recognition of the Wild Stone brand. The question was asked by the consumers to know what makes them recognize the brand Wild Stone. As surveyed with 120 target consumers, 64 percent people recognize the Wild Stone brand products by the color. Around 12 percent people recognize by the logo unit of the brand. Only 17 percent people were able to recognize the logo unit of the brand i.e. the Scratch Mark. Few people recognized the product from their overall packaging unit. 7. Which color comes to your mind when you think of the Wild Stone product? * More than 1 answer was also given by the target consumers. Again an open ended question was asked to the target consumers to know what color comes in their mind when they think about the Wild Stone brand.39 percent of the target consumers responded the color black .17 percent consumers perception matched with the companys view i.e. the color Silver .The company associated silver with the brand. As the color silver signifies self-confidence and self-assurance. However, majority chose the color black with the brand. 8. Other than the Brand name, what symbol in the product helps you recognize the product? Logo unit helps to recognize the brand easily. Logo units are the representatives of the brands. Only 22 of the target consumers recognized the symbol in the product i.e. the scratch marks. PERSONALITY An internal intangible facet which forms the character, soul and brand personality which are relevant for brands. 9. If Wild Stone a man, which age group should he belong to? The brand identity prism focuses on the personality of the brand. The intangible facets like the age, the character etc. of the brand. The company has positioned the brand to reflect the person belonging to the age group between 22-28. Around 56 percent of the people matched with the companys perception.31 percent of the target consumers perceives the brand to belong to the age group of 18-22. 10. Which celebrity would you suggest who should endorse Wild Stone? As the company says the brand is definitely for male. Wild Stone markets itself as the masculine and mysterious brand in the Indian market. All its campaign revolve around the central theme of seduction where girls make the first move. Had Wild Stone been a person, its appearance would have been a masculine type. Company feels the brand as the masculine and the mysterious type.38 percent of the target consumer feels that Akshay Kumar is the better choice who can endorse the brand. Akshay Kumar the action hero is known better for his masculine nature. So the majority feel Akshay Kumar as the best option for endorsing this brand. They have the same perception as the company. Company also positioned the brand as mysterious if a person.And around 32 percent of the target consumers feel Emraan Hashmi (better known for his mysterious characters in Bollywoodmovies) can be a better option for endorsing the brand. 11. What sort of games would Wild Stone play, if a man? ENJOYS A HINT OF DANGER The Wild Stone brand as a person will enjoy a hint of danger. Company positioned it as a brand which enjoys the risk and adventure. The danger with that adventure is enjoyed. Bungee jumping is considered as the most dangerous game among the options given. 20 people of the total 120 believe that the brand Wild Stone if a person will enjoy Bungee Jumping. But 48 out of 120 believe that Wild Stone as a person will enjoy river rafting the most as it appeals more thrilling and adventurous. REFLECTION- An exterior facet with tangible and intangible areas, and defines the behaviour that identifies the brand the way the brand connect to its customers. 12. If Wild Stone were a person, rate the following attributes: (1 denotes for Strongly Agree and 5 for strongly disagree) CULTURE- An internal intangible facet to integrate the brand into the organization which is essential in differentiating brands. It symbolises the organization and the value it stands for. 13. If Wild Stone a person, please rank its modernity. The company positioned the brand to be modern. It belongs to the young generation. 58 percent of the target consumers feel the same. 14. If Wild Stone a person, which nationality would he belong? The nationality plays an important role in understanding the cultural background of the brand the consumers would associate it to. The brand belongs to the Indian Nationality.58 percent of the target consumers say that the brand is the Indian brand. It belongs to the Indian nationality.17 percent of the target consumers say that the brand is of American nationality. SELF IMAGE Self-image is the external intangible facet reflecting the customers attitude towards the brand. These inner thoughts connect personal inner relationship with the brand. So called: the target internal mirror 15. Describe people who will be users of Wild Stone brand. * More than 1 answer was also given by the target consumers. When the Wild Stone users were asked about how they feel when they use the Wild Stone deodorants or how they fe
Monday, August 19, 2019
A Chioce Made Easy Essay -- essays research papers fc
A Choice Made Easy Choosing educational software for children is certainly not an easy task. Because so many options are available, it is easy to be overwhelmed by all the vividly colored packages, the intriguing characters, and fantastic claims of academic enhancements. How in the world does one actually choose? Fortunately, all is not lost. A software package is available, which truly encompasses those qualities, and does so without assaulting the purchaser’s pocketbook. My Personal Tutor by Microsoft, is a budget sensitive, educational enhancement package for childaren, with exciting graphics and an incredible academic framework. For this reason, a recent review of this program stated that â€Å"Microsoft has made a great contribution to children’s learning†(Dr. Toy). In fact, My Personal Tutor is the best choice of children’s educational software.      