Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Tobacco Should Be Made Illegal Essay - 1010 Words
Cigarette smoking causes more than 480,000 deaths each year in the United States. This means about one out of every five deaths is a result of smoking. In addition to outright death, smoking has many detrimental effects on the lives of smokers and those around them. Fires, second-hand smoke, and smoking related motor vehicle accidents all plague the world and those in it. Tobacco should be made illegal because of the horrible consequences it inflicts on smokers and non-smokers alike. Tobacco is a plant that grows natively in North and South America. It is in the same family as the potato, pepper and the poisonous nightshade, a very deadly plant. American Indians began using tobacco in many different ways, such as in religious and medicinal practices. Tobacco was believed to be a cure-all, and was used to dress wounds, as well as a pain killer. Christopher Columbus was offered dried tobacco leaves as a gift from the American Indians that he encountered. Soon after, sailors brought tobacco back to Europe, and eventually the plant was being grown all over Europe (The History of Tobacco, 1998). Since then, the use of tobacco and tobacco products has increased drastically, even though the serious consequences have been discovered. Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States. Tobacco smoke is a multipart mixture of chemicals such as carbon monoxide, tar, formaldehyde, cyanide, and ammoniaâ€â€many of which are known carcinogens. Cigarette smokingShow MoreRelatedShould Smoking Cigarette Be Illegal?685 Words  | 3 PagesShould Cigarette Smoking be Made Illegal? Name Institution Date A cigarette is a small cylinder like filled with cut tobacco leaves and rolled in a paper and ignited for smoking. In most countries, tobacco smoking is legal due to the businesses motives and also the people who are addicted. They cannot do without it. It has immense consequences, and it should, therefore, be illegal from the effects to the smokers, passive smokers and all the human beings due to the pollution of the environmentRead MoreBAN ON TOBACCO ADVERTISEMENT IN INDIA800 Words  | 4 PagesBAN ON TOBACCO ADVERTISEMENT IN INDIA In 2004 the government of India banned tobacco companies from advertising their products and sponsoring sports and cultural events. The objective was to discourage adolescents from consuming tobacco products as well as empower the government with the power to launch an anti tobacco program. . This issue created a serious problem in that it was both ethical and commercial, the government on one hand, believe it was its responsibility to protect the welfare ofRead MoreEssay about The Major Public Health Concern of Tobacco1390 Words  | 6 PagesConcern of Tobacco Now, more than ever, more and more people are beginning to look at tobacco use as a major public health concern. It is nineteen ninety nine, and the number of smokers is rising while the average age of smoking initiation decreases. There are those that believe using tobacco of any type should be illegal, or at least restricted. Others believe it is up to the person to choose whether to use tobacco products or not, however most of these people believe tobacco companies should warnRead MoreSaving Lives By Illegalizing Tobacco1465 Words  | 6 PagesIllegalizing Tobacco As soon as the door opens to any store, most of the time there will be a tobacco related product nearby. In today’s society there is controversy on whether drugs should be sold to the public, but most of these controversies do not involve tobacco related products. Tobacco products are widely used, but these tobacco are not safe. Cigarettes and other tobacco products should be illegal because tobacco is composed of many harmful chemicals. Anybody who comes in contact with a tobacco substanceRead MoreCause And Effect Of Smoking1622 Words  | 7 PagesSmoking, a practice of inhaling and exhaling smoke from burning tobacco, is a problem that is notorious for causing the death of more than 7 million people every year, and around 890,000 of those people are non-smokers that were exposed to second-hand smoke (World Health Organization). According to â€Å"Your Health Today: Choices in a Changing Society,†smoking causes cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, chronic obstructi ve pulmonary diseases because of the content of approximately 600 chemical ingredientsRead MoreMarijuana Should Not Be Considered as a Lethal Drug973 Words  | 4 PagesMarijuana Should Not be Considered As a Lethal Drug In out society drugs are considered to be addictive and lethal. People tend to abuse drugs regardless of their side effects. In many cases government agencies regulate their use. Also there are drugs that are illegal to use, produce and sale. One of those illegal drugs is marijuana. For thousands of years, marijuana has been used to treat a wide variety of sickness. It became illegal in 1937 under The Marijuana Stamp Tax Act. This act prohibitsRead MoreTobacco Industry : Make Tobacco Products Illegal1009 Words  | 5 Pages Make Tobacco Products Illegal Ellen Gossett Trevecca Nazarene University Abstract It can be argued that tobacco products are one of the deadliest legal drugs in the history of mankind. Most of the countries around the world are making progress to ban the sale of tobacco products and reduce smoking. Over the years, there has been a steady decline in global tobacco use; however, their needs to be steeper taxation on tobacco products, bans on smoking advertisements, incentives towards reducedRead MoreEssay about Should Smoking Be Illegal?825 Words  | 4 Pagesis smoking. Smoking is currently the leading cause of death in our country, due to its harmful and addicting contents, such as nicotine and tobacco. Although millions die from it each year, smoking is the single most preventable cause of death as well. Without smoking, a tremendous amount of money and lives will be saved. I think that our country should ban smoking and the production of cigarettes in order to maintain a healthier nation. Currently in our nation, about 22 % of theRead MoreEssay about Cigarettes Should be Banned939 Words  | 4 Pagesone of the most dangerous things you can do to yourself. Many people feel that smoking should be made illegal. The reason they may feel this way is because it is very harmful to your health and can lead to death. I strongly agree that cigarettes should be banned from being sold and produced because to me they’re considered a dangerous drug. The first reason that supports my claim of smoking cigarettes should be banned is that it is a â€Å"major cause to preventable and premature deaths†, accordingRead More Legal Marijuana May Save Lives Essay749 Words  | 3 Pagesfreedom of choice right! Freedom of choice applies to all decisions made by that person! Which includes the choice to smoke marijuana. I believe that the government should have No say in what you choose to do with your body! Marijuana is now illegal but I believe that it should be made Legal! And under No circumstances should the government tell you how to treat your body.They can give you their opinions on how the human body should be treated but I think that the government cannot control your decisions
Monday, December 23, 2019
The 102 Space And Space Travels - 1526 Words
Paul Yau ESS 102 Space and Space Travels Writing Credit Synopsis of scientifically accurate sci-fi: The sci-fi will be a narrative of astronauts who are traveling in space on a mission. It will center around their worries of recent signs of their deteriorating health. It will discuss the damage radiation has dome to their bodies, and how that impacts their career as an astronaut. It will also discuss their attempts to decrease the damage space radiation does by increasing the protection level of their spacecraft, decreasing the amount of exposure they get by traveling faster in space, and decreasing the frequency of travel. We look up at the sky at night for stars whose light only shines bright enough for us to see on a clear day with no light pollution. Aside from those twinkling dots, space looks quiet and peaceful. However, that cannot be farther from the truth. Invisible to us are numerous different types of radiation that are incredibly harmful to human beings. Space radiation can be separated into two large categories: electromagnetic radiation and particle radiation. Electromagnetic radiation are electromagnetic waves, or photons, that are emitted by astronomical bodies and travel in all frequencies (Auger, 1964). Particle radiation, on the other hand, are charged particles traveling at high speeds, protons, and even nuclei of other heavier elements. These particles tend to travel near the speed of light, so fast that their electrons are completely striped fromShow MoreRelatedHuman Vs Robotic Space Exploration1210 Words  | 5 PagesLuther Dr. Erika Harnett ESS 102 6 October 2017 Human Vs Robotic Space Exploration In Support of: Sending Exclusively Robotic Missions Space exploration is devoted to seeking out the unknowns of the universe. Manned and robotic missions alike have contributed priceless knowledge of our planet’s surroundings and beyond. However, with the current geopolitical climate, funding, and other practicalities, it is not reasonable for the exploration of space to be done exclusively by humans. Read MoreEvan Higgins. Uw Ess 102. Due: 4/10/2017. Human Vs Robotic1539 Words  | 7 PagesEvan Higgins UW ESS 102 Due: 4/10/2017 Human Vs Robotic Space Exploration Space. Possibly the most unforgiving place possible for humans, and yet we desire to go there. We desire to travel to distant planets, new galaxies, and to know all that there is to know. We want all of this, and yet the mission to mars, and the first missions to the moon, we sent robots. There are many reasons for this and why we didn’t send humans, but the main reason we haven’t sent as many humans to space, is cost. It isRead MoreSpace Exploration : Past, Present, And Future1054 Words  | 5 PagesSuphia Faheem Zaman Mark Gooding ENG 102 6/20/2015 Exploratory Essay Space Exploration: Past, Present, and Future Since the beginning of time, the ancient civilizations have been charting constellations to guide them. Over time they named these constellations and slowly new planets were discovered, which were named after the ancient romans. Coming to the present during the years of war, we see that Space was something as a competition to reach, to show how much influence a country had over theRead MoreHuman Space Exploration Essay1301 Words  | 6 PagesDino de Raad ESS 102 11 October 2017 Human and Robotic Extraterrestrial Exploration It’s cold up there. Cold and inhospitable. It is not easy, and it will take time. These are things the first humans in Africa must have thought of journeys northward. And yet, people still went. They colonized the globe in all its varied environments. 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(Beings not Made for Space, Kenneth Chang, 2014) Long-term space flight requests that astronauts have to be exposed to the real space environment, which includes microgravity, the significant increase in radiation, variationRead MoreRobotic Space Exploration Essay1309 Words  | 6 PagesVictor Manuel Tapia ESS 102 – Opinion Piece Human vs. Robotic Space Mission Section B Discovering the Unknown: Who Should Explore Space? As humans, we always push to explore for new discoveries, it is in our blood to explore and push scientific boundaries. Space exploration has allowed us to expand our technology, foster a curiosity in humans, discover new worlds, and most importantly push even further to discover life in a new planet. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
World Systems Theory Free Essays
Dane Fuentes Sociology 10/19/12 World System’s Theory Immanuel Wallerstein’s World Systems theory is the theory of how multinational corporations and industrializing nations have dominated the world over the last 500 years. Wallerstein also takes a look at how â€Å"periphery†and â€Å"semi-periphery†nations have become dependent on â€Å"core nations†, due largely to their lack of varied resources and driven by the need to survive. Wallerstein goes on to explain how colonialism has been replaced by neo-colonialism, a new form of using people, land, and resources purely for economic gain. We will write a custom essay sample on World Systems Theory or any similar topic only for you Order Now This neo-colonialism, he claims, will lead to a perpetuation of wealth and more strict ascribed statuses and global stratification. One way neo-colonialism is highly visible, is in the presence of sweat shops or maquiladoras. Maquiladoras are sweat shops that are owned by multinational corporations that are common in developing and under-developed countries. These sweat-shops do not give their worker’s any rights. There is no job security, benefits, or retirement pensions. People work, until they can no longer work, and then perish. The worker is then replaced, possibly by his children, and the corporation moves on, never noticing the now disenfranchised worker who has to find a new means of survival and, in his desperation, perhaps turning to crime. The IMF and World Bank are two multinational corporations that also may have contributed in many ways to the massive inequality that is the global economy. These financial institutions provided aid to needy countries. However, in exchange for this aid, the IMF and World Bank asked for very strong influences in those needy countries as well as heightened interest rates on the loans themselves. The countries are then, in turn, caught in a cycle of conceding to the Banks demands and paying their national debt. Many underdeveloped countries, such as Ghana and The Philipines, cannot pay these debts, so in turn, these debts grow. At the same time, the multinational corporations are syphoning out resources due to their influence within those countries, leaving barren wastelands and poverty-stricken, disenfranchised people in their wake. Therefore, it may be seen that the multinational corporations may have sought to help these developing countries in a time of need, but in truth they were seizing an opportunity to indirectly buy the land from under the people living on it. This forms the basis of neo-colonialism. How to cite World Systems Theory, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Portfolio Relate Management field
Question: Discuss about The portfolio should relate something in Management field? Answer: Introduction Career development is defined as the lifelong process of managing learning, transitions and work leisure. It is determined by evolving the preferred future. Career development provides transition of selecting subjects for assisting educational development. It is seen that the lifelong process shapes a behavioral change on career pattern, success rate, educational attainment and communication process. Career development also involves a creation process on decision-making style, life-role concepts and value expressions. In this study, the learner will assess a critical literature part on employability terms for the current graduates. However, the purpose of the study will choose a career path by assessing knowledge, skills and abilities of the organization (Mc Kee Eraut, 2012). It would be prevalent if the career path determines a self-evaluation process on engaging people on academic culture. On the other hand, employability recognizes the market performance system to create a workin g environment in providing opportunities, personal and professional growth, and interacting on continuous learning process (Porfeli, Ferrari Nota, 2012). Critical literature review regarding employability The traditional idea of employability will create a work perspective by providing the individuals with interaction and commitment. It is observed that a constant change will make employability terms higher by ability of work and ability to ensure the right path for educational system. Moreover, the transitions of employability would make a specific role of creating work through optimal use. Employability can also be prioritized by a measure of experiencing skills and a level of learning. Hence, the main purpose of the topic would evaluate a critical research on the graduate market in 2015. It would also be determined by choosing a career path with the help of career theory (Wright, Jenkins-Guarnieri Murdock, 2012). The annual market shows that the leading employers are recruited in 2014 than their latest recruitment targets of 2015. It is also analyzed that starting salaries offered to the new graduates would depend on the work experiences available to recent graduates and the stude nts. Overview of the graduate employment market To give a brief explanation of the graduate employment market, there is a broad classification of the economic resources on financial market. The graduate jobs have improved the market significantly in 2015 before the recession took place. Thus, this made the finalists and graduates to experience a feeble path on their jobs. However, the predictions analyzed good chances in making the market feasible. It was under the economic headlines that saw an improvement on graduate employment market. It was observed that there were more graduate level jobs in the UK market. Moreover, it was true that skilled employees got various opportunities on business environment and financial services (Ware Millard, 2012). Thus, to bring a frequent change on the influencing factors, there would be a mindset created for long-term economy among the graduates. UK graduate market As opined by (), the independent market company would specialize on the graduate research and the students. It also makes an impact on the graduate recruitment campaigns and understanding the position of the marketing job. The survey provides an insight on the career expectations and aspirations of major individuals associated to colleges and universities. To determine the marketing position of graduate vacancies, the study shows a learning environment showing how employer vacancies have changed from 2005-2015 (Wright, Jenkins-Guarnieri Murdock, 2012). Figure 1: Employers vacancies changed from 2005-2015 (Source: van Dierendonck van der Gaast, 2013) It is observed from the last 11 years that graduate market has made frequent change on recruitment and training session. Nearly, a quarter of graduate vacancies have improved employee perspective from 2008-2009. Additionally, 1000s of new recruits made an expectation for putting annual rise in recruitment position. In January 2014, recruiters expected recruitment position with 8%, whereas during July 2014, the final estimate was more than 12%. Hence, this made the recession high and employers felt a considerable change in striking their key leaders. It will be acceptable if there is an annual increase of graduates (Taylor, 2012). Figure 2: Analysis of graduate vacancies on business position (Source: Sweeney Villarejo, 2013) The above figure shows a considerable area on consulting, armed forces and investment banking which expected to rise around 8.1% for planning purpose. It is also evident that the largest recruiters of graduates were from accounting and professional background in the year 2015. Moreover, investment banks, industrial firms and engineering have combined recruitment targets with 10,000 of graduate positions. Thus, the expected graduates when compared to the final recruitment figures of 2014 was set to increase employment areas on public sector organizations. However, as the data confirmation of most firms increased the number of graduates (Pryor, 2010). Hence, these helped recruiters to make an experience on industrial placements and paid internships. In UK market, the location of graduate experience offered vacancies in London and made a plan to recruit positions on English regions particularly England and Yorkshire. It was seen with a total of 39% and 46% that graduate employers made a n entry level on recruiting opportunities in UK (Prinstein, 2013). The figure below depicts that current graduates of London is 83% whereas the North West and the midlands include around 50%. Moreover, Scotland and Yorkshire includes a percentage of 46% and 43%. Figure 3: Location of graduate vacancies in UK (Source: Porfeli, Ferrari Nota, 2012) The current market place of graduates shows an expectation by expanding the market territory with substantial increase. Recruiters have confirmed that 31% of 2015 would make an entry-level for organizations goodwill. The current market would also be coincided through paid internships, vacation work and industrial placements (Moody, 2012). Hence, to determine the current marketing position of graduates, various factors have been evaluated that are as follows: Promoting graduate programs This examines to publicize graduate opportunities through campus recruitment and making quality applications for promoting programs. It is seen during 2011 and 2013 that graduate recruitments have encouraged the budgets of leading employees through spending programs and taking consistent sessions (McCracken, 2012). Thus, this would improve students perception of the organization. It will also achieve diversity targets through ethnic backgrounds like age, gender, occupation, etc. However, increasing the quality of graduates would make an increasing area for recruitment team and attracting applications for specific graduate vacancies. Promoting programs would also achieve specific social mobility targets through work placements and internships. Market position Graduate recruiters have made a fair treaty by using the recruitment presentations, career fairs, skills training events and other social media. It also makes an advertising campaign under the local careers and sector guides. The market position has also made a strategy that is related to business statistics and management science. It is seen in the entry level of marketing position that graduates has a starting point on their dream career. They have been informed with top professionals like marketing assistant and other marketing managers. Under this provision, the marketing executive produces web content, press release and other promotional events within the organization (Mc Kee Eraut, 2012). The graduates make most of their opportunities to develop the business position in the learning area. However, graduates have an understanding and capacity to learn applications based on market area. In addition, the current market position of graduates have been already discussed with interp ersonal skills, manufacturing agents, and sales engineer. It would be effective if there would be a formal treaty, presented on the business environment for its long run. Moreover, the executives assist the marketing managers to put prices on products and classifying into different categories (Kim Seo, 2014). Thus, there would be a susceptible area on market research and clients positions in business environment. Figure 4: Performance of graduate recruiters (Source: Hwang et al. 2014) Career path informed by career theory The career path is a small group of jobs, which share similar characteristics. A career cluster is a group of careers that share common features. Each career cluster contains several paths formed with a lower-level job in a career path and has education limits. It is observed that career path helps to find the right path when an individual shifts his job to another job. However, career path of graduates is informed with a career development theory. In this study, the learner has taken structural theory of trait and factor. As opined by Hamoda, (2012), this theory has a vocational change that depends on knowledge, ideas and ability to match specifications. This theory has a match that is depended on three factors: An understanding of the individual to evaluate his/her abilities, interests, resources, limitations, aptitudes A requirement needed for conditions of success, advantages, opportunities, compensation, and other prospects in different areas of work. True reasoning needed to match individuals through job traits and close matches related to satisfaction and job success (Finnegan, 2012). Moreover, the learner has developed a theoretical concept on global mindset of people through global career choices. To set this idea, the learner has demonstrated following ways to determine the global