The activities in My Personal Tutor facilitate learning in vital academic disciplines. Because of the technological advancement of our society, today’s students require more strength in critical thinking, reading, and math skills than ever before. This three CD set is dedicated to enhancing skills in those areas. For example, in Turru’s Sea Quest, the student further develops thinking skills in order to advance through the game format. By solving unfinished sentences, analyzing and completing number or shape patterns, challenging memory with matching, and matching analog compared to digital time, the child assists Captain Scratch in setting free the endangered sea creatures. In another CD, Sam’s Hide & Seek, the child strengthens reading skills in a virtual museum, with six separate rooms where the child plays interactive word games or reads stories in order to help Sam find his friends. However, the word games are not simple mindless entertai nment. For instance, by solving incomplete sentences a story emerges. During this process, an amusing, vividly colored picture is painted depicting the story the child is creating. In another challenging exercise, the student reads stories and answers questions relating to the story content in order to gain points, thereby fostering comprehension. Finally, in a third CD, the child’s world becomes an incredible space station where the goal is to help a new friend, Spy, capture alien stowaways. In Spy’s Space Station, traditional math of the p... ...osoft is the best choice of children’s educational enhancement software. Works Cited Dr. Toy’s 100 Best Children’s Products for 1998. San Francisco, CA. 1999. Microsoft Kids Page. Redmond, WA. November 17, 1998. Outline Thesis: My Personal Tutor is the best choice of children’s educational software. I. The activities in My Personal Tutor facilitate learning in vital academic disciplines. A. In Turru’s Sea Quest, the student further develops thinking skills. B. In Sam’s Hide & Seek, the child strengthens reading skills. C. In Sky’s Space Station, traditional math is transformed into exciting activities. II. Through well-designed game objectives, My personal Tutor generates long term interest. A. All the activities are designed as a means to an end. B. The goals are met methodically through a sense of teamwork C. The interactive characters are encouraging throughout the challenge. III. Parents can feel confident that the purchase of this set is a cost- effective enhancement to the child’s education, as well as an excellent source of reinforcement for vital social skills. A. The price is only $14.95 after the rebate. B. My Personal Tutor is not limited to academics only.
Toni Morrison and bell hooks Represent Blacks in American Literature :: Biography Biographies Essays
Toni Morrison and bell hooks Represent Blacks in American Literature Two widely known and influential authors, bell hooks and Toni Morrison, share similar beliefs and themes with regards to the black community. One theme in particular that the two writers emphasize is the representation of blacks in American literature today. hooks feels that African Americans are misrepresented, where Morrison believes that blacks are not represented at all. hooks' evidence of this theme is portrayed primarily in the sexist and racist representations the characters exhibit. Overall, both authors feel that the negative portrayal of the black community needs to stop in order for a better understanding of our national literature. Toni Morrison believes that the literature in America has taken as its concern the white man as its character base. Morrison states, "American literature is free of, uniformed by, and unshaped by the four-hundred-year-old presence of the first Africans" (205). She believes the entire history of the African culture has had no important place in the present state of our culture's literature. The American literature evident today tends to depict the white males' views, genius, and power leaving out all concerns for the black race. Morrison is convinced that, "the contemplation of the black presence is central to any understanding of our national literature and should not be relegated to the margins of the literary imagination" (205-06). Morrison's quote stresses the importance of the representation of black presence in today's literature for a better national comprehension of this writing. Two primary reasons Morrison believes that blacks are left out are the writers themselves, and the silence that has historically ruled literature. She believes, "National literatures, like writers, get along as best they can and with what they can. Yet they do seem to end up describing and inscribing what is really on the national mind" (208). This is the interest in the white man. Writers produce, and companies publish what the public wants to read about. According to Morrison, this is not the black presence, rather views and interests in the white man. The other reason she believes blacks are left out are, "that in matters of race, silence and evasion have historically ruled literary discourse" (207).
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Charity Organization Society Essay -- Sociology, Social Control
1. The Charity Organization Society was based in the scientific movement of organizations. Workers believed that charity work needed more definition and organization and that charity should be focused more on individual need rather than as a whole population. Focusing on individual need was intended to improve relief operations while making resources more efficient. They also intended to eliminate public outdoor relief. With the promotion of more organization and efficiency the new Charity Organization Societies were born. Trattner states that these new requirements for organization and efficiency spread so â€Å"rapidly that within 6 years 25 cities had such organizations and by the turn of the century there were some 138 of them in existence†(Trattner, 1999). The reformation of the Charity Organizations didn’t grant relief themselves however they served as a resource to simplify the transaction of relief to relief applicants by: maintaining relief applicant requests, records of the aid given to them, and referring those worthy or unworthy to the proper agencies (Trattner, 1999). Their goal was to eradicate fraud and duplicity of services while also maintaining efficiency and treating poverty. The charity organization movement intended to treat poverty by enacting â€Å"friendly visitors†to look into each case and define the cause of destitution while also watching for overlapping relief. These â€Å"friendly visitors†and their investigations were the cornerstone of the Charity Organization Society’s (C.O.S) treatment; granting aid without investigation was like giving medicine without diagnosis (Trattner, 1999). â€Å"Friendly visitors†were relied on heavily within the C.O.S in order to effectively assign services and determine which serv... in California a crowd of children crowded around Tommy’s mother while she was making soup and told all of them they could have some and to go get dishes. This was something that no one had really done for the Joads but it seemed they felt it was important to help those like themselves. Another scene that depicted cultural awareness was when they met the police officer at the gas station who explained to them he was from Indiana, where they had come from, and informed them to leave that town and go to the transient camp a few miles away so as they didn’t get a ticket. This was something that the officer may not have shared if they weren’t from the same region. After being dislocated from their home the Joads lost their home, their grandfather, their grandmother, and their son. Besides these things they also lost a part of their dignity but never their spirit.
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