mind set of people that are as follows: Developing the relationship skills Learning the language needed for understanding culture and relationship skills Understanding the culture and the market proficiency Knowing the differences on the learning basics Finding a mentor or a trusted partner in the marketplace Figure 5: Career path (Source: Dong Lucas, 2013) Reflective self-assessment In this study, I will make assessment criteria regarding knowledge, skills and abilities of the current graduates. However, my role would be to assess an academic literary context by drawing critical assessments and reflections on strengths and weaknesses on learning area. The idea assessed on the critical role of current graduates would include a series of ideas. My perception would be to engage a learning area that perceives through presentations, essays and problem sets. However, providing a feedback would be beneficial on learning process. Thus, I would conduct a procedure through learning skills and development that will help to make development among the current graduates and other employees. My aerial idea would be observe if students of universities/colleges takes responsibilities for betterment of learning. It could be beneficial if assignments are made for self-evaluation. Self-assessment will also engage the students on their own learning needs. This will provide themselve s with a good outlook towards their academic and personal development. Moreover, I have observed that learning idea enhances ability of the individuals to assess their own work and develop critical thinkers. Thus, the strengths and weaknesses among the current graduates would be determined by answering questions asked through interview. The detailed observation of the current graduates would make a territory if financial results produce good results. It would be justified if I would develop communication among the employees and graduates through presentations, dealing with customers, active listening, meeting participation and others. In my perception, I would work on the communication skill that is evident on reports and correspondence like verbal communication skills manage presentations, dealing with customers, active listening, negotiation, and meeting participation. In order, organizational and planning skills is evident in prioritizing resources like multi-tasking, setting targets, maintaining calendars and schedule and optimal use of available resources. Moreover, the decision-making process would gather necessary information to make a decision process on the pros and cons. On the other hand, the problem solving process would able to identify and analyze problems through the possible outcomes in order to get the best result. However, I would finalize my convention to mentor/coach the current graduates that will facilitate learning. Knowledge will also help to identify what training and learning needs would find an appropriate way in achieving goals of the organization. It would also be feasible if learning interventions would adapt coaching styles for meeting employee needs (Campbell, Pentz Borthwick, 2012). I would also give an overview of the topic to represent the function that works on self-management and self-discipline. Using own resources, abilities and skills would make a progression to achieve goals for the current graduates. In order, self-discipline would control own behavior and prepare to work hard and set targets for difficulty in tasks. I would also handle persistent skills that form a productive area on accepting criticism, maintaining work performance, and overcoming obstacles. However, it would be persuasive for me if dealing with customers observes companys policies and procedures to retain ethics and pressure. Thus, working long hours and tackling challenging tasks would stay positive and maintain high productivity. Therefore, it would be ideal if the graduates use these practical ideas for boosting their confidence. Critical analysis of the tests In this section, I will initialize the tests related to the current graduates in offering a role to them. This is developed through psychometric tests, feedbacks and interviews, and presentations and group exercises. My area of target would be to develop the fact on how seminar activities stimulate the graduates role in teaching and learning area. I would develop activities through different approaches like debate around the room, envoys, writing before anyone talk, Socratic circles, offering questions, and statements to debate. To analyze psychometric tests for graduates and job applicants, the employers need to assess numerical reasoning, diagrammatic reasoning and verbal reasoning tests. Situational judgment tests increases popularity on the initial screening method for the graduate employees (Burns, 2012). In order, psychometric test have a variety of professionally developed tests that have a quality preparation materials. I would evaluate numerical reasoning tests to demonstrat e the graduates ability to deal with the numbers accurately whereas diagrammatic reasoning questions are designed for assessing logical reasoning ability. Giving feedbacks after interviews is an important area where the person sets for providing the right job. Confidence is also an area where the learning process presents through opportunities. Making an easy path would be interactive for the users as they invest most of the time to that. In order, an interview is also an area where questions would be asked through a one-on-one conversation. Interviews are the modern communication technologies that disable communications through videoconferencing, telephonic interviews and spoken conversation. Moreover, presentations and group exercises is a selection area that is utilized through graduate level recruitment and graduate schemes (Baruch, Dany, Pralong Davesne, 2014). The exercises are used for positions required for presenting information such as sales, consultancy, and finance ad management (Baruch, 2013). Theoretical informed detailed personal career plan The career plan is demonstrated by the learning needs among the current graduates, which is organized through a tabular form: Organizational needs Individual needs Major strategic issues Career opportunities o Critical competencies o Shortages o Bench strength o Critical needs o Using the strengths o Addressing development needs o Matching interests and values o Matching personal style Table 1: Detailed personal career plan Portfolio on management Figure 6: Portfolio on management (Source: Baruch, Dany, Pralong Davesne, 2014) The portfolio related to management enhances strategic objectives and business priorities under the learning cycle. However, the application portfolio will be assessed through risks, values and costs. In order, there is a budget planning, which will be funded on directions of the lifecycle that could be optimized for better enhancement. This will also present a investment plan to the individuals on their budget, growth, age, ability and undertaking risks for the graduates. Job role Job title: Company Associate Name of the company: Connect housing Country: Yorkshire, London, UK Job requirements: Masters in B.com, MBA or equivalent to commerce background Having good typing skills Be professional in work and have good attitude Career plan for the next 10 years for graduates Cover letter Application form VARK learning styles This includes visual, aural, read/write and kinesthetic. Ideally, this questionnaire helps learning by suggesting strategies that would be useful. Abstract Reasoning This would include sets of ability and aptitude for making a valid reason logically. Abstract reasoning also measures tests for non-verbal activities. Abstract reasoning tests would also assess a part of intelligence testing setup and job assessment. Honey and Mumford learning styles This would include understanding the preferred learning style by seeking various opportunities to learn under a style that would be effective. Here, becoming smarter is also valid if there are procedures for creating increased awareness among people. Type Dynamics Indicator Report (TDI) It has multiple applications based on building teams, change management, career guidance and leadership development. It would provide a flexible area for assessment and exploring personal thinking perspective. Numerical Reasoning It is designed to produce statistical calculations that have selective options. It would be realistic if there would be a full preview of psychometric tests of a selection procedure. Verbal Reasoning It understands the concepts that are framed through words. It also aims to evaluate ability of thinking constructively through vocabulary recognition or with simple fluency. Here, the verbal candidates face assessments that are typically looking for assessing and understanding comprehension skills. Belbin results This behavioral test has perceptions under learning capability and inventory thinking. Here, the assessments include 360-degree feedback to individuals in offering contrasts and behavior. Career development plan Conclusion In this study, the leaner has entertained the learning transitions that evolve for career development in assisting the current graduates under the learning area. It would be effective if self-evaluation engages people on learning opportunities and personal growth. In this research, the learner has assisted a critical literature regarding employability that works on the marketing position of current graduates. In order, the study covers an empirical idea where opportunities offer good position for the graduates. Thus, through a career path, a reflective assessment is created by giving feedbacks and evaluation to the graduates. 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Friday, November 29, 2019
The Gospel Of Lune Essays - Christian Soteriology,
The Gospel Of Lune In the Gospel According to Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, repentance and forgiveness are discussed explicitly. These acts serve as our attempt to become better Christians. Only in repenting our sins and working for their forgiveness are we able to embrace the workings of God. Additionally, it is only through the word of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit, and the grace of God, that man is forgiven. But, if one does not repent and change one's ways, receiving God's forgiveness is impossible. In explaining these aspects of Christian faith, they also help to explain the static relationship between God and his people in the earlier Books of Genesis, Exodus and Job. Consequently, the New Testament gives a new perspective on these ideas since God had sent His only Son to earth to be our Savior. With the teachings of Christ as the basis for our actions, we know to forgive others and to ask God for His Grace. Luke's Gospel contains many of Jesus' most famous parables. Through them, He teaches us the values of redemption and forgiveness. But, Luke stresses that both redemption and forgiveness through Jesus is universal. Anyone who believes in Him can be saved. The parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin and the Prodigal Son are representative of true acts of forgiveness and repentance. All three parables deal with The parable of the lost sheep is an example of God's desire to bring back one repentant man. As the Shepard celebrates the recovery of one wayward sheep from his flock, so too does the Kingdom of God, ?there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who need no repentance? (Luke 15:7). Although only one sheep out of one hundred had been lost, the desire to bring it back is enough to leave the other sheep alone to search for the lost one. Similarly, the parable of the lost coin is symbolic of the same idea. But the idea of searching through the house using a lighted candle is important. The lighted candle is also another symbol of Christianity, symbolizing the light of God's knowledge. During Easter, lighted candles also represent the coming of Christ. Here, as the woman uses the candle to search for the coin, so too does the sinner need the word of God to be redeemed. The celebration in heaven over the recovery of one sinner is similar to that of the previous parable and the idea is thoroughly reinforced, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents? (Luke 15:10). Likewise does The greatest parable of repentance and forgiveness is that of the Prodigal Son. Leaving his family for a life of pleasure, the son returns penniless, expecting the life of a servant as punishment for his wantonness. Speaking to his father and expressing his dire straits, the son returns, ?Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son? (Luke 15:21). Regardless of what had happened in the past, his father welcomes him back with open arms. His other son, who had remained loyal and hard-working all of his life, expressed anger at his father's quickly forgiving his brother. But as seen before, the return of one wayward soul is more joyous than the continuation of a good life. In the father's own words to his ?loyal? son: Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. It was fitting to make merry and glad, for this your brother was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is found. (Luke 15:31) Similar ideas are found within the Acts of the Apostles, but in this book, the focus broadens to the forgiveness and repentance of Gentiles. The prerequisites for salvation are expanded to the Gentiles. St. Peter understands the need to include Gentiles within the new Church, ?Truly I perceive that God shows no partiality, but in every nation any one who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him? (Acts 10:34). It is the active work of the disciples who bring people
Monday, November 25, 2019
ACT Tutor for You
How to Find the Most Effective SAT/ACT Tutor for You SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Tutors are an investment in both time and money. Just because someone calls themselves a â€Å"SAT tutoring expert†doesn’t automatically confer the skills of that title upon them. (If it did, I would have become a master dinosaur expert by age 4.) Bad or ineffective tutors can actually hurt you and your potential SAT/ACT test score in two ways: 1) Financially: bad tutoring takes away from your budget and limits the resources you can spend to recoup your loss. 2) Time-wise: the time you spend on ineffective tutoring takes away from the time you could be spending better elsewhere. So what makes a tutor effective? In this article, I’ll go over the key qualities of the best SAT/ACT tutors. Top image: SAD_Hortons_Kids 8 by US Department of Education, used under CC BY 2.0/Cropped from original. 1: The Most Effective Tutors Have Taken The Test†¦And Aced It. It may seem obvious, but one of the most important things to look for in a tutor is someone who has aced the test you are studying for, whether it is the ACT or SAT. A tutor who has read up on the SAT/ACT is not the same as a tutor who has taken the test and gotten a 99th percentile score. This is true regardless of your own level – a tutor who scored a 2400 (or 1600 on the new SAT) or a 36 on the SAT or ACT is almost always better than a tutor who got a 2000 (or a 1300 on the new SAT) or a 30, even if you yourself have a target score of 1500 or 21. Scoring in the 99th percentile on the SAT/ACT takes more than just being smart and knowing the material – you have to know the tricks of the test. In fact, the reason test prep is necessary is that the tests AREN’T just testing knowledge or aptitude – they’re testing how good you are at taking the test. If you don’t realize this, it doesn’t matter how smart you are, how good you are at math, critical reading, writing, or science – you can still get tripped up by the test. making bunny ears by woodleywonderworks, used under CC BY 2.0/Cropped from original. If only test prep were this easy. An example of a little known strategy that can make a big difference: if you’re a 600 scorer on the SAT, you should skip the hardest 25% of questions and only answer the easier ones (for more tips like this, click here). Knowing about and using this strategy has nothing to do with being inherently smart – it has to do with knowing the way the SAT is constructed. In general, the best proof that a tutor truly knows the test is if they've gotten a perfect or near-perfect score on it. But this alone isn't enough... 2: The Most Effective Tutors Are Experts At Teaching The Material Just because someone is an effective tutor in other areas does not necessarily mean they will be an effective SAT/ACT tutor. Why? Because you need familiarity with teaching the specific test material in order to be able to explain the way the tests will try to trick you and strategies you can use to counteract that. Just because a tutor knows what the tricks are doesn’t necessarily mean that he can explain it well. This aspect of tutoring is so important, we've divided it up further into the specifics of what expert tutors provide. Tutoringthat's completely customized to your weaknesses The best tutors know how to tailor their teaching approach to each student’s needs, especially when it comes to teaching people who don’t think about things the way they do. At PrepScholar, this involves using the Socratic method, where the tutors are working WITH, not teaching AT, students. Take the following sample ACT Math question: A bad tutor might approach the problem this way: "Here’s how you solve the question. It’s an isoceles right triangle, so you know the most reduced Pythagorean triplet you’re going to use is 1, 1, √2. Since the two sides that are equal are 10 ft long, the hypotenuse must be 10√2 feet long. Does this make sense?" If you're the student, you're going to feel pressured to answer â€Å"yes,†even if you doesn’t fully understand. The tutor isn’t assessing your understanding at each step, which prevents him from understanding where you need help. Here's an example of what a GOODtutor would do, illustrated by a series of questions: "What answer did you choose? Why did you do this?" "What is the question asking for?" "What information does the question give you? What more information do you need to get to the answer?" "Great - so you know that in an isosceles right triangle, the sides are the same. How would you figure out the length of AC?" "Let's review the new points that we learned just now." Notice that a good tutor examines the student's thinking at every step and makes no assumptions about how the student's thinking about the problem. This process is critical to good teaching: two students who miss this question may miss it for entirely different reasons. One student might have forgotten what an isosceles right triangle means. Another might have known this, but forgotten the Pythagorean theorem. A good tutor will identify the exact weaknesses of his student and create custom strategies to overcome these weaknesses. When you interview a tutor, you should figure out whether the tutor is capable of this style of teaching (more tips on vetting tutors here). Effective use of tutoring time Most tutors will waste your time and money. Someone who just sits there watching you do practice tests isn’t a tutor – that's basically nothing more than a babysitter, or a source of radiant heat. During the session, this is deceiving because it seems like you're learning a lot, but the reality is that the tutor is missing major weaknesses. In contrast, a good tutor will accurately diagnose your weaknesses and prioritize the biggest gains to your score. Excelling on tests like the SAT and ACT requires mastery of skills at different levels: Behavior: are you motivated to study for the test? Do you review your mistakes correctly? Do you have the right attitude toward the test? Test Strategy:do you know how to budget your time in each section? Do you understand the best skipping strategy for your goals? Do you know how to attack each type of question? Test Content:where are your weaknesses in all the different subjects on the test? How do we make sure you have the right resources to improve these weaknesses? A great tutor will constantly be assessing these weaknesses and structuring tutoring sessions around where you can make the biggest point gains. This type of teaching requires mastery of the test as well as deep insight into student weaknesses. That's why as part of PrepScholar tutoring, we equip our tutors with technology to analyzestudent weaknesses across the entire test. Your tutor will have access to every homework problem completed before the session, so the tutor will come prepared with lesson plans designed to improve your score fastest. Comprehensive test prep guidance Good tutors know it’s not just about what you do in the tutoring session. For every hour you meet with a tutor, you might spend 10 hours on your homework. Therefore,a good tutor's influence is not limited to just the teaching session - it extends across your entire prep program. The best tutors will do much more than answer your questions during tutoring sessions. They'll help you stay motivated to study. They'llshow you the most effective way to review missed questions, and they'll increase the effectiveness of your study time outside of tutoring session. When you work with a tutor, your tutor should be able to plan a complete study program and assign specific sets of homework. The tutor should be able to justify exactly why that homework is assigned, and why that's the best thing for the student to improve the score. unicycles doughnuts by Robert Couse-Baker, used under CC BY 2.0/Cropped from original. Not a PrepScholar Tutors-recommended use of study time. 3. The Most Effective Tutors Come Recommended by Trustworthy Sources But wait, just because someone says they have experience teaching and aced the test doesn’t mean it’s true! This is where quality control and recommendations come in. For tutors, this often comes via word of mouth: you hear about people you know who had good (or bad) experiences with a tutor or tutoring service. Another way to prescreen for quality tutoring is by going through an organization with a reputation for excellence in SAT/ACT tutoring. Quick plug: check out the PrepScholar tutoring site for a great example of tutors who are pre-screened to be effective teachers. So How Do I Find An Effective Tutor? When you’re looking for a tutor, you need to approach it like a job interview...except YOU are the interviewer. Why? Because you are making sure the tutor is the right person for the job of tutoring you to reach your maximum potential. It’s easy to be intimidated by potential tutors because they seem so knowledgeable, charismatic, or authoritative. Just because they will be teaching you, though, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be able to ask them questions and make sure they are the best tutor possible for you. In fact, it makes it all the more important that you find an effective, expert, and reputable tutor. The most recent analogy in my own life was at the beginning of grad school, when I was trying to decide on the right composition teacher. I was a little (okay, a lot) in awe of how much each of the three teachers I was choosing between knew, but I ultimately had to make sure that the professor I chose was going to be able to teach me what I needed to learn to be a better composer. To help you out in your quest for the right tutor, we’ve come up with this handy worksheet, containing a list of questions to ask any potential tutor (and space for you to write in the tutors’ answers). Click here to download it, or click the image below. The Bottom Line To sum it all up, here are the main attributes to look for in a tutor: They’ve taken the test and scored in the 99th percentile, so they know how to ace the SAT/ACT. They have expertise in tutoring effectively for the SAT/ACT. They have references from reputable sources. I hope these guidelines were clear and informative. You are now ready to go forth and shop for the right tutor for you! Shopping Cart by SunKing2, used under Public Domain. What’s Next? Find out more on how to find the best tutor for YOU here. Interested in online tutoring? We offer a variety of online tutoring packages right here at PrepScholar. If you want to read more about what each package entails, co-founder Fred Zhang goes into detail about each option in this article. Questions about our tutoring programs? Contact us through our website.
Friday, November 22, 2019
American Privateers in the Revolutionary War
American Privateers in the Revolutionary War American Privateers in the Revolutionary War Before the Revolutionary War began, the Continental Congress showed little interest in creating a navy for the new nation (Nelson 62). Congress was reluctant to supply the funds to purchase or build ships, purchase supplies, or pay sailors to man the ships. When the Revolution began, however, Congress realized it was important to have American ships patrolling the coasts of the new nation, especially because Britain’s naval force was the most powerful at the time (Frayler). Consequently, the Americans turned to privateering. Privateer ships were privately owned vessels and were similar to pirate vessels. Unlike pirates, privateers were authorized by the government to attack ships belonging to an enemy. Privateering during the Revolution financially benefited both sailors and colonists alike and it assisted the Continental Army by providing supplies. American privateers, commissioned by the Continental Congress and the colonies, played an important role in the development of the United States and the outcome of the Revolutionary War. Beginning in 1775, soon after the beginning of the Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress and individual colonies began commissioning privateers (Konstam 148). In November of 1775, the Massachusetts General Court approved â€Å"An Act For Encouraging the Fixing out of Amed Vessels†(Patton 27). This act allowed citizens to â€Å"equip any vessel to sail on the seas, attack, take and bring into any port in this colony all vessels offending or employed by the enemy†(qtd. in Patton 27). Additionally, it outlined the proper procedure for obtaining commissions and creating prize courts to distribute the captured wealth. The Continental Congress passed an act on March 23, 1776, which formalized the commissioning process and established rules of conduct for privateers (Frayler). The act required owners of privateering vessels to post monetary bonds in order to verify that they would adhere to Congress’s regulations. (Frayler). Applications for commission required the applicant to supply a sum of money as much as $10,000 as a promise to treat captives with â€Å"the greatest humanity and tenderness†(Patton 98). Applicants were charged $5,000 if the vessel weighed less than 100 tons and $10,000 if it was larger (Kuhl 86). In another act, passed on April 3, 1776, Congress issued instructions for the commanders of privateering vessels. The act authorized the commanders to â€Å"by Force of Arms, attack, subdue, and take all Ships and other Vessels belonging to the inhabitants of Great Britain on the High Seas,†and â€Å"by Force of Arms, attack, subdue, and take all ships and oth er Vessels whatsoever carrying Soldiers, Arms, Gun powder, Ammunition, Provisions, or any other contraband Goods, to any of the British Armies or Ships of War employed against these Colonies†(qtd. in Salem Maritime National Historic Site). As Massachusetts’s act suggested, any vessel could become a privateer (Patton 27). Although this quickly increased the number of privateers on the seas, it made it possible for ships of any condition to become privateering ship. When Washington, a large Continental schooner, was captured by the British, the Royal Navy deemed it to be unsuitable for sea or for war, suggesting that not all privateer ships were in the best condition when they were commissioned (Patton 32-33). The physical state of a ship was important, but the size of a ship was equally significant. The largest ship was the Caesar, a 600-ton, 26-gun ship and the smallest was the 8-ton Defense (Frayler). The most prevalent ships were two-masted schooners and brigantines. By early 1776, ships of all sizes were cruising the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and the Canadian coast (Konstam 148). In order to become a privateer, the owner of the ship had to be issued a letter of marque and reprisal. These documents promised that the bearers would not be prosecuted as pirates by their home nation (History Channel). If a ship attacked another ship but did not have a letter of marque, the attackers were considered pirates and could be hung for their crimes (Kuhl 12). Letters of marque provided extra protection to the bearer because it guaranteed that captured privateers would be treated as prisoners of war rather than criminals by the foreign nation (History Channel). The documentation from this time is incomplete, but about 1,700 Letters of Marque were provided on a per-voyage basis to Revolutionary privateers (Frayler). Although letters of marque were supposed to protect the privateers, the promises made by the Congress were never fully accomplished because the British passed the Pirate Act in March of 1777 (Patton 34). Under this act, privateers were regarded as pirates, and were denied both due process in British courts and the opportunity for prisoner exchange. As a result, many captured American privateers were jailed and had only three options to get out: join the Royal Navy, escape, or die. Even before the Pirate Act was passed, the British often treated their prisoners poorly (Kuhl 43). However, it is worth noting that many British citizens disagreed with the poor conditions that American privateers were subject to and many opponents called the Pirate Act â€Å"cruel, persecuting†and â€Å"shocking to humanity†(qtd. in Patton 142). In December of 1777, about one hundred Londoners met together and raised  £1,300 to be allocated to American inmates so they could purchase goods that were otherwise unavailable to them (Patton 143-144). Three members of the House of Lords also contributed money to the cause and charities and churches donated food and other supplies. The risk of capture, imprisonment, or death did not deter sailors and citizens from rushing to become privateers. Men continued to join privateering vessels because of the promise of riches. Although privateers received no pay for their service other than the spoils they stole from British ships, many men signed up to become privateers because they could quickly earn a large sum of money (Konstam 148). Privateering was so lucrative that it was possible for a man to make more money in a month as a privateer than he could earn in another occupation in an entire year (Patton xvii). There is at least one known instance of a sailor, Joseph Peabody, who rose from a lowly deckhand to a privateer investor by participating in just nine voyages between 1777 and 1783 (Patton 115). In August of 1776, John Adams observed, â€Å"Thousands of schemes for privateering are afloat in American imaginations. Out of these speculations many fruitless and some profitable projects will grow†(qtd. in Patton 113). When a ship was captured by privateers, it was usually taken to a friendly port (Kuhl 33). Crews on a privateer tended to be larger than normal because part of the crew was required to board the captured ship and sail it. Goods captured by privateers, called prizes, were usually subject to judgement in an admiralty court (Kuhl 12). The admiralty court decided if the captors were eligible for payment and if they had followed the correct protocols (Kuhl 87). In order to receive payment, the prize had to arrive in port with the correct paperwork and whole cargo; it had to have been captured from an enemy; and the prisoners could not be harmed and their personal belongings could not be confiscated. However, in some cases of extreme need, supplies could be sent to the Army without being invoiced (Patton 120). In the case of the cargo ship Lively, the load of clothing and blankets were sent directly to American troops, and the captors did not receive payment for the supplies, which were estimated to be worth  £25,000. When the admiralty court decided that the crew had followed the correct protocols, the prize would then be auctioned off and the crew would be paid (Patton 121). Once they were paid, privateers tended to equally divided the payment between crew and owners (Kuhl 51). In some cases when the military was bidding on supplies, the public would sometimes refrain from bidding (Patton 121). Although this saved the government money, it lessened the payment that the crew would receive. Once the auction had ended, the winning bidder was usually required to immediately pay five percent of the purchase price (Patton 118). In its infancy, Revolutionary privateering was a disaster. The first privateering ship, the Hannah, would cause numerous problems for Congress (Nelson 87). The captain of Hannah was reluctant to sail far from port so he frequently seized merchant ships belonging to fellow Americans (Patton 30). The first ship captured by Hannah was Unity, a continental transport belonging to a member of Congress. Although Unity had been captured by the British, Hannah’s crew received no payment for the recapture of the transport ship. As a result, thirty-six members of the angry crew mutinied and were punished when the mutiny was eventually subdued (Patton 31). The next seven ships captured by Hannah also belonged to Americans, and damages had to be paid out of Continental funds for the merchandise that the crewmen stole. Another early privateer ship, Washington, captured only one legitimate prize (a load of hay) before being captured by the British after only eight days of service (Patton 3 2). Despite the discouraging beginnings, not all privateering ventures were disastrous. Lee, a small schooner crewed by 50 men, was able to capture Nancy, a transport ship that was four times the size of Lee (Patton 35). Despite Nancy’s size, Lee was able to capture the transport ship because Nancy’s crew was disoriented after sailing through a storm and they had mistaken the Lee for a Royal Navy ship. The British ship was loaded with precious supplies: tons of ammunition, thousands of weapons, and a three-thousand-pound mortar were all seized for use by the Continental Army. The cargo had an estimated worth of  £10,000 to  £30,000. In 1776, the Continental schooner Franklin intercepted the three-hundred-ton British transport, Hope (Patton 44). Hope carried numerous cannons and muskets as well as seventy-five tons of powder, making it the most valuable prize captured during the Revolution. When Hope and the cargo were finally auctioned off, they would be sold for more than $1.5 million (Patton 118). A Salem privateer ship named the Rattlesnake captured more than $1 million worth of prizes in a single cruise (Konstam 148). The Connecticut privateer Defence successfully captured two British transports, George and Annabella, and a third ship within a period of a few days (Kuhl 41-42). The captured ships carried necessary equipment, including tent supplies, blankets, cooking supplies, clothing, and small arms and bayonets (Kuhl 44). Washington immediately demanded that these supplies be sent to the Continental Army stationed in New York. Sailors were not the only people to profit from government-endorsed piracy against British fleets. Many ports, including the ports at Salem, Baltimore, and particularly Boston, benefitted from the privateers that operated off their coasts (Konstam 148). General Washington praised Bostonians for â€Å"the valuable prizes that have been lately brought into your port. We stand in need of all your activity to increase our supplies by these means†(qtd. in Patton 107). Rhode Island benefitted as well, and an estimated  £300,000 worth of prizes were brought into Providence between April and November of 1776 (Patton 91). Sailors of privateer ships often pledged future earnings to creditors as a way to settle debts (Patton 79-80). If the sailor’s earnings exceeded the debt amount, the agreement allowed the creditor to keep the difference. Investors earned money by owning and trading privateers shares (Patton 80). The value of these shares depended on the quality of the ship and the competency of the crew. A sixteenth of a share in a small privateer ship cost  £56 during the war (Patton 91). Manufacturing companies in the colonies profited as well. One cannon company owned by the Brown family in Providence, Rhode Island, sold their cannons for  £35 per ton (Patton 88). Congress ordered sixty twelve- and eighteen-pound cannons for their privateering vessels and a former member of Congress ordered twenty-six cannons (Patton 89). However, because many of the guns manufactured by the Brown’s company were set aside for private ships who would pay in advanced and pay extra for weapons, customers like Congress had to wait a long period of time for their guns to be produced (Patton 90). Although privateers helped the American cause by supplying the Continental Army with goods and weapons, privateering had a downside: privateers were owned by individuals, rather than the Navy or government, so they were not obligated to fight enemy ships (Nelson 285). While this helped maximize profits for the privateers, it limited their usefulness in the war. However, targeting merchant vessels did help the Revolutionary cause by applying financial pressure to English merchants (Kuhl 51). The Americans knew that if they harassed the British merchants enough, the merchants would in turn pressure Parliament and the king into ending the war. The popularity of privateering also decreased the number of men fighting in the Continental Army (Patton 124). Naval sailors were especially attracted to privateering, and they frequently deserted the Navy. While the Continental Navy offered many of the same benefits as privateers (such as a doubled prize share for the first sailor to spot an enemy vessel and a tripled share for the first sailor to board an enemy vessel), privateers had no regulations against cursing and did not require sailors to attend a religious service twice a day (Patton 78). As a result, the government began to place embargoes on the privateering industry (Patton 124). Before a privateer or merchant ship could leave its home port, the town had to fulfill the military manpower quotas for the town. Unsurprisingly, businessmen openly protested the embargo. John Adams opposed the embargo as well, stating, â€Å"I am sorry the embargo was ever laid. I am against all shackles upon trade. Let the spirit of the peo ple have its own way†(qtd. in Patton 124) As the Revolutionary War progressed, the success of the privateers began to dwindle. In 1777, British Parliament authorized their own anti-American privateers (Patton 107). Parliament had been initially been reluctant to authorize anti-American ships because it would acknowledge America as a legitimate country. As a result of Parliament’s decision, more than a thousand loyalist ships were launched from Britain and the West Indies and another one hundred warships launched from New York. Some estimates claim that admiralty courts in New York were inundated with up to 2,600 requests for privateer commission and letters of marque (Patton 147). It is difficult to calculate the number of American privateers killed, but records show that 832 Continental seaman (not including privateers) had died at sea during the Revolutionary War (Patton 111). During the Revolution, American privateers had captured more than three thousand British merchant ships (Konstam 148). Other sources state that eight hundred vessels that were commissioned as privateers have been credited with capturing or destroying about six hundred British vessels (Frayler). The British lost an estimated  £6 million annually as a result of privateering during the war (Patton, 43). Maritime diminution in the West Indies alone by mid-1777 were calculated at  £2 million (Patton 135). Additionally, American privateers caused an estimated $18 million (a little more than $302 million today) worth of damage to British ships (Frayler). In fact, shipping losses caused by privateers were a part of the reason in Britain’s decision to surrender (Konstam 148). Privateering was initially a disaster but many ships were very successful in capturing British vessels. Although privateering was dangerous, it was an extremely profitable venture that many Americans benefitted from. Sailors benefited by quickly earning money, merchants supplied weapons and other necessary items to privateers, and investors could earn money by trading stock in privateer ventures. Most importantly, privateers helped supply the Continental Army with captured British goods, such as clothes, blankets, weapons, and gunpowder. Privateers, regardless of their successes and failures, played a crucial role in the development of the United States and the outcome of the Revolutionary War.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Santa Monica Mountain Watershed Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Santa Monica Mountain Watershed - Research Paper Example The paper tells that the Santa Monica Mountains in the United State are parallel to the Mountain Santa Susana which is mainly situated straightly to the north side of the mountains crossways the San Fernando Valley. Many tourists come here every year for viewing and feel the beauty of the fresh air at the mountains, valleys, rivers, and forest in the Mountains. The mountain range is situated on the banks of Pacific Ocean. So it can provide a fantastic beach for the tourist in the evening. The UC natural set aside Scheme that plays an enabling position in the main research project that is of worldwide importance. By offering sheltered, landscape-scale locales, in addition, to support services devoted to research there sites to catch the attention of experts in a large variety of fields ranging from engineering, environmental science and marine environmental science to computer science, forestry sciences and geology. The Santa Monica Mountain Watersheds features and channel morphology are the main purposes of geologic and atmosphere controls. In the San Monica Mountain, the geology was discovered to be one of the significant aspects of developing the presence of summer low flow habitation which is possibly one of the main limiting aspects in California streams. Some of the places aquifers are present and also the water in the ground area is forced to the surface area due to the presence of sheer mistakes, springs and seeps are more general. The appearances of rocks by way of low hydraulic conductivity and a non-existence of faulting presence to show the way little or no base flow. On a regional level the eastern area of the Santa Monica Mountain likely provides a superior prospective for summer season low flow on the reason of the favorable geology. â€Å"Escondido and Little Sycamore also had potential in terms of providing low flow habitat with approximately 49 and 40 percent of the channel being wet during the dry months, respectively. Further comparison and ranking of the quality of fish habitat among basins will be elucidated through analysis of the existing field data†(Harrison et al. 13). Target audience of the Santa Monica Mountain Watersheds are, the K-12, University student, teacher, general public and Non-Formal Educator. More than 90,000 peoples are lives in the regions of the Los Angles state call this watershed house as do innumerable animals and plant species. Protection of watershed is the one of the extremely significant aspects not only the quality of life of the residents of the country but also to guarantee the long-term healthiness of the ecosystem. On the other hand enhanced urbanization has resulted in the quality of water and quantity matters in addition to the loss of grave habitat. Various association and organizations is gather various data’s and information in the watershed, a number of them are going back healthy more than 20 years. Information relating to the quality of water is of particular significance due to its consequence on plant, person, and animal and on the whole system health. â€Å"The Las Virgenes Municipal Water District, H eal the Bay, the Resource Conservation District, the City of Calabasas and many other agencies has
Monday, November 18, 2019
Asthma Management Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Asthma Management - Annotated Bibliography Example Follow ups are recommended to ensure that the patients and their caregivers receive patient education and reinforcement on the correct use of the prescribed drugs. In earlier intervention studies conducted, results showed that patient education provided by asthma nurses resulted in better control of childhood asthma. The authors, in a previous study, have already demonstrated and suggested that the effectiveness of outpatient management led by a nurse is comparable to that of a pediatrician in terms of airway hyperresponsiveness and quality of life. . However, because of the encumbrance asthma has on healthcare utilization, the same authors deemed it necessary to further conduct a study on the costs associated with the said utilization for both approaches thereby producing an appraisal of the two. The study aimed to assess and determine the difference in costs between outpatient management of asthma rendered by a pediatrician and a nurse. All costs related to the management of asthma provided by either a pediatrician or nurses were calculated. Results of the study showed that costs of nurse-led outpatient management of asthma are generally lower than that of the medical option. Moreover, time spent by nurses with patient contact is more than that of the pediatrician. During this time, they discuss asthma management issues and provide patient education.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Educational psychology Essay Example for Free
Educational psychology Essay Fluency is†a measure of the reader’s competence at decoding and recognizing sight words with automaticity at a specified reading level†(Pennington, 2013). It is believed that the higher the level of fluency, the higher the level of comprehension. Fluency involves three major areas: intonation, pacing, and phrasing. Intonation is the pattern of pitch change when reading a passage. It allows the audience to tell when there’s excitement or even a question. Pacing is the speed in which the student reads a given passage, and phrasing allows the student to use â€Å"meaning and structure sources of information†to help them solve problems as they are reading (Reading Recovery, n. d.). For the purpose of this task, I will describe a three-day literacy unit including the strategies, activities, and the reason for both. The first day of the unit to improve fluency will involve choral reading. Choral reading is when the students all read together in unison. Not only does it improve fluency, but also self confidence in students who might otherwise not like to read in front of the whole class. It is also good for building vocabulary. For the choral reading part of the unit, I will use the book, Chicka-Chicka-Boom-Boom. This book has text with a rhyming pattern which is an excellent way to improve fluency. For the next day’s unit, I will use partner reading to try and improve fluency. The students will be paired in groups of two, one with a higher reading level to help the lower level reader. Each will read every other page from the book Alexander and the Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. This book has a rhyming pattern which helps improve fluency. Partner reading encourages cooperation and supports the peer-assisted learning. The two students will re-read missed words to each other to support their partner’s reading. The third day of the literacy unit will be a reading theater. â€Å"Reader’s Theater is a dramatic presentation of a written work in a script form†(Teaching Heart, 2008). Students are given a part from a script and practice reading their part with expressive voices and gestures. Reader’s Theater addresses all three aspects of oral reading fluency: intonation, pacing, andphrasi ng. Studies show that it â€Å"enhanced oral reading word recognition, comprehension, and also boosted confidence and motivation toward reading†(Millin Rinhart, 1999). The students will read the book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. They will divided up into groups of five children, all with different reading abilities, and each reader will be assigned a number from one to five. They will each be given a script with the different parts highlighted with numbers one to five and read their particular assigned part. Each of the three chosen strategies support the three parts of oral reading fluency: intonation, pacing, and phrasing. Repeating these strategies will help readers of all levels to improve their oral reading fluency and in the process, build their self-esteem and develop a more positive attitude towards reading. References Millin, S. K., Rinehart, S. D. (1999). Some of the benefits of readers theater participation for second-grade title i students. reading research and instruction. Informally published manuscript, University of West Virginia, Morgantown, West Virginia, , Available from Title I. Pennington, M. (2009, June 15). [Web log message]. Retrieved from http://penningtonpublishing.com/blog/reading/how-and-why-to-teach-fluency/Teachers Heart. (2008, July). Readers theater. Retrieved from http://www.teachingheart.net/readerstheater.htm
Thursday, November 14, 2019
More Than Meets The Eye Essays -- Literary Analysis, Shakespeare
Throughout history, individuals have notoriously been subject to higher powers. This form of ownership of an individual exemplifies itself in slavery, indentured servitude, and even in the governmental systems that hold reign over the general population. The ability of one person to rule over another arises from both moral and physical inequalities. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a prominent Genevan philosopher, attempts to uncover the origin of inequality. In The Second Discourse, Rousseau systematically dissects the movement of humans away from their natural state and attempts to explain how inequality is derived. Shakespeare’s The Tempest tells the tale of a usurped Duke, Prospero, who suffers a life of exile on a mystical island. Overthrown by his own brother Antonio, Prospero seeks revenge. In a series of carefully planned events, Prospero strands a group of European lords on his isle, one of whom is Antonio.  Using his knowledge of magic, Prosp ero succeeds at obtaining control over his kingdom of Milan. On the surface, The Tempest appears unrelated to the work by Rousseau. However, quite the contrary is true. The Tempest is inundated with many similar philosophical ideas discussed in The Second Discourse. When comparing The Tempest and The Second Discourse, the themes of inequality versus equality, nature versus nurture, and savage man versus civilized man prevail. As described in The Tempest, it is clear to identify that inequality exists amongst the island’s inhabitants. Shakespeare illustrates this inequality with reference to the character Prospero. After being dethroned as the Duke of Milan, Prospero and his daughter Miranda are exiled from the country and set to sea on a raft. With the aide of supplies and magic ... ...for food and shelter. Whether barbaric or civilized, the actions of both Caliban and Prospero combine in a most interesting manner.    The Tempest and The Second Discourse are inundated with the themes of inequality versus equality, nature versus nurture, and savage man versus civil man. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a prominent philosopher of his time and author of The Second Discourse, attempts to pinpoint the origin of inequality. In doing so, he interestingly analyzes the differences between civilized man and natural man. William Shakespeare, a prolific writer during the Elizabethan Era and author of The Tempest, draws attention to issues facing mankind. While at first glance these two literary pieces appear to be unrelated, after analysis, they offer many similarities. What is most central is that both pieces offer insight into authority, power, and equality. More Than Meets The Eye Essays -- Literary Analysis, Shakespeare Throughout history, individuals have notoriously been subject to higher powers. This form of ownership of an individual exemplifies itself in slavery, indentured servitude, and even in the governmental systems that hold reign over the general population. The ability of one person to rule over another arises from both moral and physical inequalities. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a prominent Genevan philosopher, attempts to uncover the origin of inequality. In The Second Discourse, Rousseau systematically dissects the movement of humans away from their natural state and attempts to explain how inequality is derived. Shakespeare’s The Tempest tells the tale of a usurped Duke, Prospero, who suffers a life of exile on a mystical island. Overthrown by his own brother Antonio, Prospero seeks revenge. In a series of carefully planned events, Prospero strands a group of European lords on his isle, one of whom is Antonio.  Using his knowledge of magic, Prosp ero succeeds at obtaining control over his kingdom of Milan. On the surface, The Tempest appears unrelated to the work by Rousseau. However, quite the contrary is true. The Tempest is inundated with many similar philosophical ideas discussed in The Second Discourse. When comparing The Tempest and The Second Discourse, the themes of inequality versus equality, nature versus nurture, and savage man versus civilized man prevail. As described in The Tempest, it is clear to identify that inequality exists amongst the island’s inhabitants. Shakespeare illustrates this inequality with reference to the character Prospero. After being dethroned as the Duke of Milan, Prospero and his daughter Miranda are exiled from the country and set to sea on a raft. With the aide of supplies and magic ... ...for food and shelter. Whether barbaric or civilized, the actions of both Caliban and Prospero combine in a most interesting manner.    The Tempest and The Second Discourse are inundated with the themes of inequality versus equality, nature versus nurture, and savage man versus civil man. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a prominent philosopher of his time and author of The Second Discourse, attempts to pinpoint the origin of inequality. In doing so, he interestingly analyzes the differences between civilized man and natural man. William Shakespeare, a prolific writer during the Elizabethan Era and author of The Tempest, draws attention to issues facing mankind. While at first glance these two literary pieces appear to be unrelated, after analysis, they offer many similarities. What is most central is that both pieces offer insight into authority, power, and equality.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Culture Assessment Essay
Culture can be defined as a set of learned beliefs, values, norms and materials goods shared by group people. It includes everything that an individual adopts from a group in the process of living from infancy to old age. In the U. S and anywhere in the world, culture guides the social interactions between members of a society and influences the personal beliefs and values that shape an individual perception of their own environment (William E. T and Joseph H. 2005). Generally, cultural variations in many societies are as a result of class, ancestral, and religion disparities. William kufuor a middle aged man from the neighborhood but who subscribes to different cultural from most of the inhabitants of Miami was selected for an interview. He was supposed to reveal his beliefs values and norms concerning many situations in the U. S. The selected person is 35 years of age and his parents are immigrants from western Africa who migrated to the U. S in the early 1950’s and settled in Miami. He is a married man and works as an assistance professor in Chicago state university. His spouse is from Hispanic community who are also not Native Americans. The couple is blessed with two beautiful children aged between 5 years and 8 years. Although William was born and brought up in the U. S, he seems to incline so much towards African culture than the American culture. Kufuor as he is well known confesses to be a Christian and goes to church every Sunday together with his wife and children. His beliefs are that there exists a supreme creature called God who created all of us that and who is provider of everything. William seems to be very concern about body contact and personal space between him and other people especially those of the opposite sex. During the interview session he did keep a distance between me and him and whenever I tried to move closer he looked so much surprised. William like most American keeps an open space in between himself and his conversation partner. When offering greetings, Kufuor makes sure that there is minimal body contact and is most of the time he is very comfortable with a simple handshake as opposed to a hug or a kiss unless one is a very close relative and who is of the same sex except his wife only. This was evidenced when he moved away and offered a offered a handshake instead when a tried to hug him. William was believed to be one of the alienated African American, who may have discarded their ancestral beliefs and replaced them with the American beliefs. This was because he was born in America, grew, schooled and associated with Native Americans but after the interviews, it was against the expectations of the researcher since, he behaved like a typical African in his own country of origin. However, at home with his family the most used language was English, which was well spoken, written and conversed by all family members although William spoke fluent French. William said that it was because his wife was from a different culture which was Hispanic and that she was only fluent in English made them use English as the only language at home. William kufuor also takes the father and husband role and provides for everything to the family members, this did not mean that the wife did not contribute towards the family income. At home however unlike many Africans, William could cook for the family and perform many household chores that demanded his attention but mostly it was the wife who performed those household chores. When asked why he was liberal on issue concerning household chores since most people of the African culture believed that the kitchen was a place meant for women, William admitted that it was the country’s social structure that had influenced his way of doing things. He confessed that he had been influenced by his educational attainment, income and occupation. Thompson W. E and Joseph V. H (2005), Adams, J. Q. ; Pearlie S. A (2001) agree with Kufuor that it is not possible to understand people’s behaviour without assessing their social class since the social position possesses a great influence on almost all our feelings. They further agree that one’s religious beliefs are influenced by the social class, political affiliation, the foods he/she eats, clothes worn and associations. Kufuor beliefs that most of the diseases that are taking the lives of many in the world today are lifestyle related and are only avoided by behavioral change. He argues that the communicable and non communicable diseases are mainly as a result of unhealthy eating behaviors. However, the African culture upholds traditional medicines and concoctions which they belief are effective in the treatment of ailments than the modern medicine provided in hospitals. But kufuor admitted that he had deviated from those beliefs because of the education and exposure that he had acquired. The health care workers especially the nurses should treat people of this culture with a lot of love and care as well as emphasize with them so that they can change their perception towards healthcare facilities, since also these people prefer their indigenous foods as delicacies the nurses should provide them with the same but encourage them to diversify their intake so as to reduce the chances of getting deficiencies of some nutrients. The entire interview was lively since we communicated and understood each other very well using the American English. But however some necessary information was not revealed by interviewee this may be because he was not prepared well during the introduction so as to create a rapport end be able extract as much information as possible from the interviewee. Kufuor beliefs that most of the diseases that are causing havoc in the world today are as a result of what we eat, drink and think. He therefore argues that their solution not only lies in medication provided in the hospital but also in behavioral change among the affected. This involves minding what one eats and how he/she relates with the surrounding communities. Similary,kufuor feels that the hospital staff should also take a leading role in advising their clients both in-patient and out-patient about prevention measures of the common ailments. Reference: Thompson, William, Joseph hickey (2005). Society in focus. The culture of United States. Boston, M. A Pearson Adams, J. Q. ; Pearlie strother – Adams (2001): Dealing with diversity Chicago, LL Kendall/hunt publishing company.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Child Abuse in Vietnam
Banking Academy of Vietnam International Training Program (ITP) â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€-o0oâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- CHILD ABUSE IN VIETNAM Course Title:Academic writing Advisor: Student: Class: Hanoi, July 2012 1 ABTRACT In many countries, children are considered as the future of nation and should be provided with the best things, best condition for the development and nutrition. This is quite true and in fact, in developed countries such as the United States of America, France, Britain, Austria, etc. , children are always ranked as the highest priority more than other people.As â€Å"the future of country†, they must be protected far away from violence, infringement and exploitation. However, in contrast to developed countries, children in developing countries are not provided with good conditions and sometimes they are affected from something called abuse. Vietnam is also one of those countries suffering from this situation. So what is the real situation, causes and which solutions could best deal with that problem are what this paper will look into. Moreover, through it is expected that through the research the awareness of people regarding children could be much improved.Key words: child abuse, violence, infringement, exploitation, neglect, physical abuse, emotional abuse. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1. Research background: In Viet Nam, child abuse is a very hot topic and attracts a lot of attention from public. As a developing country, children in Vietnam are not provided with good condition and sometimes they are also considered as a kind of labor force. That could be happened everywhere from the city, mountainous areas, or countryside. 2. Research purpose: This research will identify the situation of child abuse in Vietnam and their causes, consequences as well as relevant solutions.Through it, reader may have better understanding of the situation and further contribute to the prevention of child abuse, at least in their family. 3. Definition of the key terms: In t his research, key terms are used and understood as follows: †¢Child abuse: child abuse or maltreatment constitutes all forms of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power. Child neglect: Neglect is the failure to provide for the development of the child in all spheres: health, education, emotional development, nutrition, shelter, and safe living conditions, in the context of resources reasonably available to the family or caretakers and causes or has a high probability of causing harm to the child’s health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development.This includes the failure to properly supervise and protect children from harm as much as is feasible †¢Physical abuse: Physical abuse of a child is that which results in actual or potential physical harm from an interaction or lack of an interaction, which is reasonably within the control of a parent or person in a position of responsibility, power or trust. There may be a single or repeated incidents. Emotional abuse: Emotional abuse includes the failure to provide a developmentally appropriate, supportive environment, including the availability of a primary attachment figure, so that the child can develop a stable and full range of emotional and social competencies commensurate with her or his personal potentials and in the context of the society in which the child dwells. There may also be acts towards the child that cause or have a high probability of causing harm to the child’s health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development.These acts must be reasonably within the control of the parent or person in a relationship of responsibility, trust or power. Acts include restriction of movement, patterns of belittling , denigrating, scapegoating, threatening, scaring, discriminating, ridiculing or other non-physical forms of hostile or rejecting treatment. †¢Sexual abuse: Child sexual abuse is the involvement of a child in sexual activity that he or she does not fully comprehend, is unable to give informed consent to, or for which the child is not developmentally prepared and cannot give consent, or that violate the laws or social taboos of society.Child sexual abuse is evidenced by this activity between a child and an adult or another child who by age or development is in a relationship of responsibility, trust or power, the activity being intended to gratify or satisfy the needs of the other person. This may include but is not limited to: ? The inducement or coercion of a child to engage in any unlawful sexual activity; ? The exploitative use of child in prostitution or other unlawful sexual practices; ? The exploitative use of children in pornographic performances and materials. Exploitat ion: Commercial or other exploitation of a child refers to use of the child in work or other activities for the benefit of others. This includes, but is not limited to, child labor and child prostitution. These activities are to the detriment of the child’s physical or mental health, education, or spiritual, moral or social-emotional development. (Source: World Heal Organization) 4. Significance of the research: As children will be the people who make up the future, when they are not provided with good conditions, that could lead to serious consequences to family and society.The situation will worse when they are abused, the research, therefore, is aiming at find out the root causes, identify the possible consequences and solution. It can help readers to better understand the problem and have right behaviors such as: helping other children, having better behaviors to children. The best results could be raising awareness of the whole society and decreasing the child abuse in V ietnam. 5. Methodology: In this research, the following methods are used: Data collection from books, magazines, internet to get statistics, data and general understanding of child abuse in Vietnam as well as to review other researches in this topic and identify which aspects are still missed. †¢Questionnaires have been distributed to 100 of people of over 20 years old to collect their opinion and understanding about child abuse as well as to find some suggested solutions. Procedures: At first, researcher finds books, magazines and all sources of information related to child abuse to get statistics, data about the problem.From this activity, researcher has identified what is child abuse, its consequences, and the existing situation. Further more, it can help researcher to determine which aspect is still missed and needed to be studied more. After that, questionnaires are developed and distribute to 100 people from the age of 20 to identify their understanding about child abuse and also to collect some suggestions for the solutions. The questionnaires provides the researcher with practical point of view to compare with those written in book or magazines. CHAPTER II. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 1. Situation of Child Abuse in VietnamFor children, family is the most solid and quiet shelter in their early years. To live with their parents and relatives and enjoy love as well as physical and mental care are the inalienable rights of every child. However, in fact, there are many children in Vietnam, who can't live like that. Even though Vietnam is one of the first members of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, the situation of children affected by violence still occurs at serious level. It has actually become an anxiety for both society and family and does occur with not only girls but also boys.For our country, the situation of violence against children or child abuse in recent years tends to increase in both number and extent. Here are some st atistics on the media: From 2008-2009, there were 5956 cases of child abuse (an average of 3,000 cases a year), over 100 child murders and 50 kidnappings, child trafficking were detected and processed. Many children suffered from violence from their parents, family members, teachers, employers and the persons responsible for foster care. (em tim them mot so dan chung, so lieu ve lam dung tre em o Vietnam nhe) 2. Causes:Through collection of information and conduct of questionnaires, the following causes of the child abuse in Vietnam has been identified: Poverty Insufficient legal system Inappropriate teaching method Family break (em tim them mot so nguyen nhan nua nhe) Two main reasons are the same thing repeated: -First, The law is not sufficient deterrent. -Second, despite the law, but we do not comply in. Article 110 of the Penal Code on charges of torturing other people who have defined cruelty with an audience of dependent children shall be subject to warning, non-custodial ref orm for one year to three years.This is the sentence too light. While child abuse cases are often repeated in a long time that children not only affected physically but also mentally affected very badly, sometimes those that haunt the children for life. – At school, the punishment by using whips from customs, cultural traditions from the previous generation to the â€Å"Trade for the whip, to jump. †Under the old way of thinking of Vietnam, the teacher is very powerful, the idea that parents â€Å"should be the new hit†. So, should the majority support him, his teacher spanking children as a punishment to help them know the next time the error does not recur again.In addition to the teacher, the teacher with the indifference of pedagogy, the lack of knowledge of social, legal, psychological †¦ These factors led to the application of whips or insulting words to physical and spiritual children. – At home, along with the traditional view â€Å"Trade f or whip, to jump†, the parents reported that the use of whips children is their right, largely due to the education of children, with family present from 1 to 2 children, the parents are expecting children, investing heavily in education leading to heavy pressure with the children, using whips to force the children to achieve results as your parents want.Besides, there are many different reasons for parents to use whips for children, husband and wife hit me angry, angry with her husband also hit me, hit me daughter in response to her husband, son in law does not by his mother and wife also brought me out to battle †¦ in addition, a form of violence in the family, it is the excessive demand for their age and development of children and with words or actions that cause children to be mental damage, outraged, abandoned, rejected love . There are also many cases of children being beaten by parents' own childhood by their parents also lead to violence so traumatic and they als o teach children to use violence. The boys live in family violence, father or mother type . Long days also affected the character of father . (nhung ly do em neu o day chua thuyet phuc, em tim lai nhe) 2. Consequences: (tim lai cac hau qua, anh huong cua child abuse, phai ro rang theo tung muc vi du nhu: anh huong len gia dinh, anh huong len xa hoi, anh huong len giao duc, anh huong den tinh mang cua tre em, vv.. Violence against children is traumatic for children in psychiatric severity. The psychological research on children indicates that children are not cared for and caring will be taught psychological deviations unruly freedom, prefer to use violence. – The boys live in family violence, father or mother type †¦ Long days also affected the character of father. Many children are growing up and harsh, rude, even cruel to women like father or the child is more violence against women published. aking crime when enticeme. For girls, the most often aloof, afraid of men, a fraid of marriage, illness self-esteem, depression, panic neurological †¦ that is, the girls would be difficult to integrate with the community than the boys. – Both boys and girls often witnessed violence in the family, make sure the child is likely to have violence, poor education, may be arising negative intentions, and psychological operations are passive, there be prone to headaches, stomach pain and neuralgia style schizophrenia. Vulnerable age group is 5-10 years old †¦Domestic violence causes mental trauma in children, injuries that can last a lifetime, causing deep wounds in the minds of children â€Å". 3. Solutions The cases sexually abused children, domestic violence recently has once again sounding bells, there should be drastic measures to protect children. Along with that, in the current situation, policy system, legal protection, child care need to be completed quickly. Crimes against the immediate future, especially violence against children is to be heard with strict penalty, more closely.Need to build inter-sectoral coordination mechanisms at both central and unified basis in the detection, treatment, intervention, help abused children, domestic violence. Propaganda and dissemination of policies and laws of the State and measures to prevent and combat violence against children should be taken regularly to the executive committee, government, communities, schools, families and children. To ensure that in future, prevent and gradually reverse the violence, child abuse should focus on the weaknesses in the coordination of activities between ministries, sectors, localities and communities society.They also need to be urgently overcome the weaknesses in the overall investment structure and the overall budget for child protection; research established the National Commission on children to contribute to prevention of violence against children in the future. The authorities and relevant agencies should also consider the problem as a factor in the development of local society. Moreover, we should focus on building child protection system in which to strengthen and consolidate the team of civil servants, social workers engaged in the protection, care and forming services social protection young to be systematic and professional.System policies and laws on the protection and care for children should be completed quickly, clearly defining the responsibilities of all levels and branches in this area, can even study the construction of the law. For localities should do better propagation and dissemination of knowledge and education on violence against children and raise awareness of parenting for parents. Parents also must quickly try to correct the pragmatism that is affecting families, such as overly pampered children or children at the mercy †¦ And each family member should review yourself, do not blame each other.Need to devote more time to stay inside their loved ones, to understand and share with each o ther, especially when conflicts occur. Despite many difficulties and challenges, but in the next period by the resolution of legal, judicial, administrative and other measures of education, social conformity to stop and eventually reverse the violence power, abuse of children. In summary, to prevent violence against children requires the close coordination, synchronization between the three family environment, school and society. CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION ReferencesAppendix Questionnaires used for the research: That survey researches about child abuse in Vietnam. This survey questionnaire aims to find out your knowledge child abuse. Therefore, your help is not only useful for me to complete my research, but also useful for futher this problem. Please complete all the following questions. Thanks you for your help! I. Personal Information (Please circle your choice) NAME: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. DOB:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 1. Gender? Male Female 2. What is your age-group? 18-23 24-54 over 54 II.Multiple choice: Choose and circle the best answer 1. What do you think about reality child abuse in Vietnam? Very serious Normal Other answer 2. Who did talk to you about the event about child abuse in Vietnam? The mass media People around me Don’t pay attention 3. If you are in one of the child abuse. At this time happen, did you feel? Always calm (Luon binh tinh ) feeling scared It never happened to me 4. If you suspect or know of a child being abused. What would you do? Nothing Intervene and dissuade (Can thi? p va ngan c? n) Report to political power (Bao cao v? quy? n l? c chinh tr? ) 5. Child abuse- who is having responsibility about child abuse? Family and Social Themselves Both A and B III. Short answered questions: Give short answer of these below questions 1. In your opinion, what is cause of child abuse? 2. What should you do if you are young and you think you are being abuse d by your parent? 3. What do you say to a teen who is telling you that they are being abused? 4. Many parents think that spare the rod, spoil the child. What do you think about that opinion? Do you agree or disagree? Why?
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